<?php // src/Rapsys/PackBundle/Twig/PackTokenParser.php namespace Rapsys\PackBundle\Twig; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Config\FileLocator; use Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages; class PackTokenParser extends \Twig_TokenParser { private $tag; /** * Constructor. * * @param class $fileLocator The FileLocator instance * @param class $assetsPackages The Assets Packages instance * @param string $config The config path * @param string $tag The tag name * @param string $output The default output string * @param array $filters The default filters array */ public function __construct(FileLocator $fileLocator, Packages $assetsPackages, $config, $tag, $output, $filters) { $this->fileLocator = $fileLocator; $this->assetsPackages = $assetsPackages; //Set prefix $this->prefix = $config['prefix']; //Set name $this->name = $config['name']; //Set scheme $this->scheme = $config['scheme']; //Set timeout $this->timeout = $config['timeout']; //Set agent $this->agent = $config['agent']; //Set redirect $this->redirect = $config['redirect']; //Set tag $this->tag = $tag; //Set output $this->output = $output; //Set filters $this->filters = $filters; } public function getTag() { return $this->tag; } public function parse(\Twig_Token $token) { $parser = $this->parser; $stream = $this->parser->getStream(); $inputs = array(); $name = $this->name; $output = $this->output; $filters = $this->filters; $content = ''; while (!$stream->test(\Twig_Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE)) { if ($stream->test(\Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE)) { // '@jquery', 'js/src/core/*', 'js/src/extra.js' $inputs[] = $stream->next()->getValue(); } elseif ($stream->test(\Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE, 'filters')) { // filter='yui_js' $stream->next(); $stream->expect(\Twig_Token::OPERATOR_TYPE, '='); $filters = array_merge($filters, array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $stream->expect(\Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE)->getValue())))); } elseif ($stream->test(\Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE, 'output')) { // output='js/packed/*.js' OR output='js/core.js' $stream->next(); $stream->expect(\Twig_Token::OPERATOR_TYPE, '='); $output = $stream->expect(\Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE)->getValue(); } elseif ($stream->test(\Twig_Token::NAME_TYPE, 'name')) { // name='core_js' $stream->next(); $stream->expect(\Twig_Token::OPERATOR_TYPE, '='); $name = $stream->expect(\Twig_Token::STRING_TYPE)->getValue(); } else { $token = $stream->getCurrent(); throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unexpected token "%s" of value "%s"', \Twig_Token::typeToEnglish($token->getType()), $token->getValue()), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } } $stream->expect(\Twig_Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE); $body = $this->parser->subparse(array($this, 'testEndTag'), true); $stream->expect(\Twig_Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE); //Replace star with sha1 if (($pos = strpos($output, '*')) !== false) { #XXX: assetic code: substr(sha1(serialize($inputs).serialize($filters).serialize($options)), 0, 7) $output = substr($output, 0, $pos).sha1(serialize($inputs).serialize($filters)).substr($output, $pos + 1); } //Deal with inputs for($k = 0; $k < count($inputs); $k++) { //Deal with generic url if (strpos($inputs[$k], '//') === 0) { //Fix url $inputs[$k] = $this->scheme.substr($inputs[$k], 2); //Deal with non url path } elseif (strpos($inputs[$k], '://') === false) { //Check if we have a bundle path if ($inputs[$k][0] == '@') { //Check that we don't have only a path if (($pos = strpos($inputs[$k], '/')) === false) { #TODO: @jquery support (if we really want it) #header('Content-Type: text/plain'); #var_dump($inputs); #if ($inputs[0] == '@jquery') { # exit; #} throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Invalid input path "%s"', $inputs[$k]), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } //Resolve bundle prefix $inputs[$k] = $this->fileLocator->locate(substr($inputs[$k], 0, $pos)).substr($inputs[$k], $pos + 1); } //Deal with globs if (strpos($inputs[$k], '*') !== false || (($a = strpos($inputs[$k], '{')) !== false && ($b = strpos($inputs[$k], ',', $a)) !== false && strpos($inputs[$k], '}', $b) !== false)) { //Get replacement $replacement = glob($inputs[$k], GLOB_NOSORT|GLOB_BRACE); //Check that these are working files foreach($replacement as $input) { if (!is_file($input)) { throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Input path "%s" from "%s" is not a file', $input, $inputs[$k]), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } } //Replace with glob path array_splice($inputs, $k, 1, $replacement); //Fix current key $k += count($replacement) - 1; //Check that it's a file } elseif (!is_file($inputs[$k])) { throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Input path "%s" is not a file', $inputs[$k]), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } } } //Init context $ctx = stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'timeout' => $this->timeout, 'user_agent' => $this->agent, 'redirect' => $this->redirect, ) ) ); //Check inputs if (!empty($inputs)) { //Retrieve files content foreach($inputs as $input) { //Try to retrieve content if (($data = file_get_contents($input, false, $ctx)) === false) { throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unable to retrieve input path "%s"', $input), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } //Append content $content .= $data; } } else { #TODO: trigger error about empty inputs ? } //Check filters if (!empty($filters)) { //Apply all filters foreach($filters as $filter) { //Init args $args = array($stream->getSourceContext(), $token->getLine()); //Check if args is available if (!empty($filter['args'])) { //Append args if provided $args += $filter['args']; } //Init reflection $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($filter['class']); //Set instance args $tool = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($args); //Process content $content = $tool->process($content); //Remove object unset($tool, $reflection); } } else { #TODO: trigger error about empty filters ? } //Create output dir on demand if (!is_dir($parent = $dir = dirname($this->prefix.$output))) { try { //XXX: set as 0777, symfony umask (0022) will reduce rights (0755) mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unable to create directory: %s', $dir), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } } //Send file content //XXX: atomic rotation is required to avoid partial content in reverse cache if (file_put_contents($this->prefix.$output.'.new', $content) === false) { throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unable to write to: %s', $prefix.$output.'.new'), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } //Remove old file if (is_file($this->prefix.$output) && unlink($this->prefix.$output) === false) { throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unable to unlink: %s', $prefix.$output), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } //Rename it if (rename($this->prefix.$output.'.new', $this->prefix.$output) === false) { throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unable to rename: %s to %s', $prefix.$output.'.new', $prefix.$output), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } //Retrieve asset uri //XXX: was next line to support module specific asset configuration #if (($output = $this->assetsPackages->getUrl($output, 'rapsys_pack')) === false) { if (($output = $this->assetsPackages->getUrl($output)) === false) { #throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unable to get url for asset: %s with package %s', $output, 'rapsys_pack'), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); throw new \Twig_Error_Syntax(sprintf('Unable to get url for asset: %s', $output), $token->getLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } //Send pack node return new PackNode(array('value' => $body), array('inputs' => $inputs, 'filters' => $filters, 'name' => $name, 'output' => $output), $token->getLine(), $this->getTag()); } public function testEndTag(\Twig_Token $token) { return $token->test(array('end'.$this->getTag())); } }