+<?php declare(strict_types=1);
+ * This file is part of the Rapsys BlogBundle package.
+ *
+ * (c) Raphaël Gertz <symfony@rapsys.eu>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
namespace Rapsys\BlogBundle\Repository;
+use Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping;
* ArticleRepository
* This class was generated by the Doctrine ORM. Add your own custom
* repository methods below.
-class ArticleRepository extends \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository {
+class ArticleRepository extends EntityRepository {
- * Find article
+ * Find article count as int
- * @param string $_locale
- * @param string $_article
+ * @return integer The articles count
- public function findArticle($_locale, $_article) {
-# //TODO: voir comment faire ça sans gros hack sql ?
-# //Declare all field
-# $rsm = new \Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping();
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id');
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('created', 'created');
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('updated', 'updated');
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('slug', 'slug');
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('title', 'title');
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('description', 'description');
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('body', 'body');
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('keywords', 'keywords');
-# $rsm->addScalarResult('slugs', 'slugs');
-# //Fetch article
-# $ret = $this->getEntityManager()
-# #->createQuery('SELECT b.*, JSON(bl.iso6391, bat.slug) AS slugs FROM (SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, at.body, JSON(kt.slug, kt.title) AS keywords FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article a JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation at WITH (at.article_id = a.id AND at.slug = :_article) JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS l WITH (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword ak WITH (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation kt WITH (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id) b LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS bl WITH (bl.iso6391 <> :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation bat WITH (bat.language_id = bl.id AND bat.article_id = b.id) GROUP BY b.id')
-# ->createNativeQuery('SELECT b.*, CONCAT(\'{\', GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(\'"\', REPLACE(bl.iso6391, \'"\', \'\\\\"\'), \'": "\', REPLACE(bat.slug, \'"\', \'\\\\"\'), \'"\')), \'}\') AS slugs FROM (SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, at.body, CONCAT(\'{\', GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(\'"\', REPLACE(kt.slug, \'"\', \'\\\\"\'), \'": "\', REPLACE(kt.title, \'"\', \'\\\\"\'), \'"\')), \'}\') AS keywords FROM articles a JOIN articles_translations at ON (at.article_id = a.id AND at.slug = ?) JOIN languages AS l ON (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = ?) LEFT JOIN articles_keywords ak ON (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN keywords_translations kt ON (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id) b LEFT JOIN languages AS bl ON (bl.iso6391 <> ?) LEFT JOIN articles_translations bat ON (bat.language_id = bl.id AND bat.article_id = b.id) GROUP BY b.id', $rsm)
-# ->setParameter(0, $_article)
-# ->setParameter(1, $_locale)
-# ->setParameter(2, $_locale)
-# ->getSingleResult();
-# //Decode json
-# if (!empty($ret['keywords'])) {
-# $ret['keywords'] = json_decode($ret['keywords'], true);
-# }
-# if (!empty($ret['slugs'])) {
-# $ret['slugs'] = json_decode($ret['slugs'], true);
-# }
-# //Send result
-# return $ret;
- //Fetch article
- $ret = $this->getEntityManager()
- #->createQuery('SELECT b.*, JSON(bl.iso6391, bat.slug) AS slugs FROM (SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, at.body, JSON(kt.slug, kt.title) AS keywords FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article a JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation at WITH (at.article_id = a.id AND at.slug = :_article) JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS l WITH (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword ak WITH (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation kt WITH (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id) b LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS bl WITH (bl.iso6391 <> :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation bat WITH (bat.language_id = bl.id AND bat.article_id = b.id) GROUP BY b.id')
- ->createQuery('SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, at.body, JSON(kt.slug, kt.title) AS keywords FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article a JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation at WITH (at.article_id = a.id AND at.slug = :_article) JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS l WITH (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword ak WITH (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation kt WITH (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id')
- ->setParameter('_locale', $_locale)
- ->setParameter('_article', $_article)
- ->getSingleResult();
- //Decode json
- if (!empty($ret['keywords'])) {
- $ret['keywords'] = json_decode($ret['keywords'], true);
- }
+ public function findCountAsInt(): int {
+ //Set the request
+ $req = <<<SQL
+SELECT COUNT(at.article_id) AS count
+FROM RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation AS at
+WHERE at.locale = :locale
- //Fetch article's slugs in other locale
- $slugs = $this->getEntityManager()
- ->createQuery('SELECT JSON(bl.iso6391, bat.slug) AS slugs FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Language bl LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation bat WITH (bat.article_id = :_article AND bat.language_id = bl.id) WHERE (bl.iso6391 <> :_locale) GROUP BY bat.article_id')
- ->setParameter('_locale', $_locale)
- ->setParameter('_article', $ret['id'])
- ->getSingleResult();
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ $req = $this->replace($req);
- //Decode json
- if (!empty($slugs['slugs'])) {
- $ret['slugs'] = json_decode($slugs['slugs'], true);
- }
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ //XXX: DEBUG: see ../blog.orig/src/Rapsys/BlogBundle/Repository/ArticleRepository.php
+ $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+ //Declare all fields
+ //XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+ //addScalarResult($sqlColName, $resColName, $type = 'string');
+ $rsm->addScalarResult('count', 'count', 'integer');
- //Send result
- return $ret;
+ //Get result
+ return $this->_em
+ ->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+ ->getSingleScalarResult();
- * Find articles
+ * Find articles as array
- * @param string $_locale
+ * @param integer $page The page
+ * @param integer $count The count
+ * @return array The articles array
- public function findArticles($_locale) {
- //Fetch articles
- $ret = $this->getEntityManager()
- ->createQuery('SELECT a.id, a.created, a.updated, at.slug, at.title, at.description, JSON(kt.slug, kt.title) AS keywords FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article a JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation at WITH (at.article_id = a.id) JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Language AS l WITH (l.id = at.language_id AND l.iso6391 = :_locale) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword ak WITH (ak.article_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation kt WITH (kt.keyword_id = ak.keyword_id AND kt.language_id = at.language_id) GROUP BY a.id')
- ->setParameter('_locale', $_locale)
- ->execute();
- //Decode json
- if (!empty($ret)) {
- foreach ($ret as $id => $article) {
- if (!empty($article['keywords'])) {
- $ret[$id]['keywords'] = json_decode($article['keywords'], true);
- }
+ public function findAllAsArray(int $page, int $count): array {
+ //Set the request
+ $req = <<<SQL
+ a.id,
+ GREATEST(a.created, at.created, k.created, kt.created) AS created,
+ GREATEST(a.updated, at.updated, k.updated, kt.updated) AS updated,
+ GREATEST(a.created, at.created, k.created, kt.created, a.updated, at.updated, k.updated, kt.updated) as modified,
+ at.body,
+ at.description,
+ at.slug,
+ at.title,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(k.id ORDER BY k.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS k_ids,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(kt.slug ORDER BY k.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS k_slugs,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(kt.title ORDER BY k.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS k_titles
+FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article AS a
+JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation AS at ON (at.article_id = a.id AND at.locale = :locale)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword AS ak ON (ak.article_id = a.id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Keyword AS k ON (k.id = ak.keyword_id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation AS kt ON (kt.keyword_id = k.id AND kt.locale = :locale)
+GROUP BY a.id
+ORDER BY updated, created DESC
+LIMIT :offset, :count
+ //Replace bundle entity name by table name
+ $req = $this->replace($req);
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ //XXX: DEBUG: see ../blog.orig/src/Rapsys/BlogBundle/Repository/ArticleRepository.php
+ $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+ //Declare all fields
+ //XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+ //addScalarResult($sqlColName, $resColName, $type = 'string');
+ $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('body', 'body', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('description', 'description', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('slug', 'slug', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('title', 'title', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('k_ids', 'k_ids', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('k_slugs', 'k_slugs', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('k_titles', 'k_titles', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('created', 'created', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('updated', 'updated', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('modified', 'modified', 'datetime')
+ ->addIndexByScalar('id');
+ //Get result
+ $result = $this->_em
+ ->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+ ->setParameter('offset', $page * $count)
+ ->setParameter('count', $count)
+ ->getArrayResult();
+ //Set return
+ $return = [];
+ //Iterate on each city
+ foreach($result as $data) {
+ //Add to return
+ $return[$data['id']] = [
+ 'id' => $id = $data['id'],
+ 'body' => $data['body'],
+ 'description' => $data['description'],
+ 'slug' => $slug = $data['slug'],
+ 'title' => $data['title'],
+ 'created' => $data['created'],
+ 'updated' => $data['updated'],
+ 'modified' => $data['modified'],
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsys_blog_article_view', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]),
+ 'keywords' => []
+ ];
+ //Explode keyword ids
+ $data['k_ids'] = explode("\n", $data['k_ids']);
+ //Explode keyword slugs
+ $data['k_slugs'] = explode("\n", $data['k_slugs']);
+ //Explode keyword titles
+ $data['k_titles'] = explode("\n", $data['k_titles']);
+ foreach($data['k_ids'] as $k => $id) {
+ $return[$data['id']]['keywords'][$id] = [
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'slug' => $slug = $data['k_slugs'][$k],
+ 'title' => $data['k_titles'][$k],
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsys_blog_keyword_view', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]),
+ ];
- //Send result
- return $ret;
+ //Return return
+ return $return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find article by id as array
+ *
+ * @param integer $id The article id
+ * @return array The article array
+ */
+ public function findByIdAsArray(int $id): array {
+ //Set the request
+ $req = <<<SQL
+ b.id,
+ GREATEST(b.created, kat.created) AS created,
+ GREATEST(b.updated, kat.updated) AS updated,
+ GREATEST(b.created, b.updated, kat.created, kat.updated) AS modified,
+ b.body,
+ b.description,
+ b.slug,
+ b.title,
+ b.k_ids,
+ b.k_slugs,
+ b.k_titles,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(kat.locale ORDER BY kat.locale SEPARATOR "\\n") AS kat_locales,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(kat.slug ORDER BY kat.locale SEPARATOR "\\n") AS kat_slugs,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(kat.title ORDER BY kat.locale SEPARATOR "\\n") AS kat_titles
+ a.id,
+ GREATEST(a.created, at.created, k.created, kt.created) AS created,
+ GREATEST(a.updated, at.updated, k.updated, kt.updated) AS updated,
+ at.body,
+ at.description,
+ at.slug,
+ at.title,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(k.id ORDER BY k.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS k_ids,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(kt.slug ORDER BY k.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS k_slugs,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(kt.title ORDER BY k.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS k_titles
+ FROM RapsysBlogBundle:Article AS a
+ JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation AS at ON (at.article_id = a.id AND at.locale = :locale)
+ LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleKeyword AS ak ON (ak.article_id = a.id)
+ LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:Keyword AS k ON (k.id = ak.keyword_id)
+ LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:KeywordTranslation AS kt ON (kt.keyword_id = k.id AND kt.locale = :locale)
+ WHERE a.id = :id
+ GROUP BY a.id
+ LIMIT 0, :limit
+) AS b
+LEFT JOIN RapsysBlogBundle:ArticleTranslation AS kat ON (kat.article_id = b.id AND kat.locale <> :locale)
+GROUP BY b.id
+ //Replace bundle entity name by table name
+ $req = $this->replace($req);
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ //XXX: DEBUG: see ../blog.orig/src/Rapsys/BlogBundle/Repository/ArticleRepository.php
+ $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+ //Declare all fields
+ //XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+ //addScalarResult($sqlColName, $resColName, $type = 'string');
+ $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('body', 'body', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('description', 'description', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('slug', 'slug', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('title', 'title', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('k_ids', 'k_ids', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('k_slugs', 'k_slugs', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('k_titles', 'k_titles', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('kat_locales', 'kat_locales', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('kat_slugs', 'kat_slugs', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('kat_titles', 'kat_titles', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('created', 'created', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('updated', 'updated', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('modified', 'modified', 'datetime');
+ //Get data
+ $data = $this->_em
+ ->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+ ->setParameter('id', $id)
+ ->getOneOrNullResult();
+ //Set return
+ $return = [
+ 'id' => $id = $data['id'],
+ 'body' => $data['body'],
+ 'description' => $data['description'],
+ 'slug' => $slug = $data['slug'],
+ 'title' => $data['title'],
+ 'created' => $data['created'],
+ 'updated' => $data['updated'],
+ 'modified' => $data['modified'],
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsys_blog_article_view', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]),
+ 'alternates' => [],
+ 'keywords' => []
+ ];
+ //Explode keyword ids
+ $data['k_ids'] = explode("\n", $data['k_ids']);
+ //Explode keyword slugs
+ $data['k_slugs'] = explode("\n", $data['k_slugs']);
+ //Explode keyword titles
+ $data['k_titles'] = explode("\n", $data['k_titles']);
+ foreach($data['k_ids'] as $k => $kid) {
+ $return['keywords'][$kid] = [
+ 'id' => $kid,
+ 'slug' => $slug = $data['k_slugs'][$k],
+ 'title' => $data['k_titles'][$k],
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsys_blog_keyword_view', ['id' => $kid, 'slug' => $slug]),
+ ];
+ }
+ //Explode alternate locales
+ $data['kat_locales'] = explode("\n", $data['kat_locales']);
+ //Explode alternate slugs
+ $data['kat_slugs'] = explode("\n", $data['kat_slugs']);
+ //Explode alternate titles
+ $data['kat_titles'] = explode("\n", $data['kat_titles']);
+ foreach($data['kat_locales'] as $k => $locale) {
+ $return['alternates'][$locale] = [
+ 'locale' => $locale,
+ 'slug' => $slug = $data['kat_slugs'][$k],
+ 'title' => $data['kat_titles'][$k],
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsys_blog_article_view', ['_locale' => $locale, 'id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug]),
+ ];
+ }
+ //Return return
+ return $return;