* Find album count as int
- * @param ?integer $id The user id
+ * @param ?integer $uid The user id
* @return integer The albums count
- public function findCountAsInt(?int $id): int {
+ public function countByUidAsInt(?int $uid): int {
//Set user sql
$userSql = <<<SQL
-a.user_id = :id
+a.user_id = :uid
- //With null id
- if ($id === null) {
+ //With null uid
+ if ($uid === null) {
//Set user sql
$userSql = <<<SQL
a.user_id IS NULL
//Set the request
$req = <<<SQL
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a.album_id) AS count
-FROM Rapsys\TreeBundle\Entity\Asset AS a
+FROM Rapsys\TreeBundle\Entity\Element AS a
WHERE $userSql
//Get result
return $this->_em
->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
- ->setParameter('id', $id)
+ ->setParameter('uid', $uid)
* Find albums as array
- * @param ?integer $id The user id
+ * @param ?integer $uid The user id
* @param integer $page The page
* @param integer $count The count
* @return array The albums array
- public function findAllAsArray(?int $id, int $page, int $count): array {
- //Set user sql
- $userSql = <<<SQL
-s.user_id = :id
- //With null id
- if ($id === null) {
- //Set user sql
- $userSql = <<<SQL
-s.user_id IS NULL
- }
+ public function findByUidAsArray(?int $uid, int $page, int $count): array {
//Set the request
$req = <<<SQL
- GROUP_CONCAT(s.id ORDER BY s.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS s_ids,
- GROUP_CONCAT(IFNULL(s.path, '/') ORDER BY s.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS s_paths,
- GREATEST(a.created, s.created) AS created,
- GREATEST(a.updated, s.updated) AS updated,
- GREATEST(a.created, s.created, a.updated, s.updated) AS modified
+ GREATEST(a.created, e.created) AS created,
+ GREATEST(a.updated, e.updated) AS updated,
+ GREATEST(a.created, e.created, a.updated, e.updated) AS modified,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(e.id ORDER BY e.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS e_ids,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(e.path ORDER BY e.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS e_paths
FROM Rapsys\TreeBundle\Entity\Album AS a
-JOIN Rapsys\TreeBundle\Entity\Asset AS s ON (s.album_id = a.id AND {$userSql})
+JOIN Rapsys\TreeBundle\Entity\Element AS e ON (e.album_id = a.id AND e.user_id IN (NULL, :uid))
ORDER BY updated, created DESC, a.id
LIMIT :offset, :count
$rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
->addScalarResult('path', 'path', 'string')
->addScalarResult('slug', 'slug', 'string')
- ->addScalarResult('s_ids', 's_ids', 'string')
- ->addScalarResult('s_paths', 's_paths', 'string')
->addScalarResult('created', 'created', 'datetime')
->addScalarResult('updated', 'updated', 'datetime')
->addScalarResult('modified', 'modified', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('e_ids', 'e_ids', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('e_paths', 'e_paths', 'string')
//Get result
->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
->setParameter('offset', $page * $count)
->setParameter('count', $count)
- ->setParameter('id', $id)
+ ->setParameter('uid', $uid)
//Set return
$return = [];
- //Iterate on each city
+ //Iterate on each album
foreach($result as $data) {
- //Add to return
+ //Append album
$return[$data['id']] = [
'id' => $id = $data['id'],
'slug' => $slug = $data['slug'],
'created' => $data['created'],
'updated' => $data['updated'],
'modified' => $data['modified'],
- 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsystree_album', ['id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug, 'path' => '/']),
- 'assets' => []
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsystree_album', [ 'id' => $id, 'slug' => $slug ]),
+ 'elements' => []
- //Explode asset ids
- $data['s_ids'] = explode("\n", $data['s_ids']);
+ //Explode element ids
+ $data['e_ids'] = explode("\n", $data['e_ids']);
- //Explode asset paths
- $data['s_paths'] = explode("\n", $data['s_paths']);
+ //Explode element paths
+ $data['e_paths'] = explode("\n", $data['e_paths']);
- foreach($data['s_ids'] as $s => $id) {
- $return[$data['id']]['assets'][$id] = [
- 'id' => $id,
- 'path' => $path = $data['s_paths'][$s],
- 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsystree_asset', ['id' => $id, 'path' => $path]),
+ foreach($data['e_ids'] as $e => $eid) {
+ $return[$data['id']]['elements'][$eid] = [
+ 'id' => $eid,
+ 'name' => trim(str_replace('/', ' / ', '/'.($path = $data['e_paths'][$e]))),
+ 'path' => $path,
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsystree_element', [ 'id' => $eid, 'path' => $path ]),
//Return return
return $return;
+ /**
+ * Find album as array
+ *
+ * @param integer $id The album id
+ * @param string $path The album path
+ * @return ?array The album array
+ */
+ public function findOneByIdPathAsArray(int $id, string $path): ?array {
+ //Set the request
+ $req = <<<SQL
+ a.id,
+ a.path,
+ a.slug,
+ GREATEST(a.created, e.created) AS created,
+ GREATEST(a.updated, e.updated) AS updated,
+ GREATEST(a.created, e.created, a.updated, e.updated) AS modified,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(e.id ORDER BY e.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS e_ids,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(e.path ORDER BY e.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS e_paths,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(e.user_id ORDER BY e.id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS e_uids
+FROM Rapsys\TreeBundle\Entity\Album AS a
+JOIN Rapsys\TreeBundle\Entity\Element AS e ON (e.album_id = a.id)
+WHERE a.id = :id
+ //Replace bundle entity name by table name
+ $req = $this->replace($req);
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+ //Declare all fields
+ //XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+ //addScalarResult($sqlColName, $resColName, $type = 'string');
+ $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('path', 'path', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('slug', 'slug', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('created', 'created', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('updated', 'updated', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('modified', 'modified', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('e_ids', 'e_ids', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('e_paths', 'e_paths', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('e_uids', 'e_uids', 'string')
+ ->addIndexByScalar('id');
+ //Get result
+ $result = $this->_em
+ ->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+ ->setParameter('id', $id)
+ ->getOneOrNullResult();
+ //Check result
+ if (
+ //Without result
+ $result === null ||
+ //Without realpath
+ !($realpath = realpath($result['path'].($path?DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path:''))) ||
+ //Realpath not matching element path
+ $result['path'] !== substr($realpath, 0, strlen($result['path']))
+ ) {
+ //Return null
+ return null;
+ }
+ //Set breadcrumbs
+ $breadcrumbs = [
+ //Add album
+ [
+ 'name' => $name = ucfirst($slug = $result['slug']),
+ 'link' => $link = $this->router->generate('rapsystree_album', [ 'id' => $result['id'], 'path' => '', 'slug' => $slug ])
+ ]
+ ];
+ //Set base
+ $base = '';
+ //Iterate on intermediate breadcrumbs
+ foreach(array_slice(explode('/', substr($realpath, strlen($result['path']))), 1) as $value) {
+ //Add breadcrumb
+ $breadcrumbs[] = [
+ 'name' => '/ '.$value,
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsystree_album', [ 'id' => $result['id'], 'path' => ($base .= ($base == '' ? '' : '/').$value), 'slug' => $slug ])
+ ];
+ }
+ //Set directories
+ $directories = [];
+ //Set files
+ $files = [];
+ //Set file
+ $file = [];
+ //With directory
+ if (is_dir($realpath)) {
+ //Iterate on directory
+ foreach(array_diff(scandir($realpath), ['.', '..']) as $item) {
+ //TODO: exclude .svn, .git, .passwd, .*.un~, etc... (if not already protected by haproxy/apache)
+ //Check item
+ if (
+ //Without item realpath
+ !($itempath = realpath($realpath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$item)) ||
+ //Item realpath not matching album path
+ $result['path'] !== substr($itempath, 0, strlen($result['path']))
+ ) {
+ //Skip
+ continue;
+ }
+ //With directory
+ if (is_dir($itempath)) {
+ //Append directory
+ $directories[$item.'/'] = $this->router->generate('rapsystree_album', [ 'id' => $result['id'], 'path' => ($path ? $path.'/' : '').$item, 'slug' => $slug ]);
+ //With file
+ } elseif (is_file($itempath)) {
+ //Get file infos
+ $fileinfos = $this->file->infos($itempath);
+ //Append file
+ $files[$fileinfos['name']] = [
+ //Set link
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsystree_album', [ 'id' => $result['id'], 'path' => ($path ? $path.'/' : '').$item, 'slug' => $slug ])
+ ]+$fileinfos;
+ //With unknown type
+ } else {
+ //Throw 404
+ throw new \Exception('Unknown element item type');
+ }
+ }
+ //With file
+ } elseif (is_file($realpath)) {
+ //Get file infos
+ $fileinfos = $this->file->infos($realpath);
+ //Append file
+ $file = [
+ //Set link
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsystree_album', [ 'id' => $result['id'], 'path' => $path, 'slug' => $slug ])
+ ]+$fileinfos;
+ //With unknown type
+ } else {
+ //Throw 404
+ throw new \Exception('Unknown element type');
+ }
+ //Set album
+ $album = [
+ 'id' => $result['id'],
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'path' => $result['path'],
+ 'slug' => $slug,
+ 'created' => $result['created'],
+ 'updated' => $result['updated'],
+ 'modified' => $result['modified'],
+ 'link' => $link,
+ 'elements' => [],
+ 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs,
+ 'directories' => $directories,
+ 'files' => $files,
+ 'file' => $file
+ ];
+ //Explode element ids
+ $result['e_ids'] = explode("\n", $result['e_ids']);
+ //Explode element paths
+ $result['e_paths'] = explode("\n", $result['e_paths']);
+ //Explode element uids
+ $result['e_uids'] = explode("\n", $result['e_uids']);
+ //Iterate on elements
+ foreach($result['e_ids'] as $e => $eid) {
+ //Append element
+ $album['elements'][$eid] = [
+ 'id' => $eid,
+ 'name' => trim(str_replace('/', ' / ', '/'.($epath = $result['e_paths'][$e]))),
+ 'path' => $epath,
+ 'uid' => $result['e_uids'][$e],
+ 'link' => $this->router->generate('rapsystree_album', ['id' => $result['id'], 'path' => $epath, 'slug' => $slug]),
+ ];
+ }
+ //Return album
+ return $album;
+ }