config = $container->getParameter($this->getAlias()); //Retrieve locale $this->locale = $container->getParameter('kernel.default_locale'); //Store doctrine $this->doctrine = $doctrine; //Store router $this->router = $router; //Get router context $context = $this->router->getContext(); //Set host $context->setHost(''); //Set scheme $context->setScheme('https'); //Set the translator $this->translator = $translator; } ///Configure attribute command protected function configure() { //Configure the class $this //Set name ->setName('rapsysair:calendar') //Set description shown with bin/console list ->setDescription('Synchronize sessions in calendar') //Set description shown with bin/console --help airlibre:attribute ->setHelp('This command synchronize sessions in google calendar'); } ///Process the attribution protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { //Compute period $period = new \DatePeriod( //Start from last week new \DateTime('-1 week'), //Iterate on each day new \DateInterval('P1D'), //End with next 2 week new \DateTime('+2 week') ); //Retrieve events to update $sessions = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Session::class)->fetchAllByDatePeriod($period, $this->locale); //Markdown converted instance $markdown = new DefaultMarkdown; //Retrieve cache object //XXX: by default stored in /tmp/symfony-cache/@/W/3/6SEhFfeIW4UMDlAII+Dg //XXX: stored in %kernel.project_dir%/var/cache/airlibre/0/P/IA20X0K4dkMd9-+Ohp9Q $cache = new FilesystemAdapter($this->config['cache']['namespace'], $this->config['cache']['lifetime'], $this->config['cache']['directory']); //Retrieve calendars $cacheCalendars = $cache->getItem('calendars'); //Without calendars if (!$cacheCalendars->isHit()) { //Return failure return self::FAILURE; } //Retrieve calendars $calendars = $cacheCalendars->get(); //XXX: calendars content #var_export($calendars); //Check expired token foreach($calendars as $clientId => $client) { //Get google client $googleClient = new \Google\Client(['application_name' => $client['project'], 'client_id' => $clientId, 'client_secret' => $client['secret'], 'redirect_uri' => $client['redirect']]); //Iterate on each tokens foreach($client['tokens'] as $tokenId => $token) { //Set token $googleClient->setAccessToken( [ 'access_token' => $tokenId, 'refresh_token' => $token['refresh'], 'expires_in' => $token['expire'], 'scope' => $token['scope'], 'token_type' => $token['type'], 'created' => $token['created'] ] ); //With expired token if ($exp = $googleClient->isAccessTokenExpired()) { //Refresh token if ($googleClient->getRefreshToken()) { //Retrieve refreshed token $googleToken = $googleClient->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($googleClient->getRefreshToken()); //Add refreshed token $calendars[$clientId]['tokens'][$googleToken['access_token']] = [ 'calendar' => $token['calendar'], 'prefix' => $token['prefix'], 'refresh' => $googleToken['refresh_token'], 'expire' => $googleToken['expires_in'], 'scope' => $googleToken['scope'], 'type' => $googleToken['token_type'], 'created' => $googleToken['created'] ]; //Remove old token unset($calendars[$clientId]['tokens'][$tokenId]); } else { //Drop token unset($calendars[$clientId]['tokens'][$tokenId]); //Without tokens if (empty($calendars[$clientId]['tokens'])) { //Drop client unset($calendars[$clientId]); } //Drop token and report echo 'Token '.$tokenId.' for calendar '.$token['calendar'].' has expired and is not refreshable'."\n"; //Return failure //XXX: we want that mail and stop here return self::FAILURE; } } } } //Save calendars $cacheCalendars->set($calendars); //Save calendar $cache->save($cacheCalendars); //Iterate on each calendar client foreach($calendars as $clientId => $client) { //Get google client $googleClient = new \Google\Client(['application_name' => $client['project'], 'client_id' => $clientId, 'client_secret' => $client['secret'], 'redirect_uri' => $client['redirect']]); //Iterate on each tokens foreach($client['tokens'] as $tokenId => $token) { //Set token $googleClient->setAccessToken( [ 'access_token' => $tokenId, 'refresh_token' => $token['refresh'], 'expires_in' => $token['expire'], 'scope' => $token['scope'], 'token_type' => $token['type'], 'created' => $token['created'] ] ); //With expired token if ($exp = $googleClient->isAccessTokenExpired()) { //Last chance to skip this run continue; } //Get google calendar $googleCalendar = new \Google\Service\Calendar($googleClient); //Retrieve calendar try { $calendar = $googleCalendar->calendars->get($token['calendar']); //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //Display exception //TODO: handle codes here echo 'Exception '.$e->getCode().':'.$e->getMessage().' in '.$e->getFile().' +'.$e->getLine()."\n"; echo $e->getTraceAsString()."\n"; //Return failure return self::FAILURE; } //Init events $events = []; //Set filters $filters = [ //XXX: show even deleted event to be able to update them 'showDeleted' => true, //TODO: fetch events one day before and one day after to avoid triggering double insert duplicate key 409 errors :=) on google 'timeMin' => $period->getStartDate()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601), 'timeMax' => $period->getEndDate()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) /*, 'iCalUID' => 'airlibre/?????'*//*'orderBy' => 'startTime', */ ]; //Retrieve event collection $googleEvents = $googleCalendar->events->listEvents($token['calendar'], $filters); //Iterate until reached end while (true) { //Iterate on each event foreach ($googleEvents->getItems() as $event) { //Store event by id if (preg_match('/^'.$token['prefix'].'([0-9]+)$/', $id = $event->getId(), $matches)) { $events[$matches[1]] = $event; //XXX: 3rd party events with id not matching prefix are skipped #} else { # echo 'Skipping '.$event->getId().':'.$event->getSummary()."\n";*/ } } //Get page token $pageToken = $googleEvents->getNextPageToken(); //Handle next page if ($pageToken) { //Replace collection with next one $googleEvents = $service->events->listEvents($token['calendar'], $filters+['pageToken' => $pageToken]); } else { break; } } //Iterate on each session to sync foreach($sessions as $sessionId => $session) { //Init shared properties //TODO: validate for constraints here ??? $shared = [ 'gps' => $session['l_latitude'].','.$session['l_longitude'] ]; //Init source $source = [ 'title' => $this->translator->trans('Session %id% by %pseudonym%', ['%id%' => $sessionId, '%pseudonym%' => $session['au_pseudonym']]).' '.$this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title']), 'url' => $this->router->generate('rapsys_air_session_view', ['id' => $sessionId], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL) ]; //Init description #$description = '
'.$markdown->convert(strip_tags(str_replace(["\r", "\n\n"], ['', "\n"], $session['p_description']))).'
'; $description = '
'; //Add class when available if (!empty($session['p_class'])) { $shared['class'] = $session['p_class']; #$description .= '
'.$markdown->convert(strip_tags(str_replace(["\r", "\n\n"], ['', "\n"], $session['p_class']))).'
'; $description .= '


'; } //Add contact when available if (!empty($session['p_contact'])) { $shared['contact'] = $session['p_contact']; $description .= '


'; } //Add donate when available if (!empty($session['p_donate'])) { $shared['donate'] = $session['p_donate']; $description .= '


'; } //Add link when available if (!empty($session['p_link'])) { $shared['link'] = $session['p_link']; $description .= '


'; } //Add profile when available if (!empty($session['p_profile'])) { $shared['profile'] = $session['p_profile']; $description .= '
RĂ©seau social


'; } //Locked session if (!empty($session['locked']) && $events[$sessionId]) { //With events if (!empty($event = $events[$sessionId])) { try { //Delete the event $googleCalendar->events->delete($token['calendar'], $event->getId()); //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //Display exception //TODO: handle codes here echo 'Exception '.$e->getCode().':'.$e->getMessage().' in '.$e->getFile().' +'.$e->getLine()."\n"; echo $e->getTraceAsString()."\n"; //Return failure return self::FAILURE; } } //Without event } elseif (empty($events[$sessionId])) { //Init event $event = new \Google\Service\Calendar\Event( [ //TODO: replace 'airlibre' with $this->config['calendar']['prefix'] when possible with prefix validating [a-v0-9]{5,} //XXX: see 'id' => $token['prefix'].$sessionId, 'summary' => $session['au_pseudonym'].' '.$this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_short']), #'description' => $markdown->convert(strip_tags($session['p_description'])), 'description' => $description, 'status' => empty($session['a_canceled'])?'confirmed':'cancelled', 'location' => implode(' ', [$session['l_address'], $session['l_zipcode'], $session['l_city']]), 'source' => $source, 'extendedProperties' => [ 'shared' => $shared ], //TODO: colorId ? //TODO: attendees[] ? 'start' => [ 'dateTime' => $session['start']->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) ], 'end' => [ 'dateTime' => $session['stop']->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) ] ] ); try { //Insert the event $googleCalendar->events->insert($token['calendar'], $event); //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //Display exception //TODO: handle codes here echo 'Exception '.$e->getCode().':'.$e->getMessage().' in '.$e->getFile().' +'.$e->getLine()."\n"; echo $e->getTraceAsString()."\n"; //Return failure return self::FAILURE; } // With event } else { //Set event $event = $events[$sessionId]; //With updated event #if ($session['updated'] >= (new \DateTime($event->getUpdated()))) { { //Set summary $event->setSummary($session['au_pseudonym'].' '.$this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_short'])); //Set description $event->setDescription($description); //Set status $event->setStatus(empty($session['a_canceled'])?'confirmed':'cancelled'); //Set location $event->setLocation(implode(' ', [$session['l_address'], $session['l_zipcode'], $session['l_city']])); //Get source $eventSource = $event->getSource(); //Update source title $eventSource->setTitle($source['title']); //Update source url $eventSource->setUrl($source['url']); //Set source #$event->setSource($source); //Get extended properties $extendedProperties = $event->getExtendedProperties(); //Update shared $extendedProperties->setShared($shared); //TODO: colorId ? //TODO: attendees[] ? //Set start $start = $event->getStart(); //Update start datetime $start->setDateTime($session['start']->format(\DateTime::ISO8601)); //Set end $end = $event->getEnd(); //Update stop datetime $end->setDateTime($session['stop']->format(\DateTime::ISO8601)); try { //Insert the event $updatedEvent = $googleCalendar->events->update($token['calendar'], $event->getId(), $event); //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //Display exception //TODO: handle codes here echo 'Exception '.$e->getCode().':'.$e->getMessage().' in '.$e->getFile().' +'.$e->getLine()."\n"; echo $e->getTraceAsString()."\n"; //Return failure return self::FAILURE; } } //Drop from events array unset($events[$sessionId]); } } //Remaining events to drop foreach($events as $eventId => $event) { //Non canceled events if ($event->getStatus() == 'confirmed') { try { //Delete the event $googleCalendar->events->delete($token['calendar'], $event->getId()); //Catch exception } catch(\Google\Service\Exception $e) { //Display exception //TODO: handle codes here echo 'Exception '.$e->getCode().':'.$e->getMessage().' in '.$e->getFile().' +'.$e->getLine()."\n"; echo $e->getTraceAsString()."\n"; //Return failure return self::FAILURE; } } } } } //Return success return self::SUCCESS; } /** * Return the bundle alias * * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getAlias(): string { return 'rapsys_air'; } }