From 40bcf2582cfacf12cbb31a37e546574d311bee69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?utf8?q?Rapha=C3=ABl=20Gertz?= <>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 09:49:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add functions fetchCalendarByDatePeriod and
 fetchUserCalendarByDatePeriod that compute session calendar from database

 Repository/SessionRepository.php | 328 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 328 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Repository/SessionRepository.php b/Repository/SessionRepository.php
index b7471eb..2a11c59 100644
--- a/Repository/SessionRepository.php
+++ b/Repository/SessionRepository.php
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 namespace Rapsys\AirBundle\Repository;
+use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
+use Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping;
  * SessionRepository
@@ -61,4 +64,329 @@ class SessionRepository extends \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository {
 		//Send result
 		return $ret;
+	/**
+	 * Fetch sessions calendar with translated location by date period
+	 *
+	 * @param $translator The TranslatorInterface instance
+	 * @param $period The date period
+	 * @param $locationId The location id
+	 * @param $sessionId The session id
+	 * @param $granted The session is granted
+	 */
+	public function fetchCalendarByDatePeriod(TranslatorInterface $translator, $period, $locationId = null, $sessionId = null, $granted = false) {
+		//Get entity manager
+		$em = $this->getEntityManager();
+		//Get quote strategy
+		$qs = $em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy();
+		$dp = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
+		//Get quoted table names
+		//XXX: this allow to make this code table name independent
+		$tables = [
+			'RapsysAirBundle:GroupUser' => $qs->getJoinTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User')->getAssociationMapping('groups'), $em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Session' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Session'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Application' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Application'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Group' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Group'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Location' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Location'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Slot' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Slot'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:User' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp)
+		];
+		//Set the request
+		$req = 'SELECT,, s.location_id AS l_id, l.title AS l_title, s.slot_id AS t_id, t.title AS t_title, s.application_id AS a_id, a.user_id AS a_u_id, au.pseudonym AS a_u_pseudonym, GROUP_CONCAT(sa.user_id ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\n") AS as_u_id, GROUP_CONCAT(sau.pseudonym ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\n") AS as_u_pseudonym
+			FROM RapsysAirBundle:Session AS s
+			JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Location AS l ON ( = s.location_id)
+			JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Slot AS t ON ( = s.slot_id)
+			'.($granted?'':'LEFT ').'JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS a ON ( = s.application_id)
+			'.($granted?'':'LEFT ').'JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS au ON ( = a.user_id)
+			LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS sa ON (sa.session_id =
+			LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS sau ON ( = sa.user_id)
+			WHERE BETWEEN :begin AND :end
+			'.($locationId?'AND s.location_id = :lid':'').'
+		//Replace bundle entity name by table name
+		$req = str_replace(array_keys($tables), array_values($tables), $req);
+		//Get result set mapping instance
+		//XXX: DEBUG: see ../blog.orig/src/Rapsys/BlogBundle/Repository/ArticleRepository.php
+		$rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+		//Declare all fields
+		//XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+		//addScalarResult($sqlColName, $resColName, $type = 'string');
+		$rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('date', 'date', 'date')
+			->addScalarResult('t_id', 't_id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('t_title', 't_title', 'string')
+			->addScalarResult('l_id', 'l_id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('l_title', 'l_title', 'string')
+			->addScalarResult('a_id', 'a_id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('a_u_id', 'a_u_id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('a_u_pseudonym', 'a_u_pseudonym', 'string')
+			//XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+			->addScalarResult('as_u_id', 'as_u_id', 'string')
+			//XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+			->addScalarResult('as_u_pseudonym', 'as_u_pseudonym', 'string')
+			->addIndexByScalar('id');
+		//Fetch result
+		$res = $em
+			->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+			->setParameter('begin', $period->getStartDate())
+			->setParameter('end', $period->getEndDate())
+			->setParameter('lid', $locationId)
+			->getResult();
+		//Init calendar
+		$calendar = [];
+		//Init month
+		$month = null;
+		//Iterate on each day
+		foreach($period as $date) {
+			//Init day in calendar
+			$calendar[$Ymd = $date->format('Ymd')] = [
+				'title' => $date->format('d'),
+				'class' => [],
+				'sessions' => []
+			];
+			//Append month for first day of month
+			if ($month != $date->format('m')) {
+				$month = $date->format('m');
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['title'] .= '/'.$month;
+			}
+			//Deal with today
+			if ($date->format('U') == ($today = strtotime('today'))) {
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['title'] .= '/'.$month;
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['current'] = true;
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] =  'current';
+			}
+			//Disable passed days
+			if ($date->format('U') < $today) {
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['disabled'] = true;
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] =  'disabled';
+			}
+			//Set next month days
+			if ($date->format('m') > date('m')) {
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['next'] = true;
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] =  'next';
+			}
+			//Iterate on each session to find the one of the day
+			foreach($res as $session) {
+				if (($sessionYmd = $session['date']->format('Ymd')) == $Ymd) {
+					//Count number of application
+					$count = count(explode("\n", $session['as_u_id']));
+					//Compute classes
+					$class = [];
+					if (!empty($session['a_id'])) {
+						$applications = [ $session['a_u_id'] => $session['a_u_pseudonym'] ];
+						$class[] = 'granted';
+					} elseif ($count == 0) {
+						$class[] = 'orphaned';
+					} elseif ($count > 1) {
+						$class[] = 'disputed';
+					} else {
+						$class[] = 'pending';
+					}
+					if ($sessionId == $session['id']) {
+						$class[] = 'highlight';
+					}
+					//Check that session is not granted
+					if (empty($session['a_id'])) {
+						//Fetch pseudonyms from session applications
+						$applications = array_combine(explode("\n", $session['as_u_id']), explode("\n", $session['as_u_pseudonym']));
+					}
+					//Add the session
+					//XXX: see if we shouldn't prepend with 0 the slot and location to avoid collision ???
+					$calendar[$Ymd]['sessions'][$session['t_id'].$session['l_id']] = [
+						'id' => $session['id'],
+						'title' => $translator->trans($session['l_title']).' ('.$translator->trans($session['t_title']).')',
+						'class' => $class,
+						'applications' => [ 0 => $translator->trans($session['t_title']).' '.$translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title']).($count > 1?' ['.$count.']':'') ]+$applications
+					];
+				}
+			}
+			//Sort sessions
+			ksort($calendar[$Ymd]['sessions']);
+		}
+		//Send result
+		return $calendar;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Fetch sessions calendar with translated location by date period and user
+	 *
+	 * @param $translator The TranslatorInterface instance
+	 * @param $period The date period
+	 * @param $userId The user id
+	 * @param $sessionId The session id
+	 */
+	public function fetchUserCalendarByDatePeriod(TranslatorInterface $translator, $period, $userId = null, $sessionId = null) {
+		//Get entity manager
+		$em = $this->getEntityManager();
+		//Get quote strategy
+		$qs = $em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy();
+		$dp = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
+		//Get quoted table names
+		//XXX: this allow to make this code table name independent
+		$tables = [
+			'RapsysAirBundle:GroupUser' => $qs->getJoinTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User')->getAssociationMapping('groups'), $em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Session' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Session'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Application' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Application'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Group' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Group'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Location' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Location'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:Slot' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Slot'), $dp),
+			'RapsysAirBundle:User' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp)
+		];
+		//Set the request
+		$req = 'SELECT,, s.location_id AS l_id, l.title AS l_title, s.slot_id AS t_id, t.title AS t_title, s.application_id AS a_id, a.user_id AS a_u_id, au.pseudonym AS a_u_pseudonym, GROUP_CONCAT(sa.user_id ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\n") AS as_u_id, GROUP_CONCAT(sau.pseudonym ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\n") AS as_u_pseudonym
+			FROM RapsysAirBundle:Session AS s
+			JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Location AS l ON ( = s.location_id)
+			JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Slot AS t ON ( = s.slot_id)
+			LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS a ON ( = s.application_id)
+			LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS au ON ( = a.user_id)
+			LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS sa ON (sa.session_id =
+			LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS sau ON ( = sa.user_id)
+			WHERE BETWEEN :begin AND :end
+			'.($userId?' AND sa.user_id = :uid':'').'
+		//Replace bundle entity name by table name
+		$req = str_replace(array_keys($tables), array_values($tables), $req);
+		//Get result set mapping instance
+		//XXX: DEBUG: see ../blog.orig/src/Rapsys/BlogBundle/Repository/ArticleRepository.php
+		$rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+		//Declare all fields
+		//XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+		//addScalarResult($sqlColName, $resColName, $type = 'string');
+		$rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('date', 'date', 'date')
+			->addScalarResult('t_id', 't_id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('t_title', 't_title', 'string')
+			->addScalarResult('l_id', 'l_id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('l_title', 'l_title', 'string')
+			->addScalarResult('a_id', 'a_id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('a_u_id', 'a_u_id', 'integer')
+			->addScalarResult('a_u_pseudonym', 'a_u_pseudonym', 'string')
+			//XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+			->addScalarResult('as_u_id', 'as_u_id', 'string')
+			//XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+			->addScalarResult('as_u_pseudonym', 'as_u_pseudonym', 'string')
+			->addIndexByScalar('id');
+		//Fetch result
+		$res = $em
+			->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+			->setParameter('begin', $period->getStartDate())
+			->setParameter('end', $period->getEndDate())
+			->setParameter('uid', $userId)
+			->getResult();
+		//Init calendar
+		$calendar = [];
+		//Init month
+		$month = null;
+		//Iterate on each day
+		foreach($period as $date) {
+			//Init day in calendar
+			$calendar[$Ymd = $date->format('Ymd')] = [
+				'title' => $date->format('d'),
+				'class' => [],
+				'sessions' => []
+			];
+			//Append month for first day of month
+			if ($month != $date->format('m')) {
+				$month = $date->format('m');
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['title'] .= '/'.$month;
+			}
+			//Deal with today
+			if ($date->format('U') == ($today = strtotime('today'))) {
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['title'] .= '/'.$month;
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['current'] = true;
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] =  'current';
+			}
+			//Disable passed days
+			if ($date->format('U') < $today) {
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['disabled'] = true;
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] =  'disabled';
+			}
+			//Set next month days
+			if ($date->format('m') > date('m')) {
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['next'] = true;
+				$calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] =  'next';
+			}
+			//Iterate on each session to find the one of the day
+			foreach($res as $session) {
+				if (($sessionYmd = $session['date']->format('Ymd')) == $Ymd) {
+					//Count number of application
+					$count = count(explode("\n", $session['as_u_id']));
+					//Compute classes
+					$class = [];
+					if (!empty($session['a_id'])) {
+						$applications = [ $session['a_u_id'] => $session['a_u_pseudonym'] ];
+						if ($session['a_u_id'] == $userId) {
+							$class[] = 'granted';
+						} else {
+							$class[] = 'disputed';
+						}
+					} elseif ($count == 0) {
+						$class[] = 'orphaned';
+					} elseif ($count > 1) {
+						$class[] = 'disputed';
+					} else {
+						$class[] = 'pending';
+					}
+					if ($sessionId == $session['id']) {
+						$class[] = 'highlight';
+					}
+					//Check that session is not granted
+					if (empty($session['a_id'])) {
+						//Fetch pseudonyms from session applications
+						$applications = array_combine(explode("\n", $session['as_u_id']), explode("\n", $session['as_u_pseudonym']));
+					}
+					//Add the session
+					//XXX: see if we shouldn't prepend with 0 the slot and location to avoid collision ???
+					$calendar[$Ymd]['sessions'][$session['t_id'].$session['l_id']] = [
+						'id' => $session['id'],
+						'title' => $translator->trans($session['l_title']).' ('.$translator->trans($session['t_title']).')',
+						'class' => $class,
+						'applications' => [ 0 => $translator->trans($session['t_title']).' '.$translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title']).($count > 1?' ['.$count.']':'') ]+$applications
+					];
+				}
+			}
+			//Sort sessions
+			ksort($calendar[$Ymd]['sessions']);
+		}
+		//Send result
+		return $calendar;
+	}