X-Git-Url: https://git.rapsys.eu/youtubedl/blobdiff_plain/989a339f0ebffeafd4267cff81806ba284c809ca..67792219d78d4576f8281748a441d056fa6fdb93:/test/test_youtube_subtitles.py

diff --git a/test/test_youtube_subtitles.py b/test/test_youtube_subtitles.py
index e8f5e4a..168e6c6 100644
--- a/test/test_youtube_subtitles.py
+++ b/test/test_youtube_subtitles.py
@@ -12,100 +12,73 @@ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
 from youtube_dl.extractor import YoutubeIE
 from youtube_dl.utils import *
-from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL
-PARAMETERS_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "parameters.json")
-with io.open(PARAMETERS_FILE, encoding='utf-8') as pf:
-    parameters = json.load(pf)
-# General configuration (from __init__, not very elegant...)
-jar = compat_cookiejar.CookieJar()
-cookie_processor = compat_urllib_request.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar)
-proxy_handler = compat_urllib_request.ProxyHandler()
-opener = compat_urllib_request.build_opener(proxy_handler, cookie_processor, YoutubeDLHandler())
-class FakeYDL(YoutubeDL):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.result = []
-        # Different instances of the downloader can't share the same dictionary
-        # some test set the "sublang" parameter, which would break the md5 checks.
-        self.params = dict(parameters)
-    def to_screen(self, s):
-        print(s)
-    def trouble(self, s, tb=None):
-        raise Exception(s)
-    def download(self, x):
-        self.result.append(x)
+from helper import FakeYDL
 md5 = lambda s: hashlib.md5(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
 class TestYoutubeSubtitles(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['allsubtitles'] = False
-        DL.params['writesubtitles'] = False
-        DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = 'srt'
-        DL.params['listsubtitles'] = False
-    def test_youtube_no_subtitles(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['writesubtitles'] = False
-        IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
-        info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
-        subtitles = info_dict[0]['subtitles']
+        self.DL = FakeYDL()
+        self.url = 'QRS8MkLhQmM'
+    def getInfoDict(self):
+        IE = YoutubeIE(self.DL)
+        info_dict = IE.extract(self.url)
+        return info_dict
+    def getSubtitles(self):
+        info_dict = self.getInfoDict()
+        return info_dict[0]['subtitles']        
+    def test_youtube_no_writesubtitles(self):
+        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = False
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
         self.assertEqual(subtitles, None)
     def test_youtube_subtitles(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
-        IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
-        info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
-        sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
-        self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '4cd9278a35ba2305f47354ee13472260')
-    def test_youtube_subtitles_it(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
-        DL.params['subtitleslang'] = 'it'
-        IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
-        info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
-        sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
-        self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '164a51f16f260476a05b50fe4c2f161d')
-    def test_youtube_onlysubtitles(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
-        DL.params['onlysubtitles'] = True
-        IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
-        info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
-        sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
-        self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '4cd9278a35ba2305f47354ee13472260')
+        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), '4cd9278a35ba2305f47354ee13472260')
+    def test_youtube_subtitles_lang(self):
+        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
+        self.DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = ['it']
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['it']), '164a51f16f260476a05b50fe4c2f161d')
     def test_youtube_allsubtitles(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
-        IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
-        info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
-        subtitles = info_dict[0]['subtitles']
-        self.assertEqual(len(subtitles), 13)
-    def test_youtube_subtitles_format(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
-        DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = 'sbv'
-        IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
-        info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
-        sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
-        self.assertEqual(md5(sub[2]), '13aeaa0c245a8bed9a451cb643e3ad8b')
+        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
+        self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
+        self.assertEqual(len(subtitles.keys()), 13)
+    def test_youtube_subtitles_sbv_format(self):
+        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
+        self.DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = 'sbv'
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), '13aeaa0c245a8bed9a451cb643e3ad8b')
+    def test_youtube_subtitles_vtt_format(self):
+        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
+        self.DL.params['subtitlesformat'] = 'vtt'
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
+        self.assertEqual(md5(subtitles['en']), '356cdc577fde0c6783b9b822e7206ff7')
     def test_youtube_list_subtitles(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['listsubtitles'] = True
-        IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
-        info_dict = IE.extract('QRS8MkLhQmM')
+        self.DL.params['listsubtitles'] = True
+        info_dict = self.getInfoDict()
         self.assertEqual(info_dict, None)
     def test_youtube_automatic_captions(self):
-        DL = FakeYDL()
-        DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
-        DL.params['subtitleslang'] = 'it'
-        IE = YoutubeIE(DL)
-        info_dict = IE.extract('8YoUxe5ncPo')
-        sub = info_dict[0]['subtitles'][0]
-        self.assertTrue(sub[2] is not None)
+        self.url = '8YoUxe5ncPo'
+        self.DL.params['writeautomaticsub'] = True
+        self.DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = ['it']
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
+        self.assertTrue(subtitles['it'] is not None)
+    def test_youtube_nosubtitles(self):
+        self.url = 'sAjKT8FhjI8'
+        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
+        self.DL.params['allsubtitles'] = True
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
+        self.assertEqual(len(subtitles), 0)
+    def test_youtube_multiple_langs(self):
+        self.url = 'QRS8MkLhQmM'
+        self.DL.params['writesubtitles'] = True
+        langs = ['it', 'fr', 'de']
+        self.DL.params['subtitleslangs'] = langs
+        subtitles = self.getSubtitles()
+        for lang in langs:
+            self.assertTrue(subtitles.get(lang) is not None, u'Subtitles for \'%s\' not extracted' % lang)
 if __name__ == '__main__':