* @return Response The rendered view
public function index(Request $request): Response {
- //With keywords
- if ($count = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Keyword::class)->findCountAsInt()) {
- //Negative page or over page
- if (($page = (int) $request->get('page', 0)) < 0 || $page > $count / $this->limit) {
- //Throw 404
- throw $this->createNotFoundException($this->translator->trans('Unable to find keywords (page: %page%)', ['%page%' => $page]));
- }
- //Without keywords
- if (empty($this->context['keywords'] = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Keyword::class)->findAllAsArray($page, $this->limit))) {
- //Throw 404
- throw $this->createNotFoundException($this->translator->trans('Unable to find keywords'));
- }
- //With prev link
- if ($page > 0) {
- //Set keywords older
- $this->context['head']['prev'] = $this->context['keywords_prev'] = $this->generateUrl($request->attributes->get('_route'), ['page' => $page - 1]+$request->attributes->get('_route_params'));
- }
- //With next link
- if ($count > ($page + 1) * $this->limit) {
- //Set keywords newer
- $this->context['head']['next'] = $this->context['keywords_next'] = $this->generateUrl($request->attributes->get('_route'), ['page' => $page + 1]+$request->attributes->get('_route_params'));
- }
+ //With not enough keywords
+ if (($this->count = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Keyword::class)->findCountAsInt()) < $this->page * $this->limit) {
+ //Throw 404
+ throw $this->createNotFoundException($this->translator->trans('Unable to find keywords'));
+ }
+ //Get keywords
+ if ($this->context['keywords'] = $this->doctrine->getRepository(Keyword::class)->findAllAsArray($this->page, $this->limit)) {
//Set modified
$this->modified = max(array_map(function ($v) { return $v['modified']; }, $this->context['keywords']));
//Without keywords
} else {
- //Set empty keywords
- $this->context['keywords'] = [];
//Set empty modified
$this->modified = new \DateTime('-1 year');