<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of the Rapsys AirBundle package. * * (c) Raphaël Gertz <symfony@rapsys.eu> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Rapsys\AirBundle\Controller; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface; use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry; use Google\Client; use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security; use Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactoryInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface; use Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\UserPasswordHasherInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\Cache\ItemInterface; use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface; use Rapsys\UserBundle\Controller\UserController as BaseUserController; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\Dance; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\GoogleCalendar; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\GoogleToken; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\User; use Rapsys\PackBundle\Util\SluggerUtil; use Twig\Environment; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ class UserController extends BaseUserController { /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @param CacheInterface $cache The cache instance * @param AuthorizationCheckerInterface $checker The checker instance * @param ContainerInterface $container The container instance * @param ManagerRegistry $doctrine The doctrine instance * @param FormFactoryInterface $factory The factory instance * @param UserPasswordHasherInterface $hasher The password hasher instance * @param LoggerInterface $logger The logger instance * @param MailerInterface $mailer The mailer instance * @param EntityManagerInterface $manager The manager instance * @param RouterInterface $router The router instance * @param Security $security The security instance * @param SluggerUtil $slugger The slugger instance * @param RequestStack $stack The stack instance * @param TranslatorInterface $translator The translator instance * @param Environment $twig The twig environment instance * @param Client $google The google client instance * @param integer $limit The page limit */ public function __construct(protected CacheInterface $cache, protected AuthorizationCheckerInterface $checker, protected ContainerInterface $container, protected ManagerRegistry $doctrine, protected FormFactoryInterface $factory, protected UserPasswordHasherInterface $hasher, protected LoggerInterface $logger, protected MailerInterface $mailer, protected EntityManagerInterface $manager, protected RouterInterface $router, protected Security $security, protected SluggerUtil $slugger, protected RequestStack $stack, protected TranslatorInterface $translator, protected Environment $twig, protected Client $google, protected int $limit = 5) { //Call parent constructor parent::__construct($this->cache, $this->checker, $this->container, $this->doctrine, $this->factory, $this->hasher, $this->logger, $this->mailer, $this->manager, $this->router, $this->security, $this->slugger, $this->stack, $this->translator, $this->twig, $this->limit); //Replace google client redirect uri $this->google->setRedirectUri($this->router->generate($this->google->getRedirectUri(), [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function edit(Request $request, string $hash, string $mail): Response { //With invalid hash if ($hash != $this->slugger->hash($mail)) { //Throw bad request throw new BadRequestHttpException($this->translator->trans('Invalid %field% field: %value%', ['%field%' => 'hash', '%value%' => $hash])); } //Get mail $mail = $this->slugger->unshort($smail = $mail); //With existing subscriber if (empty($user = $this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['user'])->findOneByMail($mail))) { //Throw not found //XXX: prevent slugger reverse engineering by not displaying decoded mail throw $this->createNotFoundException($this->translator->trans('Unable to find account %mail%', ['%mail%' => $smail])); } //Prevent access when not admin, user is not guest and not currently logged user if (!$this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN') && $user != $this->security->getUser() || !$this->checker->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) { //Throw access denied //XXX: prevent slugger reverse engineering by not displaying decoded mail throw $this->createAccessDeniedException($this->translator->trans('Unable to access user: %mail%', ['%mail%' => $smail])); } //Create the RegisterType form and give the proper parameters $edit = $this->factory->create($this->config['edit']['view']['edit'], $user, [ //Set action to register route name and context 'action' => $this->generateUrl($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail, 'hash' => $hash]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']), //Set civility class 'civility_class' => $this->config['class']['civility'], //Set civility default 'civility_default' => $this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['civility'])->findOneByTitle($this->config['default']['civility']), //Set country class 'country_class' => $this->config['class']['country'], //Set country default 'country_default' => $this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['country'])->findOneByTitle($this->config['default']['country']), //Set country favorites 'country_favorites' => $this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['country'])->findByTitle($this->config['default']['country_favorites']), //Set dance 'dance' => $this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN'), //Set dance choices 'dance_choices' => $danceChoices = $this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['dance'])->findChoicesAsArray(), //Set dance default #'dance_default' => /*$this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['dance'])->findOneByNameType($this->config['default']['dance'])*/null, //Set dance favorites 'dance_favorites' => $this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['dance'])->findIdByNameTypeAsArray($this->config['default']['dance_favorites']), //Set subscription 'subscription' => $this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN'), //Set subscription choices 'subscription_choices' => $subscriptionChoices = $this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['user'])->findChoicesAsArray(), //Set subscription default #'subscription_default' => /*$this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['user'])->findOneByPseudonym($this->config['default']['subscription'])*/null, //Set subscription favorites 'subscription_favorites' => $this->doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['user'])->findIdByPseudonymAsArray($this->config['default']['subscription_favorites']), //Disable mail 'mail' => $this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN'), //Disable pseudonym 'pseudonym' => $this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_GUEST'), //Disable password 'password' => false, //Set method 'method' => 'POST' ]+$this->config['edit']['field']); //With admin role if ($this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) { //Create the ResetType form and give the proper parameters $reset = $this->factory->create($this->config['edit']['view']['reset'], $user, [ //Set action to register route name and context 'action' => $this->generateUrl($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail, 'hash' => $hash]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']), //Disable mail 'mail' => false, //Set method 'method' => 'POST' ]); //With post method if ($request->isMethod('POST')) { //Refill the fields in case the form is not valid. $reset->handleRequest($request); //With reset submitted and valid if ($reset->isSubmitted() && $reset->isValid()) { //Set data $data = $reset->getData(); //Set password $data->setPassword($this->hasher->hashPassword($data, $data->getPassword())); //Queue user password save $this->manager->persist($data); //Flush to get the ids $this->manager->flush(); //Add notice $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% password updated', ['%mail%' => $mail])); //Redirect to cleanup the form return $this->redirectToRoute($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail, 'hash' => $hash]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']); } } //Add reset view $this->config['edit']['view']['context']['reset'] = $reset->createView(); //Add google calendar array $this->config['edit']['view']['context']['calendar'] = [ //Form by mail 'form' => [], //Uri to link account 'link' => null, //Logo 'logo' => [ 'png' => '@RapsysAir/png/calendar.png', 'svg' => '@RapsysAir/svg/calendar.svg' ] ]; //Set login hint $this->google->setLoginHint($user->getMail()); //With user tokens if (!($googleTokens = $user->getGoogleTokens())->isEmpty()) { //Iterate on each google token //XXX: either we finish with a valid token set or a logic exception after token removal foreach($googleTokens as $googleToken) { //Clear client cache before changing access token //TODO: set a per token cache ? $this->google->getCache()->clear(); //Set access token $this->google->setAccessToken( [ 'access_token' => $googleToken->getAccess(), 'refresh_token' => $googleToken->getRefresh(), 'created' => $googleToken->getCreated()->getTimestamp(), 'expires_in' => $googleToken->getExpired()->getTimestamp() - (new \DateTime('now'))->getTimestamp(), ] ); //With expired token if ($this->google->isAccessTokenExpired()) { //Refresh token if (($refresh = $this->google->getRefreshToken()) && ($token = $this->google->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($refresh)) && empty($token['error'])) { //Set access token $googleToken->setAccess($token['access_token']); //Set expires $googleToken->setExpired(new \DateTime('+'.$token['expires_in'].' second')); //Set refresh $googleToken->setRefresh($token['refresh_token']); //Queue google token save $this->manager->persist($googleToken); //Flush to get the ids $this->manager->flush(); //Refresh failed } else { //Add error in flash message $this->addFlash( 'error', $this->translator->trans( empty($token['error'])?'Unable to refresh token':'Unable to refresh token: %error%', empty($token['error'])?[]:['%error%' => str_replace('_', ' ', $token['error'])] ) ); //Set calendar mails $cmails = []; //Iterate on each google token calendars foreach($googleToken->getGoogleCalendars() as $googleCalendar) { //Add calendar mail $cmails[] = $googleCalendar->getMail(); //Remove google token calendar $this->manager->remove($googleCalendar); } //Log unlinked google token infos $this->logger->emergency( $this->translator->trans( 'expired: mail=%mail% gmail=%gmail% cmails=%cmails% locale=%locale%', [ '%mail%' => $googleToken->getUser()->getMail(), '%gmail%' => $googleToken->getMail(), '%cmails' => implode(',', $cmails), '%locale%' => $request->getLocale() ] ) ); //Remove google token $this->manager->remove($googleToken); //Flush to delete it $this->manager->flush(); //TODO: warn user by mail ? //Skip to next token continue; } } //XXX: TODO: remove DEBUG #$this->cache->delete('user.edit.calendar.'.$this->slugger->short($googleToken->getMail())); //Retrieve calendar try { //Get calendars $calendars = $this->cache->get( //Set key to user.edit.$mail ($calendarKey = 'user.edit.calendar.'.($googleShortMail = $this->slugger->short($googleMail = $googleToken->getMail()))), //Fetch mail calendar list function (ItemInterface $item): array { //Expire after 1h $item->expiresAfter(3600); //Get google calendar service $service = new \Google\Service\Calendar($this->google); //Init calendars $calendars = []; //Init counter $count = 0; //Set page token $pageToken = null; //Iterate until next page token is null do { //Get token calendar list //XXX: require permission to read and write events $calendarList = $service->calendarList->listCalendarList(['pageToken' => $pageToken, 'minAccessRole' => 'writer', 'showHidden' => true]); //Iterate on items foreach($calendarList->getItems() as $calendarItem) { //With primary calendar if ($calendarItem->getPrimary()) { //Add primary calendar //XXX: use primary as key as described in google api documentation $calendars = ['primary' => $this->translator->trans('Primary') /*$calendarItem->getSummary()*/] + $calendars; //With secondary calendar } else { //Add secondary calendar //XXX: Append counter to make sure summary is unique for later array_flip call $calendars += [$calendarItem->getId() => $calendarItem->getSummary().' ('.++$count.')']; } } } while ($pageToken = $calendarList->getNextPageToken()); //Cache calendars return $calendars; } ); //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //With 401 or code //XXX: see https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors if ($e->getCode() == 401 || $e->getCode() == 403) { //Add error in flash message $this->addFlash( 'error', $this->translator->trans( 'Unable to list calendars: %error%', ['%error%' => $e->getMessage()] ) ); //Set calendar mails $cmails = []; //Iterate on each google token calendars foreach($googleToken->getGoogleCalendars() as $googleCalendar) { //Add calendar mail $cmails[] = $googleCalendar->getMail(); //Remove google token calendar $this->manager->remove($googleCalendar); } //Log unlinked google token infos $this->logger->emergency( $this->translator->trans( 'denied: mail=%mail% gmail=%gmail% cmails=%cmails% locale=%locale%', [ '%mail%' => $googleToken->getUser()->getMail(), '%gmail%' => $googleToken->getMail(), '%cmails' => implode(',', $cmails), '%locale%' => $request->getLocale() ] ) ); //Remove google token $this->manager->remove($googleToken); //Flush to delete it $this->manager->flush(); //TODO: warn user by mail ? //Skip to next token continue; } //Throw error throw new \LogicException('Calendar list failed', 0, $e); } //Set formData array $formData = ['calendar' => []]; //With google calendars if (!($googleCalendars = $googleToken->getGoogleCalendars())->isEmpty()) { //Iterate on each google calendars foreach($googleCalendars as $googleCalendar) { //With existing google calendar if (isset($calendars[$googleCalendar->getMail()])) { //Add google calendar to form data $formData['calendar'][] = $googleCalendar->getMail(); } else { //Remove google calendar from database $this->manager->remove($googleCalendar); //Flush to persist ids $this->manager->flush(); } } } //TODO: add feature for alerts (-30min/-1h) ? //TODO: [Direct link to calendar ?][Direct link to calendar settings ?][Alerts][Remove] //Create the CalendarType form and give the proper parameters $form = $this->factory->createNamed('calendar_'.$googleShortMail, 'Rapsys\AirBundle\Form\CalendarType', $formData, [ //Set action to register route name and context 'action' => $this->generateUrl($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail, 'hash' => $hash]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']), //Set calendar choices //XXX: unique calendar summary required by choice widget is guaranteed by appending ' (x)' to secondary calendars earlier 'calendar_choices' => array_flip($calendars), //Set method 'method' => 'POST' ]); //With post method if ($request->isMethod('POST')) { //Refill the fields in case the form is not valid. $form->handleRequest($request); //With reset submitted and valid if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { //Set data $data = $form->getData(); //Refresh button if (($clicked = $form->getClickedButton()->getName()) == 'refresh') { //Remove calendar key $this->cache->delete($calendarKey); //Add notice $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% calendars updated', ['%mail%' => $googleMail])); //Add button } elseif ($clicked == 'add') { //Get google calendar service $service = new \Google\Service\Calendar($this->google); //Add calendar try { //Instantiate calendar $calendar = new \Google\Service\Calendar\Calendar( [ 'summary' => $this->translator->trans($this->config['context']['site']['title']), 'timeZone' => date_default_timezone_get() ] ); //Insert calendar $service->calendars->insert($calendar); //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //Throw error throw new \LogicException('Calendar insert failed', 0, $e); } //Remove calendar key $this->cache->delete($calendarKey); //Add notice $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% calendar added', ['%mail%' => $googleMail])); //Delete button } elseif ($clicked == 'delete') { //Get google calendar service $service = new \Google\Service\Calendar($this->google); //Remove calendar try { //Set site title $siteTitle = $this->translator->trans($this->config['context']['site']['title']); //Iterate on calendars foreach($calendars as $calendarId => $calendarSummary) { //With calendar matching site title if (substr($calendarSummary, 0, strlen($siteTitle)) == $siteTitle) { //Delete the calendar $service->calendars->delete($calendarId); } } //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //Throw error throw new \LogicException('Calendar delete failed', 0, $e); } //Remove calendar key $this->cache->delete($calendarKey); //Add notice $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% calendars deleted', ['%mail%' => $googleMail])); //Unlink button } elseif ($clicked == 'unlink') { //Iterate on each google calendars foreach($googleCalendars as $googleCalendar) { //Remove google calendar from database $this->manager->remove($googleCalendar); } //Remove google token from database $this->manager->remove($googleToken); //Flush to persist $this->manager->flush(); //Revoke access token $this->google->revokeToken($googleToken->getAccess()); //With refresh token if ($refresh = $googleToken->getRefresh()) { //Revoke refresh token $this->google->revokeToken($googleToken->getRefresh()); } //Remove calendar key $this->cache->delete($calendarKey); //Add notice $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% calendars unlinked', ['%mail%' => $googleMail])); //Submit button } else { //Flipped calendar data $dataCalendarFlip = array_flip($data['calendar']); //Iterate on each google calendars foreach($googleCalendars as $googleCalendar) { //Without calendar in flipped data if (!isset($dataCalendarFlip[$googleCalendarMail = $googleCalendar->getMail()])) { //Remove google calendar from database $this->manager->remove($googleCalendar); //With calendar in flipped data } else { //Remove google calendar from calendar data unset($data['calendar'][$dataCalendarFlip[$googleCalendarMail]]); } } //Iterate on remaining calendar data foreach($data['calendar'] as $googleCalendarMail) { //Create new google calendar //XXX: remove trailing ' (x)' from summary $googleCalendar = new GoogleCalendar($googleToken, $googleCalendarMail, preg_replace('/ \([0-9]\)$/', '', $calendars[$googleCalendarMail])); //Queue google calendar save $this->manager->persist($googleCalendar); } //Flush to persist ids $this->manager->flush(); //Add notice $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% calendars updated', ['%mail%' => $googleMail])); } //Redirect to cleanup the form return $this->redirectToRoute($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail, 'hash' => $hash]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']); } } //Add form view $this->config['edit']['view']['context']['calendar']['form'][$googleToken->getMail()] = $form->createView(); } } //Add google calendar auth url $this->config['edit']['view']['context']['calendar']['link'] = $this->google->createAuthUrl(); } //With post method if ($request->isMethod('POST')) { //Refill the fields in case the form is not valid. $edit->handleRequest($request); //With edit submitted and valid if ($edit->isSubmitted() && $edit->isValid()) { //Set data $data = $edit->getData(); //Queue user save $this->manager->persist($data); //Try saving in database try { //Flush to get the ids $this->manager->flush(); //Add notice //XXX: get mail from data as it may change $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% updated', ['%mail%' => $mail = $data->getMail()])); //Redirect to cleanup the form return $this->redirectToRoute($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail = $this->slugger->short($mail), 'hash' => $this->slugger->hash($smail)]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']); //Catch double slug or mail } catch (UniqueConstraintViolationException $e) { //Add error message mail already exists $this->addFlash('error', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% already exists', ['%mail%' => $data->getMail()])); } } //Without admin role //XXX: prefer a reset on login to force user unspam action } elseif (!$this->checker->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) { //Add notice $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('To change your password login with your mail and any password then follow the procedure')); } //Render view return $this->render( //Template $this->config['edit']['view']['name'], //Context ['edit' => $edit->createView(), 'sent' => $request->query->get('sent', 0)]+$this->config['edit']['view']['context'] ); } /** * Handle google callback * * @param Request $request The request * @return Response The response */ public function googleCallback(Request $request): Response { //Without code if (empty($code = $request->query->get('code', ''))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Query parameter code is empty'); } //Without user if (empty($user = $this->security->getUser())) { throw new \LogicException('User is empty'); } //Set google client login hint $this->google->setLoginHint($user->getMail()); //Set google client scopes $googleScopes = [\Google\Service\Calendar::CALENDAR_EVENTS, \Google\Service\Calendar::CALENDAR, \Google\Service\Oauth2::USERINFO_EMAIL]; //Protect to extract failure try { //Authenticate with code if (!empty($token = $this->google->authenticate($code))) { //With error if (!empty($token['error'])) { throw new \LogicException('Client authenticate failed: '.str_replace('_', ' ', $token['error'])); //Without refresh token } elseif (empty($token['refresh_token'])) { throw new \LogicException('Refresh token is empty'); //Without expires in } elseif (empty($token['expires_in'])) { throw new \LogicException('Expires in is empty'); //Without scope } elseif (empty($token['scope'])) { throw new \LogicException('Scope in is empty'); //Without valid scope } elseif (array_intersect($googleScopes, explode(' ', $token['scope'])) != $googleScopes) { throw new \LogicException('Scope in is not valid'); } //Get Oauth2 object $oauth2 = new \Google\Service\Oauth2($this->google); //Protect user info get call try { //Retrieve user info $userInfo = $oauth2->userinfo->get(); //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //Throw error throw new \LogicException('Userinfo get failed', 0, $e); } //With existing token if ( //If available retrieve google token with matching mail $googleToken = array_reduce( $user->getGoogleTokens()->getValues(), function ($c, $i) use ($userInfo) { if ($i->getMail() == $userInfo['email']) { return $i; } } ) ) { //Set mail //XXX: TODO: should already be set and not change, remove ? //XXX: TODO: store picture as well ? $googleToken->setMail($userInfo['email']); //Set access token $googleToken->setAccess($token['access_token']); //Set expires $googleToken->setExpired(new \DateTime('+'.$token['expires_in'].' second')); //Set refresh $googleToken->setRefresh($token['refresh_token']); } else { //Create new token //XXX: TODO: store picture as well ? $googleToken = new GoogleToken($user, $userInfo['email'], $token['access_token'], new \DateTime('+'.$token['expires_in'].' second'), $token['refresh_token']); } //Queue google token save $this->manager->persist($googleToken); //Flush to get the ids $this->manager->flush(); //Add notice $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% google token updated', ['%mail%' => $user->getMail()])); //With failed authenticate } else { throw new \LogicException('Client authenticate failed'); } //Catch exception } catch(\Exception $e) { //Add notice $this->addFlash('error', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% google token rejected: %error%', ['%mail%' => $user->getMail(), '%error%' => $e->getMessage()])); } //Redirect to user return $this->redirectToRoute('rapsysuser_edit', ['mail' => $short = $this->slugger->short($user->getMail()), 'hash' => $this->slugger->hash($short)]); } }