From 4386febde704d971a4dade5e9a6b1ee678ca5580 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?utf8?q?Rapha=C3=ABl=20Gertz?= <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 07:26:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] New location view layout

 Resources/views/location/view.html.twig | 28 ++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Resources/views/location/view.html.twig b/Resources/views/location/view.html.twig
index 4c5508b..d187053 100644
--- a/Resources/views/location/view.html.twig
+++ b/Resources/views/location/view.html.twig
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 {% block content %}
 	<article id="dashboard">
-			<h2><a href="{{ path('rapsys_air_location_view', {'id': id}) }}">{{ section }}</a></h2>
+			<h2><a href="{{ canonical }}">{{ title }}</a></h2>
 			<p>{{ description }}</p>
 		<div class="panel">
@@ -15,20 +15,20 @@
 									{% for session in day.sessions %}
 										<li class="{{ session.class|join(' ') }}">
-											<a href="{{ path('rapsys_air_session_view', {'id':}) }}" title="{{ session.applications|join('\n') }}">
-												<span>{{ session.start|localizeddate('none', 'short') }}</span>
-												<span class="reducible">{{ session.location }}</span>
-												<span class="info">
-													{% if is defined and %}
-														<span title="{{ session.weathertitle }}">{{ }}</span>
-													{% endif %}
-													<span title="{{ session.slottitle }}">{{ session.slot }}</span>
-												</span>
-												<span>{{ session.stop|localizeddate('none', 'short') }}</span>
-												{% if session.pseudonym is defined and session.pseudonym %}
-													<span class="reducible{% if session.rate is not defined and session.hat is not defined %} pseudonym{% endif %}">{{ session.pseudonym }}</span>
+											<a href="{{ }}" title="{{ session.title }}">
+												<span>{{ session.start|intldate('none', 'short') }}</span>
+												<span class="reducible">{{ session.location.title }}</span>
+												<span class="temperature"{% if session.temperature.title is defined and session.temperature.title %} title="{{ session.temperature.title }}"{% endif %}><span class="glyph">{{ session.temperature.glyph }}</span></span>
+												<span>{{ session.stop|intldate('none', 'short') }}</span>
+												<span class="reducible">{% if session.application.user.title is defined and session.application.user.title %}{{ session.application.user.title }}{% endif %}</span>
+												<span class="rain"{% if session.rain.title is defined and session.rain.title %} title="{{ session.rain.title }}"{% endif %}><span class="glyph">{{ session.rain.glyph }}</span></span>
+												{% if session.rate is defined and session.rate %}
+													<span class="rate" title="{{ session.rate.title }}">{% if session.rate.rate is defined and session.rate.rate %}{{ session.rate.rate }} {% endif %}<span class="glyph">{{ session.rate.glyph }}</span></span>
+												{% else %}
+													<span></span>
 												{% endif %}
-												{% if session.rate is defined %}<span class="info">{{ session.rate }} {% if session.hat is defined and session.hat %}🎩{% else %}€{% endif %}</span>{% endif %}
+												<span class="reducible">{{ session.location.zipcode }} {{ }}</span>
+												<span></span>
 									{% endfor %}