+ def _extract_m3u8_formats(self, m3u8_url, video_id, ext=None,
+ entry_protocol='m3u8', preference=None):
+ formats = [{
+ 'format_id': 'm3u8-meta',
+ 'url': m3u8_url,
+ 'ext': ext,
+ 'protocol': 'm3u8',
+ 'preference': -1,
+ 'resolution': 'multiple',
+ 'format_note': 'Quality selection URL',
+ }]
+ format_url = lambda u: (
+ u
+ if re.match(r'^https?://', u)
+ else compat_urlparse.urljoin(m3u8_url, u))
+ m3u8_doc = self._download_webpage(
+ m3u8_url, video_id,
+ note='Downloading m3u8 information',
+ errnote='Failed to download m3u8 information')
+ last_info = None
+ kv_rex = re.compile(
+ r'(?P<key>[a-zA-Z_-]+)=(?P<val>"[^"]+"|[^",]+)(?:,|$)')
+ for line in m3u8_doc.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:'):
+ last_info = {}
+ for m in kv_rex.finditer(line):
+ v = m.group('val')
+ if v.startswith('"'):
+ v = v[1:-1]
+ last_info[m.group('key')] = v
+ elif line.startswith('#') or not line.strip():
+ continue
+ else:
+ if last_info is None:
+ formats.append({'url': format_url(line)})
+ continue
+ tbr = int_or_none(last_info.get('BANDWIDTH'), scale=1000)
+ f = {
+ 'format_id': 'm3u8-%d' % (tbr if tbr else len(formats)),
+ 'url': format_url(line.strip()),
+ 'tbr': tbr,
+ 'ext': ext,
+ 'protocol': entry_protocol,
+ 'preference': preference,
+ }
+ codecs = last_info.get('CODECS')
+ if codecs:
+ # TODO: looks like video codec is not always necessarily goes first
+ va_codecs = codecs.split(',')
+ if va_codecs[0]:
+ f['vcodec'] = va_codecs[0].partition('.')[0]
+ if len(va_codecs) > 1 and va_codecs[1]:
+ f['acodec'] = va_codecs[1].partition('.')[0]
+ resolution = last_info.get('RESOLUTION')
+ if resolution:
+ width_str, height_str = resolution.split('x')
+ f['width'] = int(width_str)
+ f['height'] = int(height_str)
+ formats.append(f)
+ last_info = {}
+ self._sort_formats(formats)
+ return formats
+ def _live_title(self, name):
+ """ Generate the title for a live video """
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ now_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+ return name + ' ' + now_str
+ def _int(self, v, name, fatal=False, **kwargs):
+ res = int_or_none(v, **kwargs)
+ if 'get_attr' in kwargs:
+ print(getattr(v, kwargs['get_attr']))
+ if res is None:
+ msg = 'Failed to extract %s: Could not parse value %r' % (name, v)
+ if fatal:
+ raise ExtractorError(msg)
+ else:
+ self._downloader.report_warning(msg)
+ return res
+ def _float(self, v, name, fatal=False, **kwargs):
+ res = float_or_none(v, **kwargs)
+ if res is None:
+ msg = 'Failed to extract %s: Could not parse value %r' % (name, v)
+ if fatal:
+ raise ExtractorError(msg)
+ else:
+ self._downloader.report_warning(msg)
+ return res
+ def _set_cookie(self, domain, name, value, expire_time=None):
+ cookie = compat_cookiejar.Cookie(0, name, value, None, None, domain, None,
+ None, '/', True, False, expire_time, '', None, None, None)
+ self._downloader.cookiejar.set_cookie(cookie)