#! /usr/bin/perl # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 Raphaël Gertz <acmepl@rapsys.eu> # Best practice use strict; use warnings; # Fix use of acl use filetest 'access'; # Load dependancies use Carp qw(carp confess); use DateTime; use File::Path qw(make_path); use File::stat qw(stat); use File::Spec; use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file); use JSON qw(decode_json); use IPC::System::Simple qw(capturex $EXITVAL); use acme qw(CERT_DIR CONFIG DS KEY_DIR SERVER_CRT SERVER_KEY); # Load POSIX use POSIX qw(strftime EXIT_SUCCESS EXIT_FAILURE); # Init debug my $debug = 0; # Init config my $config = undef; # Strip and enable debug @ARGV = map { if ($_ eq '-d') { $debug = 1; (); } else { $_; } } @ARGV; # Check config file if (! -f CONFIG) { print 'Config file '.CONFIG.' do not exists'."\n"; exit EXIT_FAILURE; } # Load config unless ( #XXX: use eval to workaround a fatal in decode_json eval { # Read it ($config = read_file(CONFIG)) && # Decode it ($config = decode_json($config)) && # Check hash validity defined($config->{certificates}) && # Check not empty scalar($config->{certificates}) && # Check hash validity defined($config->{thumbprint}) && # Check certificates array ! scalar map {unless(defined($_->{cert}) && defined($_->{key}) && defined($_->{mail}) && defined($_->{domain}) && defined($_->{domains})) {1;} else {();}} @{$config->{certificates}} } ) { print 'Config file '.CONFIG.' is invalid'."\n"; exit EXIT_FAILURE; } # Deal with certificates foreach (@{$config->{certificates}}) { # Init variables my ($mtime, $dt, $suffix) = undef; # Skip certificate without 60 days if (-f $_->{cert} && ($mtime = stat($_->{cert})->mtime) >= (time() - 60*24*3600)) { next; } # Extract cert directory and filename my (undef, $certDir) = File::Spec->splitpath($_->{cert}); # Check that certificate is writable unless (-w $certDir || -w $_->{cert}) { carp('directory '.$certDir.' or file '.$_->{cert}.' must be writable: '.$!); next; } # Check that key directory exists if (! -d KEY_DIR) { # Create all paths make_path(KEY_DIR, {error => \my $err}); if (@$err) { map { my ($file, $msg) = %$_; carp ($file eq '' ? '' : $file.': ').$msg if ($debug); } @$err; confess 'make_path failed'; } } # Unlink if is a symlink if (-l KEY_DIR.DS.SERVER_KEY) { unless(unlink(KEY_DIR.DS.SERVER_KEY)) { carp('unlink '.KEY_DIR.DS.SERVER_KEY.' failed: '.$!); next; } } # Symlink to key unless(symlink($_->{key}, KEY_DIR.DS.SERVER_KEY)) { carp('symlink '.$_->{key}.' to '.KEY_DIR.DS.SERVER_KEY.' failed: '.$!); next; } # Init args my @args = @{$_->{domains}}; # Prepend mail and domain to other args unshift(@args, $_->{mail}, $_->{domain}); # Preprend prod if (defined $_->{prod} && $_->{prod}) { unshift(@args, '-p'); } # Preprend debug if ($debug) { unshift(@args, '-d'); } # Run letscert with args my @out = capturex([0..1], 'letscert', @args); # Deal with error if ($EXITVAL != 0) { print join("\n", @out) if ($debug); carp('letscert '.join(', ', @args).' failed: '.$!); next; } # Read cert my $content; unless($content = read_file(CERT_DIR.DS.SERVER_CRT)) { carp('read_file '.CERT_DIR.DS.SERVER_CRT.' failed: '.$!); next; } # Handle old certificate if (-w $certDir && -f $_->{cert}) { # Extract datetime suffix $suffix = ($dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $mtime))->ymd('').$dt->hms(''); # Rename old certificate unless(rename($_->{cert}, $_->{cert}.'.'.$suffix)) { carp('rename '.$_->{cert}.' to '.$_->{cert}.'.'.$suffix.' failed: '.$!); next; } } # Save cert unless(write_file($_->{cert}, $content)) { carp('write_file '.$_->{cert}.' failed: '.$!); next; } } # Exit with success exit EXIT_SUCCESS;