X-Git-Url: https://git.rapsys.eu/youtubedl/blobdiff_plain/53b0892e0d78dd874acb6e22ed3e8c3f9fe175a4..bad87b6c6e31ea0056d795ca3e7aa81ceaad2291:/Makefile

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b1a4107..3e17365 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,23 +1,135 @@
-default: update
+all: youtube-dl README.md CONTRIBUTING.md README.txt youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion youtube-dl.zsh youtube-dl.fish supportedsites
-update: compile update-readme update-latest
+	rm -rf youtube-dl.1.temp.md youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion README.txt MANIFEST build/ dist/ .coverage cover/ youtube-dl.tar.gz youtube-dl.zsh youtube-dl.fish youtube_dl/extractor/lazy_extractors.py *.dump *.part* *.ytdl *.info.json *.mp4 *.m4a *.flv *.mp3 *.avi *.mkv *.webm *.3gp *.wav *.ape *.swf *.jpg *.png CONTRIBUTING.md.tmp youtube-dl youtube-dl.exe
+	find . -name "*.pyc" -delete
+	find . -name "*.class" -delete
-	./youtube-dl.dev --version > LATEST_VERSION
+PREFIX ?= /usr/local
+BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin
+MANDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/man
+SHAREDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share
+PYTHON ?= /usr/bin/env python
-	@options=$$(COLUMNS=80 ./youtube-dl.dev --help | sed -e '1,/.*General Options.*/ d' -e 's/^\W\{2\}\(\w\)/### \1/') && \
-		header=$$(sed -e '/.*## OPTIONS/,$$ d' README.md) && \
-		footer=$$(sed -e '1,/.*## FAQ/ d' README.md) && \
-		echo "$${header}" > README.md && \
-		echo >> README.md && \
-		echo '## OPTIONS' >> README.md && \
-		echo "$${options}" >> README.md&& \
-		echo >> README.md && \
-		echo '## FAQ' >> README.md && \
-		echo "$${footer}" >> README.md
+# set SYSCONFDIR to /etc if PREFIX=/usr or PREFIX=/usr/local
+SYSCONFDIR = $(shell if [ $(PREFIX) = /usr -o $(PREFIX) = /usr/local ]; then echo /etc; else echo $(PREFIX)/etc; fi)
-	cp youtube_dl/__init__.py youtube-dl
+# set markdown input format to "markdown-smart" for pandoc version 2 and to "markdown" for pandoc prior to version 2
+MARKDOWN = $(shell if [ `pandoc -v | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f2 | head -c1` = "2" ]; then echo markdown-smart; else echo markdown; fi)
-.PHONY: default compile update update-latest update-readme
+install: youtube-dl youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion youtube-dl.zsh youtube-dl.fish
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+	install -m 755 youtube-dl $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
+	install -m 644 youtube-dl.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/bash_completion.d
+	install -m 644 youtube-dl.bash-completion $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/bash_completion.d/youtube-dl
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(SHAREDIR)/zsh/site-functions
+	install -m 644 youtube-dl.zsh $(DESTDIR)$(SHAREDIR)/zsh/site-functions/_youtube-dl
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/fish/completions
+	install -m 644 youtube-dl.fish $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/fish/completions/youtube-dl.fish
+	flake8 .
+	#nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=youtube_dl --cover-html --verbose --processes 4 test
+	nosetests --verbose test
+	$(MAKE) codetest
+ot: offlinetest
+# Keep this list in sync with devscripts/run_tests.sh
+offlinetest: codetest
+	$(PYTHON) -m nose --verbose test \
+		--exclude test_age_restriction.py \
+		--exclude test_download.py \
+		--exclude test_iqiyi_sdk_interpreter.py \
+		--exclude test_socks.py \
+		--exclude test_subtitles.py \
+		--exclude test_write_annotations.py \
+		--exclude test_youtube_lists.py \
+		--exclude test_youtube_signature.py
+tar: youtube-dl.tar.gz
+.PHONY: all clean install test tar bash-completion pypi-files zsh-completion fish-completion ot offlinetest codetest supportedsites
+pypi-files: youtube-dl.bash-completion README.txt youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.fish
+youtube-dl: youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py
+	mkdir -p zip
+	for d in youtube_dl youtube_dl/downloader youtube_dl/extractor youtube_dl/postprocessor ; do \
+	  mkdir -p zip/$$d ;\
+	  cp -pPR $$d/*.py zip/$$d/ ;\
+	done
+	touch -t 200001010101 zip/youtube_dl/*.py zip/youtube_dl/*/*.py
+	mv zip/youtube_dl/__main__.py zip/
+	cd zip ; zip -q ../youtube-dl youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py __main__.py
+	rm -rf zip
+	echo '#!$(PYTHON)' > youtube-dl
+	cat youtube-dl.zip >> youtube-dl
+	rm youtube-dl.zip
+	chmod a+x youtube-dl
+README.md: youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py
+	COLUMNS=80 $(PYTHON) youtube_dl/__main__.py --help | $(PYTHON) devscripts/make_readme.py
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/make_contributing.py README.md CONTRIBUTING.md
+issuetemplates: devscripts/make_issue_template.py .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/1_broken_site.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/2_site_support_request.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/3_site_feature_request.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/4_bug_report.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/5_feature_request.md youtube_dl/version.py
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/make_issue_template.py .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/1_broken_site.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/1_broken_site.md
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/make_issue_template.py .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/2_site_support_request.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/2_site_support_request.md
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/make_issue_template.py .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/3_site_feature_request.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/3_site_feature_request.md
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/make_issue_template.py .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/4_bug_report.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/4_bug_report.md
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/make_issue_template.py .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE_tmpl/5_feature_request.md .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/5_feature_request.md
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/make_supportedsites.py docs/supportedsites.md
+	pandoc -f $(MARKDOWN) -t plain README.md -o README.txt
+youtube-dl.1: README.md
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/prepare_manpage.py youtube-dl.1.temp.md
+	pandoc -s -f $(MARKDOWN) -t man youtube-dl.1.temp.md -o youtube-dl.1
+	rm -f youtube-dl.1.temp.md
+youtube-dl.bash-completion: youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py devscripts/bash-completion.in
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/bash-completion.py
+bash-completion: youtube-dl.bash-completion
+youtube-dl.zsh: youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py devscripts/zsh-completion.in
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/zsh-completion.py
+zsh-completion: youtube-dl.zsh
+youtube-dl.fish: youtube_dl/*.py youtube_dl/*/*.py devscripts/fish-completion.in
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/fish-completion.py
+fish-completion: youtube-dl.fish
+lazy-extractors: youtube_dl/extractor/lazy_extractors.py
+_EXTRACTOR_FILES = $(shell find youtube_dl/extractor -iname '*.py' -and -not -iname 'lazy_extractors.py')
+youtube_dl/extractor/lazy_extractors.py: devscripts/make_lazy_extractors.py devscripts/lazy_load_template.py $(_EXTRACTOR_FILES)
+	$(PYTHON) devscripts/make_lazy_extractors.py $@
+youtube-dl.tar.gz: youtube-dl README.md README.txt youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion youtube-dl.zsh youtube-dl.fish ChangeLog AUTHORS
+	@tar -czf youtube-dl.tar.gz --transform "s|^|youtube-dl/|" --owner 0 --group 0 \
+		--exclude '*.DS_Store' \
+		--exclude '*.kate-swp' \
+		--exclude '*.pyc' \
+		--exclude '*.pyo' \
+		--exclude '*~' \
+		--exclude '__pycache__' \
+		--exclude '.git' \
+		--exclude 'docs/_build' \
+		-- \
+		bin devscripts test youtube_dl docs \
+		Makefile MANIFEST.in youtube-dl.1 youtube-dl.bash-completion \
+		youtube-dl.zsh youtube-dl.fish setup.py setup.cfg \
+		youtube-dl