<?php namespace Rapsys\AirBundle\Controller; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\Application; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\Location; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\Session; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\Slot; use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\User; use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime\TemplatedEmail; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Form\FormError; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Address; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface; use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface; use Rapsys\UserBundle\Utils\Slugger; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\ControllerTrait; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareTrait; class DefaultController { use ControllerTrait { //Rename render as _render render as protected _render; } ///Config array protected $config; ///Context array protected $context; ///Router instance protected $router; ///Translator instance protected $translator; /** * @var ContainerInterface */ protected $container; /** * Inject container and translator interface * * @param ContainerInterface $container The container instance * @param RouterInterface $router The router instance * @param TranslatorInterface $translator The translator instance */ public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, RouterInterface $router, RequestStack $requestStack, TranslatorInterface $translator) { //Retrieve config $this->config = $container->getParameter($this->getAlias()); //Set the container $this->container = $container; //Set the router $this->router = $router; //Set the translator $this->translator = $translator; //Set the context $this->context = [ 'copy' => [ 'by' => $translator->trans($this->config['copy']['by']), 'link' => $this->config['copy']['link'], 'long' => $translator->trans($this->config['copy']['long']), 'short' => $translator->trans($this->config['copy']['short']), 'title' => $this->config['copy']['title'] ], 'site' => [ 'ico' => $this->config['site']['ico'], 'logo' => $this->config['site']['logo'], 'png' => $this->config['site']['png'], 'svg' => $this->config['site']['svg'], 'title' => $translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']), 'url' => $router->generate($this->config['site']['url']), ], 'canonical' => null, 'alternates' => [], 'forms' => [] ]; //Get current locale #$currentLocale = $router->getContext()->getParameters()['_locale']; $currentLocale = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->getLocale(); //Set translator locale //XXX: allow LocaleSubscriber on the fly locale change for first page $this->translator->setLocale($currentLocale); //Iterate on locales excluding current one foreach($this->config['locales'] as $locale) { //Set titles $titles = []; //Iterate on other locales foreach(array_diff($this->config['locales'], [$locale]) as $other) { $titles[$other] = $translator->trans($this->config['languages'][$locale], [], null, $other); } //Get context path $path = $router->getContext()->getPathInfo(); //Retrieve route matching path $route = $router->match($path); //Get route name $name = $route['_route']; //Unset route name unset($route['_route']); //With current locale if ($locale == $currentLocale) { //Set locale locales context $this->context['canonical'] = $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL); } else { //Set locale locales context $this->context['alternates'][] = [ 'lang' => $locale, 'absolute' => $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL), 'relative' => $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route), 'title' => implode('/', $titles), 'translated' => $translator->trans($this->config['languages'][$locale], [], null, $locale) ]; } } } /** * The contact page * * @desc Send a contact mail to configured contact * * @param Request $request The request instance * @param MailerInterface $mailer The mailer instance * * @return Response The rendered view or redirection */ public function contact(Request $request, MailerInterface $mailer): Response { //Set section $section = $this->translator->trans('Contact'); //Set description $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Contact Libre Air'); //Set keywords $this->context['keywords'] = [ $this->translator->trans('contact'), $this->translator->trans('Libre Air'), $this->translator->trans('outdoor'), $this->translator->trans('Argentine Tango'), $this->translator->trans('calendar') ]; //Set title $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section; //Create the form according to the FormType created previously. //And give the proper parameters $form = $this->createForm('Rapsys\AirBundle\Form\ContactType', null, [ 'action' => $this->generateUrl('rapsys_air_contact'), 'method' => 'POST' ]); if ($request->isMethod('POST')) { // Refill the fields in case the form is not valid. $form->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isValid()) { //Get data $data = $form->getData(); //Create message $message = (new TemplatedEmail()) //Set sender ->from(new Address($data['mail'], $data['name'])) //Set recipient //XXX: remove the debug set in vendor/symfony/mime/Address.php +46 ->to(new Address($this->config['contact']['mail'], $this->config['contact']['name'])) //Set subject ->subject($data['subject']) //Set path to twig templates ->htmlTemplate('@RapsysAir/mail/contact.html.twig') ->textTemplate('@RapsysAir/mail/contact.text.twig') //Set context ->context( [ 'subject' => $data['subject'], 'message' => strip_tags($data['message']), ]+$this->context ); //Try sending message //XXX: mail delivery may silently fail try { //Send message $mailer->send($message); //Redirect on the same route with sent=1 to cleanup form return $this->redirectToRoute($request->get('_route'), ['sent' => 1]+$request->get('_route_params')); //Catch obvious transport exception } catch(TransportExceptionInterface $e) { if ($message = $e->getMessage()) { //Add error message mail unreachable $form->get('mail')->addError(new FormError($this->translator->trans('Unable to contact: %mail%: %message%', ['%mail%' => $this->config['contact']['mail'], '%message%' => $this->translator->trans($message)]))); } else { //Add error message mail unreachable $form->get('mail')->addError(new FormError($this->translator->trans('Unable to contact: %mail%', ['%mail%' => $this->config['contact']['mail']]))); } } } } //Render template return $this->render('@RapsysAir/form/contact.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'sent' => $request->query->get('sent', 0)]+$this->context); } /** * The index page * * @desc Display all granted sessions with an application or login form * * @param Request $request The request instance * * @return Response The rendered view */ public function index(Request $request): Response { //Fetch doctrine $doctrine = $this->getDoctrine(); //Set section $section = $this->translator->trans('Argentine Tango in Paris'); //Set description $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Outdoor Argentine Tango session calendar in Paris'); //Set keywords $this->context['keywords'] = [ $this->translator->trans('Argentine Tango'), $this->translator->trans('Paris'), $this->translator->trans('outdoor'), $this->translator->trans('calendar'), $this->translator->trans('Libre Air') ]; //Set title $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section; //Compute period $period = new \DatePeriod( //Start from first monday of week new \DateTime('Monday this week'), //Iterate on each day new \DateInterval('P1D'), //End with next sunday and 4 weeks new \DateTime( $this->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')?'Monday this week + 4 week':'Monday this week + 2 week' ) ); //Fetch calendar $calendar = $doctrine->getRepository(Session::class)->fetchCalendarByDatePeriod($this->translator, $period, null, $request->get('session'), !$this->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')); //Fetch locations //XXX: we want to display all active locations anyway $locations = $doctrine->getRepository(Location::class)->findTranslatedSortedByPeriod($this->translator, $period); //Render the view return $this->render('@RapsysAir/default/index.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section, 'calendar' => $calendar, 'locations' => $locations]+$this->context); //Set Cache-Control must-revalidate directive #$response->setPublic(true); #$response->setMaxAge(300); #$response->mustRevalidate(); ##$response->setCache(['public' => true, 'max_age' => 300]); //Return the response #return $response; } /** * The organizer regulation page * * @desc Display the organizer regulation policy * * @return Response The rendered view */ public function organizerRegulation(): Response { //Set section $section = $this->translator->trans('Organizer regulation'); //Set description $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Libre Air organizer regulation'); //Set keywords $this->context['keywords'] = [ $this->translator->trans('organizer regulation'), $this->translator->trans('Libre Air') ]; //Set title $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section; //Render template return $this->render('@RapsysAir/default/organizer_regulation.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section]+$this->context); } /** * The terms of service page * * @desc Display the terms of service policy * * @return Response The rendered view */ public function termsOfService(): Response { //Set section $section = $this->translator->trans('Terms of service'); //Set description $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Libre Air terms of service'); //Set keywords $this->context['keywords'] = [ $this->translator->trans('terms of service'), $this->translator->trans('Libre Air') ]; //Set title $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section; //Render template return $this->render('@RapsysAir/default/terms_of_service.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section]+$this->context); } /** * The frequently asked questions page * * @desc Display the frequently asked questions * * @return Response The rendered view */ public function frequentlyAskedQuestions(): Response { //Set section $section = $this->translator->trans('Frequently asked questions'); //Set description $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Libre Air frequently asked questions'); //Set keywords $this->context['keywords'] = [ $this->translator->trans('frequently asked questions'), $this->translator->trans('faq'), $this->translator->trans('Libre Air') ]; //Set title $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section; //Render template return $this->render('@RapsysAir/default/frequently_asked_questions.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section]+$this->context); } /** * Return the bundle alias * * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getAlias(): string { return 'rapsys_air'; } /** * Renders a view * * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function render(string $view, array $parameters = [], Response $response = null): Response { //Create application form for role_guest if ($this->isGranted('ROLE_GUEST')) { //Without application form if (empty($parameters['forms']['application'])) { //Fetch doctrine $doctrine = $this->getDoctrine(); //Create ApplicationType form $application = $this->createForm('Rapsys\AirBundle\Form\ApplicationType', null, [ //Set the action 'action' => $this->generateUrl('rapsys_air_application_add'), //Set the form attribute 'attr' => [ 'class' => 'col' ], //Set admin 'admin' => $this->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN'), //Set default user to current 'user' => $this->getUser()->getId(), //Set default slot to evening //XXX: default to Evening (3) 'slot' => $doctrine->getRepository(Slot::class)->findOneById(3) ]); //Add form to context $parameters['forms']['application'] = $application->createView(); } //Create login form for anonymous } elseif (!$this->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { //Create ApplicationType form $login = $this->createForm('Rapsys\UserBundle\Form\LoginType', null, [ //Set the action 'action' => $this->generateUrl('rapsys_user_login'), //Set the form attribute 'attr' => [ 'class' => 'col' ] ]); //Add form to context $parameters['forms']['login'] = $login->createView(); } //Call parent method return $this->_render($view, $parameters, $response); } }