2024-01-28 Raphaël GertzFix default bind ciphersuites and options
2024-01-28 Raphaël GertzAdd doctrine dbal default charset and collate parameters
2024-01-28 Raphaël GertzRename Serveur mandataire in Proxy
2024-01-28 Raphaël GertzAdd apache, haproxy, http, proxy, quic, mageia and...
2024-01-08 Raphaël GertzUpdate translations
2024-01-08 Raphaël GertzUpdate message
2024-01-08 Raphaël GertzIndent form properly
2024-01-08 Raphaël GertzFix message
2024-01-08 Raphaël GertzCleanup messages
2024-01-08 Raphaël GertzCleanup flash message
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzAdd user view 0.2
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzAdd about page
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzUse new prev and next links
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzUse new prev and next links
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzUse new prev and next links
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzMakes created, updated and modified the greatest of...
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzAdd carriage return to cleaned symbol
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzAdd findByIdAsArray function
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzAdd count member
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzAdd user controller
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzAdd user controller
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzUse prev and next links
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzUse prev and next links
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzSet h3 style
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzRemove useless block
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzNew structure
2023-12-12 Raphaël GertzAdd user index template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzUpdate contact html template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd validators translations
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd register template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd recover template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd login template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd edit template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd contact template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd form_theme template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd register mail template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd recover mail template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd contact mail text template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd mail base template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzUpdate contact mail html template
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd register form extension
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd edit form extension
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd about page
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzEnable mail and slug admin fields
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzEnable mail, pseudonym and slug for admin
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd user repository
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzRemove contact page
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd form styles
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd RapsysBlogBundle:UserGroup entry
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzEnable global csrf protection
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzFix address fields
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzFix faq and tos route name
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd strict types
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzPass slugger to constructor
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzRename disabled to enable
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzSkip extra entries from config flattening
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzUpdate address entries
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzCleanup
2023-12-11 Raphaël GertzUpdate translations
2023-11-16 Raphaël GertzAdd security member
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd repository factory 0.1
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd rapsys blog route config
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd rapsys blog package config
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd blog configuration and extension dependency injection
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove unused parameters config
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd group, user and user translation doctrine orm config
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd civility doctrine orm config
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove language relation
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove language relation
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzFix indentation
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzFix indentation
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove unused doctrine orm config
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzUpdate composer requirements
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove unused body template
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd article and keyword view templates
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzUpdate index templates
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove unused templates
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzStrict types
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzStrict types
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove unused entities
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzImport entity repository
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd user translation entity
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd user entity
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd group entity
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd civility entity
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzStrict types
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzStrict types
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzStrict types
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzStrict types
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd abstract controller
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd article controller with index and view member functions
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzAdd keyword controller with index and view member functions
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzStrict types
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzUpdate fixtures
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove old rootAction
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzUpdate icon and logo
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzRemove old translations
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzUpdate translations
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzUpdate css
2023-11-10 Raphaël GertzFix included template name