+ contact:
+ address: 'veranda@rapsys.eu'
+ name: 'Rapsys Photo'
+ languages:
+ en_gb: 'English'
+ fr_fr: 'French'
+ locale: 'fr_fr'
+ locales: [ 'fr_fr', 'en_gb' ]
+ logo:
+ alt: 'Rapsys photo''s logo'
+ title: 'Rapsys Photo'
+ roots:
+ Dcim: '/var/www/dcim'
+ Doc: '/var/www/doc'
+ Photo: '/var/www/photo'
+ Tango: '/var/www/tango'
+ Video: '/var/www/video'
+# Security configuration
+ # Set firewall
+ firewalls:
+ # Disables authentication for assets and the profiler, adapt it according to your needs
+ dev:
+ pattern: '^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/'
+ security: false
+ # Mail firewall
+ main:
+ # Allow anonymous access
+ #anonymous: ~
+ #lazy: true
+ # Activate database provider
+ #XXX: comment this key in config/security.yaml to prevent users_in_memory induced failures
+ provider: 'database'
+ # Activate user checker
+ user_checker: 'security.user_checker'
+ #XXX: https://symfony.com/doc/current/security.html#a-configuring-how-your-users-will-authenticate
+ #http_basic: ~
+ # Set form login
+ #XXX: https://symfony.com/doc/current/security/form_login_setup.html
+ #TODO: https://symfony.com/doc/current/security/guard_authentication.html
+ form_login:
+ # Redirect to referer if different from login route
+ use_referer: true
+ # Login path
+ login_path: 'rapsysuser_login'
+ # Check path
+ check_path: 'rapsysuser_login'
+ # Username parameter
+ username_parameter: 'login[mail]'
+ # Password parameter
+ password_parameter: 'login[password]'
+ # Enable login csrf protection
+ enable_csrf: false
+ # Csrf parameter
+ csrf_parameter: 'login[_token]'
+ # Csrf id
+ csrf_token_id: 'login'
+ # Set logout route
+ logout:
+ # Logout route
+ path: 'rapsysuser_logout'
+ # Logout default target
+ target: 'rapsystree'
+ # Set custom access denied handler
+ #access_denied_handler: Rapsys\BlogBundle\Handler\AccessDeniedHandler
+ # Remember me
+ #XXX: see https://symfony.com/doc/current/security/remember_me.html
+ remember_me:
+ secret: '%kernel.secret%'
+ # Always remember me
+ always_remember_me: true
+ # Set providers
+ providers:
+ database:
+ entity:
+ class: 'Rapsys\TreeBundle\Entity\User'
+ property: 'mail'
+ # Set role hierarchy
+ role_hierarchy: