+ # Flowplayer
+ {
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+ 'title': 'Busty Blonde Siri Tit Fuck While Wank at HandjobHub.com',
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+ # Multiple brightcove videos
+ # https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/issues/2283
+ {
+ 'url': 'http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2014/01/always-never-nuclear-command-and-control.html',
+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'always-never',
+ 'title': 'Always / Never - The New Yorker',
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+ 'params': {
+ 'extract_flat': False,
+ 'skip_download': True,
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+ # MLB embed
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+ 'upload_date': '20140531',
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+ 'timestamp': 1459678540,
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+ 'description': 'a JV Webinars video from getdrip-1',
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+ 'title': 'Chet Chat 171 - Oct 29, 2014',
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+ }
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+ # Soundcloud multiple embeds
+ {
+ 'url': 'http://www.guitarplayer.com/lessons/1014/legato-workout-one-hour-to-more-fluid-performance---tab/52809',
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+ 'title': 'Guitar Essentials: Legato Workout—One-Hour to Fluid Performance | TAB + AUDIO',
+ },
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+ },
+ # TuneIn station embed
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+ 'info_dict': {
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+ # Livestream embed
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+ 'url': 'http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Rosetta/Philae_comet_touch-down_webcast',
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+ # Live stream
+ 'skip_download': True,
+ },
+ },
+ # LazyYT
+ {
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+ 'info_dict': {
+ 'id': 'skiplagged',
+ 'title': 'Skiplagged: The smart way to find cheap flights',
+ },
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+ },
+ # Cinchcast embed
+ {
+ 'url': 'http://undergroundwellness.com/podcasts/306-5-steps-to-permanent-gut-healing/',
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+ 'upload_date': '20141126',
+ 'title': 'Jack Tips: 5 Steps to Permanent Gut Healing',
+ }
+ },
+ # Cinerama player
+ {
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+ 'uploader': 'www.abc.net.au',
+ 'title': 'Game of Thrones with dice - Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game gets new life - 19/01/2015',
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+ # embedded viddler video
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+ # Libsyn embed
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+ # jwplayer YouTube
+ {
+ 'url': 'http://media.nationalarchives.gov.uk/index.php/webinar-using-discovery-national-archives-online-catalogue/',
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+ },
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+ # jwplayer rtmp
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+ 'title': 'Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Oral Arguments',
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+ 'skip_download': True,
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+ # Complex jwplayer
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+ # Kaltura embed (different embed code)
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+ # Kaltura embed with single quotes
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+ # 5min embed
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+ # Crooks and Liars external embed
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+ 'url': 'http://theothermccain.com/2010/02/02/video-proves-that-bill-kristol-has-been-watching-glenn-beck/comment-page-1/',
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+ # UDN embed
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+ # Brightcove embed, with no valid 'renditions' but valid 'IOSRenditions'
+ # This video can't be played in browsers if Flash disabled and UA set to iPhone, which is actually a false alarm
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+ 'title': 'Man shows poor quality of new apartment building',
+ 'description': 'The wall is like a sand pile.',
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