+ is_outdated_version,
cmd = [self.exe, '--location', '-o', tmpfilename]
for key, val in info_dict['http_headers'].items():
cmd += ['--header', '%s: %s' % (key, val)]
+ cmd += self._bool_option('--continue-at', 'continuedl', '-', '0')
+ cmd += self._valueless_option('--silent', 'noprogress')
+ cmd += self._valueless_option('--verbose', 'verbose')
+ cmd += self._option('--limit-rate', 'ratelimit')
+ cmd += self._option('--retry', 'retries')
+ cmd += self._option('--max-filesize', 'max_filesize')
cmd += self._option('--interface', 'source_address')
cmd += self._option('--proxy', 'proxy')
cmd += self._valueless_option('--insecure', 'nocheckcertificate')
cmd += ['--', info_dict['url']]
return cmd
+ def _call_downloader(self, tmpfilename, info_dict):
+ cmd = [encodeArgument(a) for a in self._make_cmd(tmpfilename, info_dict)]
+ self._debug_cmd(cmd)
+ # curl writes the progress to stderr so don't capture it.
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
+ p.communicate()
+ return p.returncode
class AxelFD(ExternalFD):
args = [ffpp.executable, '-y']
+ seekable = info_dict.get('_seekable')
+ if seekable is not None:
+ # setting -seekable prevents ffmpeg from guessing if the server
+ # supports seeking(by adding the header `Range: bytes=0-`), which
+ # can cause problems in some cases
+ # https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/11800#issuecomment-275037127
+ # http://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6125#comment:10
+ args += ['-seekable', '1' if seekable else '0']
args += self._configuration_args()
# start_time = info_dict.get('start_time') or 0
if proxy:
if not re.match(r'^[\da-zA-Z]+://', proxy):
proxy = 'http://%s' % proxy
+ if proxy.startswith('socks'):
+ self.report_warning(
+ '%s does not support SOCKS proxies. Downloading is likely to fail. '
+ 'Consider adding --hls-prefer-native to your command.' % self.get_basename())
# Since December 2015 ffmpeg supports -http_proxy option (see
# http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=commit;h=b4eb1f29ebddd60c41a2eb39f5af701e38e0d3fd)
# We could switch to the following code if we are able to detect version properly
if self.params.get('hls_use_mpegts', False) or tmpfilename == '-':
args += ['-f', 'mpegts']
- args += ['-f', 'mp4', '-bsf:a', 'aac_adtstoasc']
+ args += ['-f', 'mp4']
+ if (ffpp.basename == 'ffmpeg' and is_outdated_version(ffpp._versions['ffmpeg'], '3.2', False)) and (not info_dict.get('acodec') or info_dict['acodec'].split('.')[0] in ('aac', 'mp4a')):
+ args += ['-bsf:a', 'aac_adtstoasc']
elif protocol == 'rtmp':
args += ['-f', 'flv']
class AVconvFD(FFmpegFD):
_BY_NAME = dict(
(klass.get_basename(), klass)
for name, klass in globals().items()