d/control: Add build-dependency on dh-python as per warning from dh_python2.
[youtubedl] / debian / control
1 Source: youtube-dl
2 Section: web
3 Priority: extra
4 Maintainer: Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br>
5 Build-Depends:
6 debhelper (>= 9),
7 dh-python,
8 python-pkg-resources
9 Build-Depends-Indep:
10 python
11 X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
12 Standards-Version: 3.9.6
13 Homepage: http://rg3.github.com/youtube-dl/
14 Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/youtube-dl.git
15 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/youtube-dl.git
17 Package: youtube-dl
18 Architecture: all
19 Depends:
20 python-pkg-resources,
21 ${misc:Depends},
22 ${python:Depends}
23 Recommends:
24 aria2 | wget | curl,
25 libav-tools | ffmpeg,
26 libav-tools | ffmpeg (>= 4:0.6) | ffprobe,
27 mplayer2 | mplayer,
28 rtmpdump
29 Description: downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites
30 youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from
31 YouTube.com and other sites that don't provide direct links to the
32 videos served.
33 .
34 youtube-dl allows the user, among other things, to choose a specific video
35 quality to download (if available) or let the program automatically
36 determine the best (or worst) quality video to grab. It supports
37 downloading entire playlists and all videos from a given user.
38 .
39 Currently supported sites (or features of sites) are:
40 .
41 1up.com, 220.ro, 24video, 3sat, 4tube, 56.com, 5min, 8tracks, 9gag,
42 abc.net.au, Abc7News, AcademicEarth:Course, AddAnime, AdobeTV, AdultSwim,
43 Aftonbladet, AlJazeera, Allocine, AlphaPorno, anitube.se, AnySex, Aparat,
44 AppleDailyAnimationNews, AppleDailyRealtimeNews, AppleTrailers,
45 archive.org, ARD, ARD:mediathek, arte.tv, arte.tv:+7, arte.tv:concert,
46 arte.tv:creative, arte.tv:ddc, arte.tv:embed, arte.tv:future, AtresPlayer,
47 ATTTechChannel, audiomack, audiomack:album, Azubu, bambuser,
48 bambuser:channel, Bandcamp, Bandcamp:album, bbc.co.uk, Beeg, BehindKink,
49 Bet, Bild, BiliBili, blinkx, blip.tv:user, BlipTV, Bloomberg, Bpb, BR,
50 Break, Brightcove, BuzzFeed, BYUtv, Canal13cl, canalc2.tv, Canalplus, CBS,
51 CBSNews, CeskaTelevize, channel9, Chilloutzone, Cinchcast, Cinemassacre,
52 clipfish, cliphunter, Clipsyndicate, Cloudy, Clubic, cmt.com, CNET, CNN,
53 CNNArticle, CNNBlogs, CollegeHumor, CollegeRama, ComCarCoff, ComedyCentral,
54 ComedyCentralShows, CommonMistakes, CondeNast, Cracked, Criterion,
55 Crunchyroll, crunchyroll:playlist, CSpan, CtsNews,
56 culturebox.francetvinfo.fr, dailymotion, dailymotion:playlist,
57 dailymotion:user, daum.net, DBTV, DctpTv, DeezerPlaylist, defense.gouv.fr,
58 Discovery, divxstage, Dotsub, DRBonanza, Dropbox, DrTuber, DRTV, Dump,
59 dvtv, EbaumsWorld, EchoMsk, eHow, Einthusan, eitb.tv, EllenTV,
60 EllenTV:clips, ElPais, EMPFlix, Engadget, Eporner, EroProfile, Escapist,
61 EveryonesMixtape, exfm, ExpoTV, ExtremeTube, facebook, faz.net, fc2,
62 fernsehkritik.tv, fernsehkritik.tv:postecke, Firedrive, Firstpost, firsttv,
63 Flickr, Folketinget, Foxgay, FoxNews, france2.fr:generation-quoi,
64 FranceCulture, FranceInter, francetv, francetvinfo.fr, Freesound,
65 freespeech.org, FreeVideo, FunnyOrDie, Gamekings, GameOne,
66 gameone:playlist, GameSpot, GameStar, Gametrailers, GDCVault, generic,
67 GiantBomb, Giga, Glide, Globo, GodTube, GoldenMoustache, Golem, GorillaVid,
68 Goshgay, Grooveshark, Groupon, Hark, HearThisAt, Heise, HellPorno,
69 Helsinki, HentaiStigma, HistoricFilms, hitbox, hitbox:live, HornBunny,
70 HostingBulk, HotNewHipHop, Howcast, HowStuffWorks, HuffPost, Hypem,
71 Iconosquare, ign.com, imdb, imdb:list, Ina, InfoQ, Instagram,
72 instagram:user, InternetVideoArchive, IPrima, ivi, ivi:compilation,
73 Izlesene, JadoreCettePub, JeuxVideo, Jove, jpopsuki.tv, Jukebox, Kankan,
74 Karaoketv, keek, KeezMovies, KhanAcademy, KickStarter, kontrtube, KrasView,
75 Ku6, la7.tv, Laola1Tv, lifenews, LiveLeak, livestream, livestream:original,
76 livestream:shortener, LnkGo, lrt.lt, lynda, lynda:course, m6, macgamestore,
77 mailru, Malemotion, MDR, metacafe, Metacritic, Mgoon, Minhateca,
78 MinistryGrid, mitele.es, mixcloud, MLB, MoeVideo, Mofosex, Mojvideo,
79 Moniker, mooshare, Morningstar, Motherless, Motorsport, MovieClips,
80 Moviezine, movshare, MPORA, MTV, mtviggy.com, mtvservices:embedded,
81 MuenchenTV, MusicPlayOn, MusicVault, muzu.tv, MySpace, MySpace:album,
82 MySpass, myvideo, MyVidster, n-tv.de, Naver, NBA, NBC, NBCNews, ndr, NDTV,
83 NerdCubedFeed, Nerdist, Netzkino, Newgrounds, Newstube, NextMedia,
84 NextMediaActionNews, nfb, nfl.com, nhl.com, nhl.com:news,
85 nhl.com:videocenter, niconico, NiconicoPlaylist, Noco, Normalboots,
86 NosVideo, novamov, Nowness, nowvideo, npo.nl, npo.nl:live, NRK, NRKTV,
87 ntv.ru, Nuvid, NYTimes, ocw.mit.edu, OktoberfestTV, on.aol.com, Ooyala,
88 OpenFilm, orf:fm4, orf:oe1, orf:tvthek, parliamentlive.tv, Patreon, PBS,
89 Phoenix, Photobucket, PlanetaPlay, play.fm, played.to, Playvid,
90 plus.google, pluzz.francetv.fr, podomatic, PornHd, PornHub, Pornotube,
91 PornoXO, PromptFile, prosiebensat1, Pyvideo, QuickVid, radio.de,
92 radiobremen, radiofrance, Rai, RBMARadio, RedTube, Restudy, ReverbNation,
93 RingTV, RottenTomatoes, Roxwel, RTBF, Rte, RTL2, RTLnow, rtlxl.nl, RTP,
94 RTS, rtve.es:alacarta, rtve.es:live, RUHD, rutube, rutube:channel,
95 rutube:embed, rutube:movie, rutube:person, RUTV, Sapo, savefrom.net, SBS,
96 SciVee, screen.yahoo:search, Screencast, ScreencastOMatic, ScreenwaveMedia,
97 ServingSys, Sexu, SexyKarma, Shared, ShareSix, Sina, Slideshare, Slutload,
98 smotri, smotri:broadcast, smotri:community, smotri:user, Snotr, Sockshare,
99 Sohu, soundcloud, soundcloud:playlist, soundcloud:set, soundcloud:user,
100 Soundgasm, southpark.cc.com, southpark.de, Space, Spankwire, Spiegel,
101 Spiegel:Article, Spiegeltv, Spike, Sport5, SportBox, SportDeutschland,
102 SRMediathek, stanfordoc, Steam, streamcloud.eu, StreamCZ, StreetVoice,
103 SunPorno, SWRMediathek, Syfy, SztvHu, Tagesschau, Tapely, Tass,
104 teachertube, teachertube:user:collection, TeachingChannel, Teamcoco,
105 TeamFour, TechTalks, techtv.mit.edu, TED, tegenlicht.vpro.nl,
106 TeleBruxelles, telecinco.es, TeleMB, TeleTask, TenPlay, TestTube, TestURL,
107 TF1, TheOnion, ThePlatform, TheSixtyOne, ThisAV, THVideo, THVideoPlaylist,
108 tinypic, tlc.com, tlc.de, TMZ, TNAFlix, tou.tv, Toypics, ToypicsUser,
109 TrailerAddict (CURRENTLY BROKEN), Trilulilu, TruTube, Tube8, Tudou, Tumblr,
110 TuneIn, Turbo, Tutv, tv.dfb.de, tvigle, tvp.pl, tvp.pl:Series, TVPlay,
111 Tweakers, twitch:bookmarks, twitch:chapter, twitch:past_broadcasts,
112 twitch:profile, twitch:stream, twitch:video, twitch:vod, Ubu, udemy,
113 udemy:course, Unistra, Urort, ustream, ustream:channel, Vbox7, VeeHD, Veoh,
114 Vesti, Vevo, VGTV, vh1.com, Vice, Viddler, video.google:search,
115 video.mit.edu, VideoBam, VideoDetective, videofy.me, videolectures.net,
116 VideoMega, VideoPremium, VideoTt, videoweed, Vidme, Vidzi, vier,
117 vier:videos, viki, vimeo, vimeo:album, vimeo:channel, vimeo:group,
118 vimeo:likes, vimeo:review, vimeo:user, vimeo:watchlater, Vimple, Vine,
119 vine:user, vk.com, vk.com:user-videos, Vodlocker, Vporn, VRT, vube, VuClip,
120 vulture.com, Walla, WashingtonPost, wat.tv, WayOfTheMaster, WDR,
121 wdr:mobile, WDRMaus, WebOfStories, Weibo, Wimp, Wistia, WorldStarHipHop,
122 wrzuta.pl, WSJ, XBef, XboxClips, XHamster, XMinus, XNXX, XTube, XTubeUser,
123 Xuite, XVideos, XXXYMovies, Yahoo, YesJapan, Ynet, YouJizz, Youku, YouPorn,
124 YourUpload, youtube, youtube:channel, youtube:favorites, youtube:history,
125 youtube:playlist, youtube:recommended, youtube:search, youtube:search:date,
126 youtube:search_url, youtube:show, youtube:subscriptions,
127 youtube:truncated_id, youtube:truncated_url, youtube:user,
128 youtube:watch_later, ZDF, ZDFChannel, zingmp3:album, zingmp3:song