X-Git-Url: https://git.rapsys.eu/airbundle/blobdiff_plain/741cdfe32a8529ef11e24ddccafd0013289c56e5..1e5dcfe93fb41957381b5ed485ad3e49b1ea7b50:/Command/Calendar2Command.php

diff --git a/Command/Calendar2Command.php b/Command/Calendar2Command.php
index ea218e3..0ce4da8 100644
--- a/Command/Calendar2Command.php
+++ b/Command/Calendar2Command.php
@@ -33,90 +33,55 @@ use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\Session;
 use Rapsys\PackBundle\Util\SluggerUtil;
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ *
+ * Synchronize sessions in users' calendar
+ */
 class Calendar2Command extends Command {
-	 * Set google client scopes
-	 */
-	private array $scopes = [
-		Calendar::CALENDAR,
-	];
-	/**
-	 * Set google client instance
+	 * Set description
+	 *
+	 * Shown with bin/console list
-	private Client $client;
+	protected string $description = 'Synchronize sessions in users\' calendar';
-	 * Set markdown instance
+	 * Set help
+	 *
+	 * Shown with bin/console --help rapsysair:calendar2
-	private DefaultMarkdown $markdown;
-	/**
-	 * Set date period instance
-	 */
-	private \DatePeriod $period;
+	protected string $help = 'This command synchronize sessions in users\' google calendar';
 	 * {@inheritdoc}
-	public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $doctrine, string $locale, RouterInterface $router, SluggerUtil $slugger, TranslatorInterface $translator) {
+	public function __construct(protected ManagerRegistry $doctrine, protected string $locale, protected RouterInterface $router, protected SluggerUtil $slugger, protected TranslatorInterface $translator, protected Client $google, protected DefaultMarkdown $markdown) {
 		//Call parent constructor
-		parent::__construct($doctrine, $locale, $router, $slugger, $translator);
-		//Set google client
-		$this->client = new Client(
-			[
-				'application_name' => $_ENV['RAPSYSAIR_GOOGLE_PROJECT'],
-				'client_id' => $_ENV['GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'],
-				'client_secret' => $_ENV['GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'],
-				'redirect_uri' => $this->router->generate('rapsysair_google_callback', [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
-				'scopes' => $this->scopes,
-				'access_type' => 'offline',
-				#'login_hint' => $user->getMail(),
-				//XXX: see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10827920/not-receiving-google-oauth-refresh-token
-				#'approval_prompt' => 'force'
-				'prompt' => 'consent'
-			]
-		);
-		//Set Markdown instance
-		$this->markdown = new DefaultMarkdown;
-	}
+		parent::__construct($this->doctrine, $this->locale, $this->router, $this->slugger, $this->translator);
-	/**
-	 * Configure attribute command
-	 */
-	protected function configure() {
-		//Configure the class
-		$this
-			//Set name
-			->setName('rapsysair:calendar2')
-			//Set description shown with bin/console list
-			->setDescription('Synchronize sessions in users\' calendar')
-			//Set description shown with bin/console --help airlibre:attribute
-			->setHelp('This command synchronize sessions in users\' google calendar');
+		//Replace google client redirect uri
+		$this->google->setRedirectUri($this->router->generate($this->google->getRedirectUri(), [], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
 	 * Process the attribution
 	protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int {
+		//Set period
+		$period = new \DatePeriod(
+			//Start from last week
+			new \DateTime('-1 week'),
+			//Iterate on each day
+			new \DateInterval('P1D'),
+			//End with next 2 week
+			new \DateTime('+2 week')
+		);
 		//Iterate on google tokens
 		foreach($tokens = $this->doctrine->getRepository(GoogleToken::class)->findAllIndexed() as $tid => $token) {
 			//Iterate on google calendars
 			foreach($calendars = $token['calendars'] as $cid => $calendar) {
-				//Set period
-				$this->period = new \DatePeriod(
-					//Start from last week
-					new \DateTime('-1 week'),
-					//Iterate on each day
-					new \DateInterval('P1D'),
-					//End with next 2 week
-					new \DateTime('+2 week')
-				);
@@ -137,56 +102,7 @@ class Calendar2Command extends Command {
 		//TODO: XXX: or fetch directly the events updated since synchronized + matching rubscriptions and/or dances
-		#var_dump($tokens);
-		//Set sql request
-		$sql =<<<SQL
-	b.*,
-	GROUP_CONCAT(us.user_id) AS users
-		a.*,
-		GROUP_CONCAT(ud.dance_id) AS dances
-	FROM (
-			t.id AS tid,
-			t.mail AS gmail,
-			t.user_id,
-			t.access,
-			t.refresh,
-			t.expired,
-			GROUP_CONCAT(c.id) AS cids,
-			GROUP_CONCAT(c.mail) AS cmails,
-			GROUP_CONCAT(c.summary) AS csummaries,
-			GROUP_CONCAT(c.synchronized) AS csynchronizeds
-		FROM google_tokens AS t
-		JOIN google_calendars AS c ON (c.google_token_id = t.id)
-		GROUP BY t.id
-		LIMIT 100000
-	) AS a
-	LEFT JOIN users_dances AS ud ON (ud.user_id = a.user_id)
-	GROUP BY a.tid
-	LIMIT 100000
-) AS b
-LEFT JOIN users_subscriptions AS us ON (us.subscriber_id = b.user_id)
-GROUP BY b.tid
-		#$sessions = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Session::class)->findAllByDanceUserModified($filter['dance'], $filter['user'], $calendar['synchronized']);
-		//Iterate on google tokens
-		foreach($tokens as $token) {
-			//TODO: clear google client cache
-			//TODO: set google token
-			//Iterate on google calendars
-			foreach($calendars as $calendar) {
-				//Fetch sessions to sync
-				$sessions = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Session::class)->findAllByDanceUserModified($filter['dance'], $filter['user'], $calendar['synchronized']);
-			}
-		}
 		//Return success
 		return self::SUCCESS;