namespace Rapsys\AirBundle\Controller;
+use Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages;
+use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOExceptionInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
-use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;
+use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\Application;
use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\User;
use Rapsys\AirBundle\Entity\Slot;
#if (true) { $form->isValid();
//TODO: mettre une contrainte sur un des boutons submit, je sais pas encore comment
if (!$form->isValid()) {
- //Set section
- $section = $this->translator->trans('Session %id%', ['%id%' => $id]);
+ //Set page
+ $this->context['page']['title'] = $this->translator->trans(!empty($session['au_id'])?'Session %id% by %pseudonym%':'Session %id%', ['%id%' => $id, '%pseudonym%' => $session['au_pseudonym']]);
- //Set title
- $title = $section.' - '.$this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']);
+ //Set facebook title
+ $this->context['ogps']['title'] = $this->context['page']['title'].' '.$this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title']);
+ //Set section
+ $this->context['page']['section'] = $this->translator->trans($session['l_title']);
+ //Set localization date formater
+ $intlDate = new \IntlDateFormatter($this->locale, \IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL, \IntlDateFormatter::NONE);
+ //Set localization time formater
+ $intlTime = new \IntlDateFormatter($this->locale, \IntlDateFormatter::NONE, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT);
+ //Set facebook image
+ $this->facebookImage = [
+ //XXX: was facebook/<controller>/<action>/<id>.<locale>.jpeg
+ //XXX: format facebook<pathinfo>.<locale>.jpeg
+ #'destination' => 'facebook/session/view/'.$id.'.'.$locale.'.jpeg',
+ 'texts' => [
+ $session['au_pseudonym'] => [
+ 'font' => 'irishgrover',
+ 'size' => 110
+ ],
+ ucfirst($intlDate->format($session['start']))."\n".$this->translator->trans('From %start% to %stop%', ['%start%' => $intlTime->format($session['start']), '%stop%' => $intlTime->format($session['stop'])]) => [
+ 'align' => 'left'
+ ],
+ $this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title']) => [
+ 'align' => 'right',
+ 'font' => 'labelleaurore',
+ 'size' => 75
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'updated' => $session['updated']->format('U')
+ ];
//Add session in context
- $context['session'] = [
+ $this->context['session'] = [
'id' => $id,
'title' => $this->translator->trans('Session %id%', ['%id%' => $id]),
'location' => [
'at' => $this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title'])
//Render the view
- return $this->render('@RapsysAir/session/edit.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section, 'form' => $form->createView()]+$context+$this->context);
+ return $this->render('@RapsysAir/session/edit.html.twig', ['form' => $form->createView()]+$this->context);
//Get manager
return $this->render('@RapsysAir/session/index.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section, 'calendar' => $calendar, 'locations' => $locations]+$this->context);
+ /**
+ * List all sessions for tango argentin
+ *
+ * @desc Display all sessions in tango argentin json format
+ *
+ * @todo Drop it if unused by tangoargentin ???
+ *
+ * @param Request $request The request instance
+ *
+ * @return Response The rendered view or redirection
+ */
+ public function tangoargentin(Request $request): Response {
+ //Fetch doctrine
+ $doctrine = $this->getDoctrine();
+ //Compute period
+ $period = new \DatePeriod(
+ //Start from first monday of week
+ new \DateTime('today'),
+ //Iterate on each day
+ new \DateInterval('P1D'),
+ //End with next sunday and 4 weeks
+ new \DateTime('+2 week')
+ );
+ //Retrieve events to update
+ $sessions = $doctrine->getRepository(Session::class)->fetchAllByDatePeriod($period, $request->getLocale());
+ //Init return array
+ $ret = [];
+ //Iterate on sessions
+ foreach($sessions as $sessionId => $session) {
+ //Set title
+ $title = $session['au_pseudonym'].' '.$this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_short']);
+ //Use Transliterator if available
+ if (class_exists('Transliterator')) {
+ $trans = \Transliterator::create('Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; Upper()');
+ $title = $trans->transliterate($title);
+ } else {
+ $title = strtoupper($title);
+ }
+ //Store session data
+ $ret[$sessionId] = [
+ 'start' => $session['start']->format(\DateTime::ISO8601),
+ 'stop' => $session['start']->format(\DateTime::ISO8601),
+ 'title' => $title,
+ 'short' => $session['p_short'],
+ 'rate' => is_null($session['p_rate'])?'Au chapeau':$session['p_rate'].' euro'.($session['p_rate']>1?'s':''),
+ 'location' => implode(' ', [$session['l_address'], $session['l_zipcode'], $session['l_city']]),
+ 'status' => (empty($session['a_canceled']) && empty($session['locked']))?'confirmed':'cancelled',
+ 'updated' => $session['updated']->format(\DateTime::ISO8601),
+ 'organizer' => $session['au_forename'],
+ 'website' => $this->router->generate('rapsys_air_session_view', ['id' => $sessionId], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL)
+ ];
+ }
+ //Set response
+ $response = new Response(json_encode($ret));
+ //Set header
+ $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
+ //Send response
+ return $response;
+ }
* Display session
+ * @todo XXX: TODO: add <link rel="prev|next" for sessions or classes ? />
+ * @todo XXX: TODO: like described in:
+ * @todo XXX: TODO: or here:
+ *
* @desc Display session by id with an application or login form
* @param Request $request The request instance
$doctrine = $this->getDoctrine();
//Fetch session
- if (empty($session = $doctrine->getRepository(Session::class)->fetchOneById($id, $request->getLocale()))) {
+ if (empty($session = $doctrine->getRepository(Session::class)->fetchOneById($id, $this->locale))) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException($this->translator->trans('Unable to find session: %id%', ['%id%' => $id]));
- //Set section
- $section = $this->translator->trans($session['l_title']);
+ //Create response
+ $response = new Response();
+ //Set etag
+ $response->setEtag(md5(serialize($session)));
+ //With logged user
+ if ($this->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) {
+ //Set last modified
+ $response->setLastModified(new \DateTime('-1 year'));
+ //Set as private
+ $response->setPrivate();
+ //Without logged user
+ } else {
+ //Extract applications updated
+ $session['sa_updated'] = array_map(function($v){return new \DateTime($v);}, explode("\n", $session['sa_updated']));
+ //Get last modified
+ $lastModified = max(array_merge([$session['updated'], $session['l_updated'], $session['t_updated'], $session['p_updated']], $session['sa_updated']));
+ //Set last modified
+ $response->setLastModified($lastModified);
+ //Set as public
+ $response->setPublic();
+ //Without role and modification
+ if ($response->isNotModified($request)) {
+ //Return 304 response
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
//Set localization date formater
- $intl = new \IntlDateFormatter($request->getLocale(), \IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT);
+ $intl = new \IntlDateFormatter($this->locale, \IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT);
+ //Set section
+ $this->context['page']['section'] = $this->translator->trans($session['l_title']);
//Set description
- $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Outdoor Argentine Tango session the %date%', [ '%date%' => $intl->format($session['start']) ]);
+ $this->context['page']['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Outdoor Argentine Tango session the %date%', [ '%date%' => $intl->format($session['start']) ]);
//Set keywords
$this->context['keywords'] = [
$this->translator->trans('Argentine Tango'),
+ //Set localization date formater
+ $intlDate = new \IntlDateFormatter($this->locale, \IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL, \IntlDateFormatter::NONE);
+ //Set localization time formater
+ $intlTime = new \IntlDateFormatter($this->locale, \IntlDateFormatter::NONE, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT);
+ //Set facebook image
+ $this->facebookImage = [
+ //XXX: was facebook/<controller>/<action>/<id>.<locale>.jpeg
+ //XXX: format facebook<pathinfo>.<locale>.jpeg
+ #'destination' => 'facebook/session/view/'.$id.'.'.$this->locale.'.jpeg',
+ 'texts' => [
+ $session['au_pseudonym'] => [
+ 'font' => 'irishgrover',
+ 'size' => 110
+ ],
+ ucfirst($intlDate->format($session['start']))."\n".$this->translator->trans('From %start% to %stop%', ['%start%' => $intlTime->format($session['start']), '%stop%' => $intlTime->format($session['stop'])]) => [
+ 'align' => 'left'
+ ],
+ $this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title']) => [
+ 'align' => 'right',
+ 'font' => 'labelleaurore',
+ 'size' => 75
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'updated' => $session['updated']->format('U')
+ ];
//With granted session
if (!empty($session['au_id'])) {
$this->context['keywords'][0] = $session['au_pseudonym'];
- //Set title
- $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section.' - '.$this->translator->trans(!empty($session['au_id'])?'Session %id% by %pseudonym%':'Session %id%', ['%id%' => $id, '%pseudonym%' => $session['au_pseudonym']]);
+ //Set page
+ $this->context['page']['title'] = $this->translator->trans(!empty($session['au_id'])?'Session %id% by %pseudonym%':'Session %id%', ['%id%' => $id, '%pseudonym%' => $session['au_pseudonym']]);
+ //Set facebook title
+ $this->context['ogps']['title'] = $this->context['page']['title'].' '.$this->translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title']);
//Create application form for role_guest
if ($this->isGranted('ROLE_GUEST')) {
//Add session in context
- $context['session'] = [
+ $this->context['session'] = [
'id' => $id,
'date' => $session['date'],
'begin' => $session['begin'],
//With application
if (!empty($session['a_id'])) {
- $context['session']['application'] = [
+ $this->context['session']['application'] = [
'user' => [
'id' => $session['au_id'],
'by' => $this->translator->trans('by %pseudonym%', [ '%pseudonym%' => $session['au_pseudonym'] ]),
//Extract applications created
$session['sa_created'] = array_map(function($v){return new \DateTime($v);}, explode("\n", $session['sa_created']));
//Extract applications updated
- $session['sa_updated'] = array_map(function($v){return new \DateTime($v);}, explode("\n", $session['sa_updated']));
+ //XXX: done earlied when computing last modified
+ #$session['sa_updated'] = array_map(function($v){return new \DateTime($v);}, explode("\n", $session['sa_updated']));
//Extract applications canceled
//XXX: canceled is null before cancelation, replace NULL with 'NULL' to avoid silent drop in mysql
$session['sa_canceled'] = array_map(function($v){return $v==='NULL'?null:new \DateTime($v);}, explode("\n", $session['sa_canceled']));
$session['sau_pseudonym'] = explode("\n", $session['sau_pseudonym']);
//Init applications
- $context['session']['applications'] = [];
+ $this->context['session']['applications'] = [];
foreach($session['sa_id'] as $i => $sa_id) {
- $context['session']['applications'][$sa_id] = [
+ $this->context['session']['applications'][$sa_id] = [
'user' => null,
'score' => $session['sa_score'][$i],
'created' => $session['sa_created'][$i],
'canceled' => $session['sa_canceled'][$i]
if (!empty($session['sau_id'][$i])) {
- $context['session']['applications'][$sa_id]['user'] = [
+ $this->context['session']['applications'][$sa_id]['user'] = [
'id' => $session['sau_id'][$i],
'title' => $session['sau_pseudonym'][$i]
$locations = $doctrine->getRepository(Location::class)->findTranslatedSortedByPeriod($this->translator, $period, $session['au_id']);
//Render the view
- return $this->render('@RapsysAir/session/view.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section, 'locations' => $locations]+$context+$this->context);
+ return $this->render('@RapsysAir/session/view.html.twig', ['locations' => $locations]+$this->context, $response);