]> Raphaël G. Git Repositories - tools/log
5 years agoAdd new_ipv4 constructor that build NetAddr::IP object 0.4
Raphaël Gertz [Sat, 30 Nov 2019 23:03:33 +0000 (00:03 +0100)]
Add new_ipv4 constructor that build NetAddr::IP object
Prevent read of /etc/resolv.conf by gethostbyname in each NetAddr::IP->new call
Only ban the ip on specified port and protocol
Ban full ip on protocol with more than 5 port tried
Compare length as numeric to have intended proper output

5 years agoChange whitelist variable type from regexp to hash 0.3
Raphaël Gertz [Thu, 14 Nov 2019 07:37:01 +0000 (08:37 +0100)]
Change whitelist variable type from regexp to hash
Fix journalctl to extract from kernel identifier instead of limited dmesg
Switch to new dovecot/ssh/shorewall matching
Whitelist ipv4 netmask from hash instead of hardcoded values
Remove sshd.service journal parsing

7 years agoUpdate ips 0.2
Raphaël Gertz [Fri, 21 Apr 2017 09:25:46 +0000 (11:25 +0200)]
Update ips

8 years agoAdd local tools 0.1
Raphaël Gertz [Fri, 24 Mar 2017 20:38:12 +0000 (21:38 +0100)]
Add local tools