{# Display locations calendar #}
{% if locations is defined and locations %}
	<article class="location">
			<h2><a href="{{ path('rapsys_air_location') }}">{% trans %}Locations{% endtrans %}</a></h2>
			{% if locations_description is defined %}
				<p>{{ locations_description }}</p>
			{% elseif forms.snippets is defined %}
				<p>{% trans %}Organizer's snippet by dance space{% endtrans %}</p>
			{% else %}
				<p>{% trans %}Libre Air location list{% endtrans %}</p>
			{% endif %}
		<div class="panel">
			{% if multimap is defined and multimap %}
				<div class="multimap">
					<a href="{{ multimap.link }}" title="{{ multimap.caption }}">
							<img src="{{ multimap.src }}" alt="{{ multimap.caption }}" width="{{ multimap.width }}" height="{{ multimap.height }}" />
							<figcaption>{{ multimap.caption }}</figcaption>
			{% endif %}
			{% if forms.snippets is defined %}
				<div class="grid">
					{% for i, l in locations %}
						<article class="cell{% if l.count is defined and l.count or location.id is defined and location.id == l.id or session.location.id is defined and session.location.id == l.id %} highlight{% endif %}">
								{# TODO XXX virer le if l.link id defined when user view is fixed !!! #}
								<h3>{% if multimap is defined and multimap %}{{ i }} {% endif %}<a href="{{ l.link }}">{{ l.title }}</a></h3>
							{% if forms.snippets[i] is defined and forms.snippets[i] %}
								{{ form_start(forms.snippets[i]) }}
										{% if forms.snippets[i].description is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].description) }}
										{% endif %}

										{% if forms.snippets[i].class is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].class) }}
										{% endif %}

										{% if forms.snippets[i].short is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].short) }}
										{% endif %}

										{% if forms.snippets[i].rate is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].rate) }}
										{% endif %}

										{% if forms.snippets[i].hat is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].hat) }}
										{% endif %}

										{% if forms.snippets[i].contact is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].contact) }}
										{% endif %}

										{% if forms.snippets[i].donate is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].donate) }}
										{% endif %}

										{% if forms.snippets[i].link is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].link) }}
										{% endif %}

										{% if forms.snippets[i].profile is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].profile) }}
										{% endif %}

										{{ form_row(forms.snippets[i].submit) }}

									{# render csrf token etc .#}
									<footer style="display:none">{{ form_rest(forms.snippets[i]) }}</footer>
								{{ form_end(forms.snippets[i]) }}
							{% endif %}
							{% if l.image is defined and l.image %}
								<div class="thumb">
									<a href="{{ l.image.link }}" title="{{ l.image.caption }}">
											<img src="{{ l.image.src }}" alt="{{ l.image.caption }}" width="{{ l.image.width }}" height="{{ l.image.height }}" />
											<figcaption>{{ l.image.caption }}</figcaption>
							{% endif %}
							{% if forms.images is defined and forms.images[i] is defined and forms.images[i] %}
								{{ form_start(forms.images[i]) }}
										{% if forms.images[i].image is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.images[i].image) }}
										{% endif %}

										{{ form_row(forms.images[i].submit) }}

										{% if forms.images[i].delete is defined %}
											{{ form_row(forms.images[i].delete) }}
										{% endif %}

									{# render csrf token etc .#}
									<footer style="display:none">{{ form_rest(forms.images[i]) }}</footer>
								{{ form_end(forms.images[i]) }}
							{% endif %}
					{% endfor %}
			{% else %}
				<ul class="grid{% if locations|length > 1 %} two{% endif %}">
					{% for i, l in locations %}
						{# TODO XXX virer le if l.link id defined when user view is fixed !!! #}
						<li>{% if multimap is defined and multimap %}{{ i }} {% endif %}<a href="{{ l.link }}">{{ l.title }}</a></li>
					{% endfor %}
			{% endif %}
{% endif %}