<?php namespace Rapsys\BlogBundle\Repository; /** * ArticleRepository * * This class was generated by the Doctrine ORM. Add your own custom * repository methods below. */ class ArticleRepository extends \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository { /** * Find article * * @param string $_locale * @param string $_article */ public function findArticle($_locale, $_article) { # //TODO: voir comment faire ça sans gros hack sql ? # //Declare all field # $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping(); # $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id'); # $rsm->addScalarResult('created', 'created'); # $rsm->addScalarResult('updated', 'updated'); # $rsm->addScalarResult('slug', 'slug'); # $rsm->addScalarResult('title', 'title'); # $rsm->addScalarResult('description', 'description'); # $rsm->addScalarResult('body', 'body'); # $rsm->addScalarResult('keywords', 'keywords'); # $rsm->addScalarResult('slugs', 'slugs'); # # //Fetch article # $ret = $this->getEntityManager() # #->createQuery('SELECT b.*, JSON(bl.iso6391, bat.slug) AS slugs FROM (SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, at.body, JSON(kt.slug, kt.title) AS keywords FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article a JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation at WITH (at.article_id = a.id AND at.slug = :_article) JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS l WITH (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword ak WITH (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation kt WITH (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id) b LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS bl WITH (bl.iso6391 <> :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation bat WITH (bat.language_id = bl.id AND bat.article_id = b.id) GROUP BY b.id') # ->createNativeQuery('SELECT b.*, CONCAT(\'{\', GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(\'"\', REPLACE(bl.iso6391, \'"\', \'\\\\"\'), \'": "\', REPLACE(bat.slug, \'"\', \'\\\\"\'), \'"\')), \'}\') AS slugs FROM (SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, at.body, CONCAT(\'{\', GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(\'"\', REPLACE(kt.slug, \'"\', \'\\\\"\'), \'": "\', REPLACE(kt.title, \'"\', \'\\\\"\'), \'"\')), \'}\') AS keywords FROM articles a JOIN articles_translations at ON (at.article_id = a.id AND at.slug = ?) JOIN languages AS l ON (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = ?) LEFT JOIN articles_keywords ak ON (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN keywords_translations kt ON (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id) b LEFT JOIN languages AS bl ON (bl.iso6391 <> ?) LEFT JOIN articles_translations bat ON (bat.language_id = bl.id AND bat.article_id = b.id) GROUP BY b.id', $rsm) # ->setParameter(0, $_article) # ->setParameter(1, $_locale) # ->setParameter(2, $_locale) # ->getSingleResult(); # //Decode json # if (!empty($ret['keywords'])) { # $ret['keywords'] = json_decode($ret['keywords'], true); # } # if (!empty($ret['slugs'])) { # $ret['slugs'] = json_decode($ret['slugs'], true); # } # //Send result # return $ret; # //Fetch article $ret = $this->getEntityManager() #->createQuery('SELECT b.*, JSON(bl.iso6391, bat.slug) AS slugs FROM (SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, at.body, JSON(kt.slug, kt.title) AS keywords FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article a JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation at WITH (at.article_id = a.id AND at.slug = :_article) JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS l WITH (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword ak WITH (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation kt WITH (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id) b LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS bl WITH (bl.iso6391 <> :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation bat WITH (bat.language_id = bl.id AND bat.article_id = b.id) GROUP BY b.id') ->createQuery('SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, at.body, JSON(kt.slug, kt.title) AS keywords FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article a JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation at WITH (at.article_id = a.id AND at.slug = :_article) JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS l WITH (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword ak WITH (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation kt WITH (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id') ->setParameter('_locale', $_locale) ->setParameter('_article', $_article) ->getSingleResult(); //Decode json if (!empty($ret['keywords'])) { $ret['keywords'] = json_decode($ret['keywords'], true); } //Fetch article's slugs in other locale $slugs = $this->getEntityManager() ->createQuery('SELECT JSON(bl.iso6391, bat.slug) AS slugs FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Language bl LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation bat WITH (bat.article_id = :_article AND bat.language_id = bl.id) WHERE (bl.iso6391 <> :_locale) GROUP BY bat.article_id') ->setParameter('_locale', $_locale) ->setParameter('_article', $ret['id']) ->getSingleResult(); //Decode json if (!empty($slugs['slugs'])) { $ret['slugs'] = json_decode($slugs['slugs'], true); } //Send result return $ret; } /** * Find articles * * @param string $_locale */ public function findArticles($_locale) { //Fetch articles $ret = $this->getEntityManager() ->createQuery('SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, JSON(kt.slug, kt.title) AS keywords FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article a JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation at WITH (at.article_id = a.id) JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS l WITH (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword ak WITH (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation kt WITH (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id') ->setParameter('_locale', $_locale) ->execute(); //Decode json if (!empty($ret)) { foreach ($ret as $id => $article) { if (!empty($article['keywords'])) { $ret[$id]['keywords'] = json_decode($article['keywords'], true); } } } //Send result return $ret; } }