<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of the Rapsys UserBundle package. * * (c) Raphaël Gertz <symfony@rapsys.eu> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Rapsys\UserBundle\Fixture; use Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\Fixture; use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager; use Rapsys\UserBundle\RapsysUserBundle; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\UserPasswordHasherInterface; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ class UserFixture extends Fixture { /** * Config array */ private array $config; /** * Air fixtures constructor */ public function __construct(private ContainerInterface $container, private UserPasswordHasherInterface $hasher) { //Retrieve config $this->config = $container->getParameter(RapsysUserBundle::getAlias()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function load(ObjectManager $manager) { //Civility tree $civilityTree = [ 'Mister', 'Madam', 'Miss' ]; //Create titles $civilitys = []; foreach($civilityTree as $civilityData) { $civility = new $this->config['class']['civility']($civilityData); $manager->persist($civility); $civilitys[$civilityData] = $civility; unset($civility); } //Group tree //XXX: ROLE_XXX is required by $groupTree = [ 'Guest', 'User', 'Admin' ]; //Create groups $groups = []; foreach($groupTree as $groupData) { $group = new $this->config['class']['group']($groupData); $manager->persist($group); $groups[$groupData] = $group; unset($group); } //Flush to get the ids $manager->flush(); //User tree $userTree = [ [ 'civility' => 'Mister', 'group' => 'Admin', 'mail' => 'contact@example.com', 'forename' => 'Forename', 'surname' => 'Surname', 'password' => 'test', 'active' => true ] ]; //Create users $users = []; foreach($userTree as $userData) { $user = new $this->config['class']['user']($userData['mail'], $userData['password'], $civilitys[$userData['civility']], $userData['forename'], $userData['surname'], $userData['active']); //XXX: required to store a hashed password $user->setPassword($this->hasher->hashPassword($user, $userData['password'])); $user->addGroup($groups[$userData['group']]); $manager->persist($user); $users[] = $user; unset($user); } //Flush to get the ids $manager->flush(); } }