Acme 2.0.3 Raphaël Gertz (Rapsys) <> This program generate letsencrypt free certificates. 01. What's acme? ---------------- Acme is a fast and simple certificate generator using ACME v2 API. Consult: * man 1 acme: general documentation. * man 1 acme-conf: about config generation. * man 1 acme-cert: about certificate generation. * man 1 acme-cron: about cron job setup. 02. Acme conf ------------- * acme conf [-(v|-verbose)] [-(c|-config)[=/etc/acme/config]][[,]] [...] [-(d|-debian)] 03. Acme cert ------------- * acme cert [-(v|-verbose)] [-(c|-config)[=/etc/acme/config]] [] [...] 04. Acme cron ------------- * acme cron [-(v|-verbose)] [-(c|-config)[=/etc/acme/config]] [] [...] 05. Acme options ---------------- * --verbose: Produces a verbose report about the current process for the purpose of problem analysis. * --config: Use the specified configuration file. If the pathname is omitted, the file specified in Acme::CONFIG constant is assumed. Default value is /etc/acme/config * --debian: Use debian specific path schema in configuration file. If omitted, the default redhat path schema is assumed. 06. Contribute -------------- You may buy me a Beer, a Tea or help with Server fees with a paypal donation to the address <> or via the donation page. Don't forget to show your love for this project, feel free to report bugs to the author, issues which are security relevant should be disclosed privately first. Patches are welcomed and grant credit when requested. 07. Documentation ----------------- A formated and hyperlinked copy of the lastest ACME v2 API documentation can be viewed at: This Acme implementation can be used for Let's Encrypt free, automated and open certificate authority, their documentation can be viewed at: 08. Author ---------- Raphaël Gertz (Rapsys) <> 09. Bugs -------- No known bugs.