-acmeconf [-(r|-redhat|d|-debian)] [example.com[,www.example.com,...]] [...]
+acmeconf [-(r|-redhat|d|-debian)] [example.com[,www.example.com,...]] [-(t|-term)[=https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.1.1-August-1-2016.pdf]] [...] > /etc/acme/config
Use -r or --redhat directive for a distribution using redhat certificate path (/etc/pki/tls).
Use -d or --debian for a distribution using debian like certificate base path (/etc/ssl).
These directives can be followed by domain and alternative(s) domain(s) list each separated by a coma, the first one of the list will be used as principal domain name.
Use -r or --redhat directive for a distribution using redhat certificate path (/etc/pki/tls).
Use -d or --debian for a distribution using debian like certificate base path (/etc/ssl).
These directives can be followed by domain and alternative(s) domain(s) list each separated by a coma, the first one of the list will be used as principal domain name.