From: Raphaël Gertz <>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2021 11:12:39 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Remove unused translation
X-Git-Tag: 0.2.0

Remove unused translation

diff --git a/Resources/translations/messages.en_gb.yaml b/Resources/translations/messages.en_gb.yaml
index 65f757b..defbcd9 100644
--- a/Resources/translations/messages.en_gb.yaml
+++ b/Resources/translations/messages.en_gb.yaml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 'Account %mail% already exists': 'Account %mail% already exists'
 'Account %mail% created but unable to contact': 'Account %mail% created but unable to contact'
 'Account %mail% do not exists': 'Account %mail% do not exists'
-'Account %mail% or with slug %slug% already exists': 'Account %mail% or with slug %slug% already exists'
 'Account %mail% password updated': 'Account %mail% password updated'
 'Account %mail% updated but unable to contact': 'Account %mail% updated but unable to contact'
 'Account %mail% updated': 'Account %mail% updated'
diff --git a/Resources/translations/messages.fr_fr.yaml b/Resources/translations/messages.fr_fr.yaml
index 4c08268..5d13d42 100644
--- a/Resources/translations/messages.fr_fr.yaml
+++ b/Resources/translations/messages.fr_fr.yaml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 'Account %mail% already exists': 'Compte %mail% déjà existant'
 'Account %mail% created but unable to contact': 'Compte %mail% créé mais impossible à contacter'
 'Account %mail% do not exists': 'Compte %mail% n''existe pas'
-'Account %mail% or with slug %slug% already exists': 'Compte %mail% ou avec limace %slug% déjà existant'
 'Account %mail% password updated': 'Mot de passe du compte %mail% mis à jour'
 'Account %mail% updated but unable to contact': 'Compte %mail% mis à jour mais impossible à contacter'
 'Account %mail% updated': 'Compte %mail% mis à jour'