#! /bin/sh export APP_ENV='dev' export APP_SECRET=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9+,.:;@_-' | head -c 64` export MAILER_DSN='smtp://localhost' set -x # Ask for a full reset read -p 'Full reset Yes/[No] ?' full # Full reset required if [ "$full" = 'Yes' -o "$full" = 'YES' -o "$full" = 'yes' ]; then # Check if we have a rapsys racine if [ -d vendor/rapsys ]; then # Process each remaining git sub directory for i in `ls -d vendor/rapsys/*`; do pushd $i; # Stash modifications if present git stash save; # Set back to HEAD git reset --hard; # Force kick untracked files and directories git clean -fxd; popd; done; fi; # Stash modifications if present git stash save; # Set back to HEAD git reset --hard; # Force kick untracked files and directories git clean -fxd; # Prune directories sudo rm -fr var/{cache/{dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{css,js,img,bundles}; # Recreate tree mkdir -p var/{cache/{dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{css,js,img,bundles}; # Touch local env touch '.env.local.php' # Set ownership chown $USER. '.env.local.php' var/{cache/{,dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{,css,js,img,bundles}; # Set acl setfacl -m u:apache:rwX '.env.local.php' var/{cache/{,dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{css,js,img,bundles}; # Run install composer install --no-scripts # Run fix-recipes composer fix-recipes # Reset composer.json git checkout -- composer.json # Recreate src/Entity for doctrine mkdir -p src/Entity # Run scripts as apache sudo -u apache composer auto-scripts # Fix env file perl -ne 'my %e=(APP_ENV=>"'$APP_ENV'",APP_SECRET=>"'${APP_SECRET/@/\\@}'",MAILER_DSN=>"'$MAILER_DSN'");my $p=join("|",keys %e);if(/^[#\s]*($p)=/){$_=$1."=\"".$e{$1}."\"\n";};print $_;' -i.orig .env # Dump the env sudo -u apache composer symfony:dump-env $APP_ENV # Remove acl setfacl -b '.env.local.php' # Drop current schema sudo -u apache php bin/console doctrine:schema:drop --force # Create current schema sudo -u apache php bin/console doctrine:schema:create # Load fixtures sudo -u apache php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=dev --no-interaction # Clear cache again sudo -u apache php bin/console cache:clear else # Prune directories rm -fr var/{cache/{dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/bundles; # Recreate them mkdir -p var/{cache/{dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{,bundles/rapsyspack/}{css,js,img}; # Set ownership sudo chown $USER. var/{cache/{,dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{,css,js,img,bundles/{,rapsyspack/{,css,js,img}}}; # Set acl sudo setfacl -m u:apache:rwX var/{cache/{,dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{css,js,img,bundles/{,rapsyspack/{css,js,img}}}; # Run composer update composer update --no-scripts # Run fix-recipes composer fix-recipes # Reset composer.json git checkout -- composer.json # Prune directories rm -fr var/{cache/{dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/bundles; # Recreate them mkdir -p var/{cache/{dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{,bundles/rapsyspack/}{css,js,img}; # Set ownership sudo chown $USER. var/{cache/{,dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{,css,js,img,bundles/{,rapsyspack/{,css,js,img}}}; # Set acl sudo setfacl -m u:apache:rwX var/{cache/{,dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{css,js,img,bundles/{,rapsyspack/{,css,js,img}}}; # Run scripts as apache sudo -u apache composer auto-scripts # Clear cache again sudo -u apache php bin/console cache:clear fi # Recreate them mkdir -p var/{cache/{dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{,bundles/rapsyspack/}{css,js,img}; # Set ownership sudo chown $USER. var/{cache/{,dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{,css,js,img,bundles/{,rapsyspack/{,css,js,img}}}; # Set acl setfacl -m u:apache:rwX var/{cache/{,dev,prod,test},log,sessions} public/{css,js,img,bundles/{,rapsyspack/{css,js,img}}};