X-Git-Url: https://git.rapsys.eu/packbundle/blobdiff_plain/575d559e5aea5e099ba7784547b1aa359d28fb8c..c7c9e14987592caf5c84dd4b3af98f0ae855368a:/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php

diff --git a/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php b/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php
index dd68944..22ae9d9 100644
--- a/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php
+++ b/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php
@@ -4,26 +4,168 @@ namespace Rapsys\PackBundle\DependencyInjection;
 use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder;
 use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder;
  * This is the class that validates and merges configuration from your app/config files.
  * To learn more see {@link http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/bundles/configuration.html}
-class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
-    /**
-     * {@inheritdoc}
-     */
-    public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
-    {
-        $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
-        $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('rapsys_pack');
-        // Here you should define the parameters that are allowed to
-        // configure your bundle. See the documentation linked above for
-        // more information on that topic.
-        return $treeBuilder;
-    }
+class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface {
+	/**
+	 * {@inheritdoc}
+	 */
+	public function getConfigTreeBuilder() {
+		//Get TreeBuilder object
+		$treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('rapsys_pack');
+		//Get ExecutableFinder object
+		$finder = new ExecutableFinder();
+		/**
+		 * XXX: Note about the output schemes
+		 *
+		 * The output files are written based on the output.<ext> scheme with the * replaced by the hashed path of packed files
+		 *
+		 * The following service configuration make twig render the output file path with the right '/' basePath prefix:
+		 * services:
+		 *     assets.pack_package:
+		 *         class: Rapsys\PackBundle\Asset\PathPackage
+		 *         arguments: [ '/', '@assets.empty_version_strategy', '@assets.context' ]
+		 *     rapsys_pack.twig.pack_extension:
+		 *         class: Rapsys\PackBundle\Twig\PackExtension
+		 *         arguments: [ '@file_locator', '@service_container', '@assets.pack_package' ]
+		 *         tags: [ twig.extension ]
+		 */
+		//The bundle default values
+		$defaults = [
+			'config' => [
+				'name' => 'asset_url',
+				'scheme' => 'https://',
+				'timeout' => (int)ini_get('default_socket_timeout'),
+				'agent' => (string)ini_get('user_agent')?:'rapsys_pack/0.1.3',
+				'redirect' => 5
+			],
+			'output' => [
+				'css' => '@RapsysPack/css/*.pack.css',
+				'js' =>  '@RapsysPack/js/*.pack.js',
+				'img' => '@RapsysPack/img/*.pack.jpg'
+			],
+			'filters' => [
+				'css' => [
+					'class' => 'Rapsys\PackBundle\Twig\Filter\CPackFilter',
+					'args' => [
+						$finder->find('cpack', '/usr/local/bin/cpack'),
+						'minify'
+					]
+				],
+				'js' => [
+					'class' => 'Rapsys\PackBundle\Twig\Filter\JPackFilter',
+					'args' => [
+						$finder->find('jpack', '/usr/local/bin/jpack'),
+						'best'
+					]
+				],
+				'img' => [
+					'class' => 'Rapsys\PackBundle\Twig\Filter\IPackFilter',
+					'args' => []
+				],
+			]
+		];
+		//Here we define the parameters that are allowed to configure the bundle.
+		//XXX: see https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/master/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php for default value and description
+		//XXX: see http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/config/definition.html
+		//XXX: see https://github.com/symfony/assetic-bundle/blob/master/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php#L63
+		//XXX: see php bin/console config:dump-reference rapsys_pack to dump default config
+		//XXX: see php bin/console debug:config rapsys_pack to dump config
+		$treeBuilder
+			//Parameters
+			->getRootNode()
+				->addDefaultsIfNotSet()
+				->children()
+					->arrayNode('config')
+						->addDefaultsIfNotSet()
+						->children()
+							->scalarNode('name')->cannotBeEmpty()->defaultValue($defaults['config']['name'])->end()
+							->scalarNode('scheme')->cannotBeEmpty()->defaultValue($defaults['config']['scheme'])->end()
+							->integerNode('timeout')->min(0)->max(300)->defaultValue($defaults['config']['timeout'])->end()
+							->scalarNode('agent')->cannotBeEmpty()->defaultValue($defaults['config']['agent'])->end()
+							->integerNode('redirect')->min(1)->max(30)->defaultValue($defaults['config']['redirect'])->end()
+						->end()
+					->end()
+					->arrayNode('output')
+						->addDefaultsIfNotSet()
+						->children()
+							->scalarNode('css')->cannotBeEmpty()->defaultValue($defaults['output']['css'])->end()
+							->scalarNode('js')->cannotBeEmpty()->defaultValue($defaults['output']['js'])->end()
+							->scalarNode('img')->cannotBeEmpty()->defaultValue($defaults['output']['img'])->end()
+						->end()
+					->end()
+					->arrayNode('filters')
+						->addDefaultsIfNotSet()
+						->children()
+							->arrayNode('css')
+								#XXX: undocumented, see Symfony/Component/Config/Definition/Builder/ArrayNodeDefinition.php +513
+								->addDefaultChildrenIfNoneSet()
+								->arrayPrototype()
+									->children()
+										->scalarNode('class')
+											->isRequired()
+											->cannotBeEmpty()
+											->defaultValue($defaults['filters']['css']['class'])
+										->end()
+										->arrayNode('args')
+											/*->isRequired()*/
+											->treatNullLike(array())
+											->defaultValue($defaults['filters']['css']['args'])
+											->scalarPrototype()->end()
+										->end()
+									->end()
+								->end()
+							->end()
+							->arrayNode('js')
+								#XXX: undocumented, see Symfony/Component/Config/Definition/Builder/ArrayNodeDefinition.php +513
+								->addDefaultChildrenIfNoneSet()
+								->arrayPrototype()
+									->children()
+										->scalarNode('class')
+											->isRequired()
+											->cannotBeEmpty()
+											->defaultValue($defaults['filters']['js']['class'])
+										->end()
+										->arrayNode('args')
+											->treatNullLike(array())
+											->defaultValue($defaults['filters']['js']['args'])
+											->scalarPrototype()->end()
+										->end()
+									->end()
+								->end()
+							->end()
+							->arrayNode('img')
+								#XXX: undocumented, see Symfony/Component/Config/Definition/Builder/ArrayNodeDefinition.php +513
+								->addDefaultChildrenIfNoneSet()
+								->arrayPrototype()
+									->children()
+										->scalarNode('class')
+											->isRequired()
+											->cannotBeEmpty()
+											->defaultValue($defaults['filters']['img']['class'])
+										->end()
+										->arrayNode('args')
+											->treatNullLike(array())
+											->defaultValue($defaults['filters']['img']['args'])
+											->scalarPrototype()->end()
+										->end()
+									->end()
+								->end()
+							->end()
+						->end()
+					->end()
+				->end()
+			->end();
+		return $treeBuilder;
+	}