Move index to DefaultController::userIndex
[airbundle] / Resources / views / mail / register.html.twig
1 {% extends '@RapsysAir/mail/body.html.twig' %}
2 {% block title %}{{ subject }}{% endblock %}
3 {% block content %}
4 <table class="content">
5 <tr>
6 <td>&nbsp;</td>
7 <td>
8 <h2>{{ 'Subject: %subject%'|trans({'%subject%': 'welcome to %site.title%'|trans({'%site.title%': site.title})|raw}) }}</h2>
9 <h3>{% if recipient_name %}{{ 'Hi %recipient_name%,'|trans({'%recipient_name%': recipient_name}) }}{% else %}{% trans %}Hi,{% endtrans %}{% endif %}</h3>
10 <p>{{ 'Thanks so much for joining %site.title%, the space reservation program.'|trans({'%site.title%': site.title}) }}</p>
11 <p>{% trans %}To create your account you must follow this link:{% endtrans %}</p>
12 <p><a href="{{ confirm_url|escape('html_attr') }}" class="link">{{ confirm_url }}</a></p>
13 </td>
14 <td>&nbsp;</td>
15 </tr>
16 </table>
17 {% endblock %}