{% extends '@RapsysAir/body.html.twig' %} {% block content %}

{{ section }}

{% if calendar is defined and calendar %}
{% for date, day in calendar %}

{{ day.title }}

{% if day.sessions is not empty %}
    {% for session in day.sessions %}
  • {{ session.title }} {% if session.weather is defined and session.weather %}{{ session.weather }}{% endif %} {{ session.slot }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %}   {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {{ include('@RapsysAir/form/_toolbox.html.twig') }}
{% if locations is defined and locations %}

{% trans %}Locations{% endtrans %}

{% for id, title in locations %}

{{ title }}

{% if snippets is defined and snippets[id] is defined and snippets[id] %} {{ form_start(snippets[id]) }}
{{ form_row(snippets[id].description) }} {{ form_row(snippets[id].submit) }} {% if snippets[id].delete is defined %} {{ form_row(snippets[id].delete) }} {% endif %}
{# render csrf token etc .#} {{ form_end(snippets[id]) }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}