--TEST-- Check for bbcode functions --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- [ ], '' => [ 'type' => BBCODE::TYPE_ROOT, 'child' => ['ul','url','img','b','i'] ], 'i' => [ 'type' => BBCODE::TYPE_MULTI //TODO: by default open tag = and close tag = ], 'b' => [ 'type' => BBCODE::TYPE_MULTI ], 'ul' => [ 'type' => BBCODE::TYPE_MULTI, 'child' => ['li'] ], 'li' => [ 'type' => BBCODE::TYPE_MULTI, 'parent' => ['ul'], 'child' => ['url','img','b','i'] ], 'url' => [ 'type' => BBCODE::TYPE_MULTI, 'parent' => ['','li','b','i'], 'open' => '', 'close' => '', 'arg' => 'href' ], ], [ ':)' => ':)', ':(' => ':(', ':D' => ':D', ':p' => ':p', ':|' => ':|', ':6:' => ':6:' ], BBCODE::REMOVE_EMPTY ); echo $obj->parse('[ul][li][url=https://rapsys.eu]Rapsys[/url][/li][li][url=https://google.fr]Google[/url][/li][/ul]'); /* you can add regression tests for your extension here the output of your test code has to be equal to the text in the --EXPECT-- section below for the tests to pass, differences between the output and the expected text are interpreted as failure see php7/README.TESTING for further information on writing regression tests */ ?> --EXPECT-- [ul][li][url=https://rapsys.eu]Rapsys[/url][/li][li][url=https://google.fr]Google[/url][/li][/ul]