Add functions fetchCalendarByDatePeriod and fetchUserCalendarByDatePeriod that comput...
[airbundle] / Resources / config / doctrine /
2020-10-19 Raphaël GertzAdd location repository with fetchTranslatedLocationByD...
2020-10-14 Raphaël GertzRename end field in length
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzDisable unused Title repository
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd repository
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzRemove begin and length field
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd short field
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzFix title length to 32
2019-11-14 Raphaël GertzRename end field to length
2019-11-14 Raphaël GertzAdd phone field
2019-11-14 Raphaël GertzRevert doctrine Resources/config/doctrine/*.orm.yaml...
2019-11-07 Raphaël GertzRename to yaml doctrine config files 0.0.2
2019-10-25 Raphaël GertzInitial import