+ {% if locations is defined and locations %}
+ <section id="location">
+ <h2>{% trans %}Locations{% endtrans %}</h2>
+ <div class="panel grid">
+ {% for id, title in locations %}
+ <section class="cell">
+ <h3><a href="{{ path('rapsys_air_location_view', {'id': id}) }}">{{ title }}</a></h3>
+ {% if snippets is defined and snippets[id] is defined and snippets[id] %}
+ {{ form_start(snippets[id]) }}
+ <div>
+ {{ form_row(snippets[id].description) }}
+ {{ form_row(snippets[id].submit) }}
+ {% if snippets[id].delete is defined %}
+ {{ form_row(snippets[id].delete) }}
+ {% endif %}
+ </div>
+ {# render csrf token etc .#}
+ <footer style="display:none">{{ form_rest(snippets[id]) }}</footer>
+ {{ form_end(snippets[id]) }}
+ {% endif %}
+ </section>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ </section>
+ {% endif %}