{% endif %}
{% if session.snippet.rate is defined and session.snippet.rate %}
{% if session.snippet.hat is defined and session.snippet.hat %}
{% trans %}Contribution to costs{% endtrans %}
{% if session.snippet.rate == 0 %}{% trans %}To the hat, to cover: talc, electricity, bicycle, website, ...{% endtrans %}{% else %}{{ 'To the hat, ideally %rate% €, to cover: talc, electricity, bicycle, website, ...'|trans({'%rate%': session.snippet.rate}) }}{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% trans %}Contribution{% endtrans %}
{% if session.snippet.rate == 0 %}{% trans %}Free{% endtrans %}{% else %}{{ session.snippet.rate }} €{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if session.locked is defined and session.locked %}
{% if session.location.indoor is defined and session.location.indoor%}{% trans %}Indoor{% endtrans %}{% else %}{% trans %}Outdoor{% endtrans %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if session.realfeelmin is not null %}
{% trans %}Realfeel min{% endtrans %}
{{ session.realfeelmin }}
{% endif %}
{% if session.realfeelmax is not null %}
{% trans %}Realfeel max{% endtrans %}
{{ session.realfeelmax }}
{% endif %}
{% if session.temperature is not null %}
{% trans %}Temperature{% endtrans %}
{{ session.temperature }}
{% endif %}
{% if session.temperaturemin is not null %}
{% trans %}Temperature min{% endtrans %}
{{ session.temperaturemin }}
{% endif %}
{% if session.temperaturemax is not null %}
{% trans %}Temperature max{% endtrans %}
{{ session.temperaturemax }}
{% endif %}
{% if is_granted('ROLE_GUEST') %}
{% trans %}Candidates{% endtrans %}
{% if session.applications is defined and session.applications %}
{% for application in session.applications %}
{% if application.user.id == 1 and application.user.title|slug == 'milonga-raphael' %}