X-Git-Url: https://git.rapsys.eu/youtubedl/blobdiff_plain/9f2b33881274af98a9145c533a1d295fad71521a..dbb40c34b0cf975d3c249affe5fc8865fd7a3d5d:/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py

diff --git a/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py b/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py
index 3db6286..f0a7fd7 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py
+++ b/youtube_dl/extractor/vice.py
@@ -1,40 +1,188 @@
+# coding: utf-8
 from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import re
+import time
+import hashlib
+import json
+from .adobepass import AdobePassIE
 from .common import InfoExtractor
-from .ooyala import OoyalaIE
-from ..utils import ExtractorError
-class ViceIE(InfoExtractor):
-    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:.+?\.)?vice\.com/(?:[^/]+/)+(?P<id>.+)'
-    _TESTS = [
-        {
-            'url': 'http://www.vice.com/Fringes/cowboy-capitalists-part-1',
-            'info_dict': {
-                'id': '43cW1mYzpia9IlestBjVpd23Yu3afAfp',
-                'ext': 'mp4',
-                'title': 'VICE_COWBOYCAPITALISTS_PART01_v1_VICE_WM_1080p.mov',
-                'duration': 725.983,
-            },
-            'params': {
-                # Requires ffmpeg (m3u8 manifest)
-                'skip_download': True,
-            },
-        }, {
-            'url': 'https://news.vice.com/video/experimenting-on-animals-inside-the-monkey-lab',
-            'only_matching': True,
+from ..compat import compat_HTTPError
+from ..utils import (
+    int_or_none,
+    parse_age_limit,
+    str_or_none,
+    parse_duration,
+    ExtractorError,
+    extract_attributes,
+class ViceBaseIE(AdobePassIE):
+    def _extract_preplay_video(self, url, webpage):
+        watch_hub_data = extract_attributes(self._search_regex(
+            r'(?s)(<watch-hub\s*.+?</watch-hub>)', webpage, 'watch hub'))
+        video_id = watch_hub_data['vms-id']
+        title = watch_hub_data['video-title']
+        query = {}
+        is_locked = watch_hub_data.get('video-locked') == '1'
+        if is_locked:
+            resource = self._get_mvpd_resource(
+                'VICELAND', title, video_id,
+                watch_hub_data.get('video-rating'))
+            query['tvetoken'] = self._extract_mvpd_auth(url, video_id, 'VICELAND', resource)
+        # signature generation algorithm is reverse engineered from signatureGenerator in
+        # webpack:///../shared/~/vice-player/dist/js/vice-player.js in
+        # https://www.viceland.com/assets/common/js/web.vendor.bundle.js
+        exp = int(time.time()) + 14400
+        query.update({
+            'exp': exp,
+            'sign': hashlib.sha512(('%s:GET:%d' % (video_id, exp)).encode()).hexdigest(),
+        })
+        try:
+            host = 'www.viceland' if is_locked else self._PREPLAY_HOST
+            preplay = self._download_json('https://%s.com/en_us/preplay/%s' % (host, video_id), video_id, query=query)
+        except ExtractorError as e:
+            if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 400:
+                error = json.loads(e.cause.read().decode())
+                raise ExtractorError('%s said: %s' % (self.IE_NAME, error['details']), expected=True)
+            raise
+        video_data = preplay['video']
+        base = video_data['base']
+        uplynk_preplay_url = preplay['preplayURL']
+        episode = video_data.get('episode', {})
+        channel = video_data.get('channel', {})
+        subtitles = {}
+        cc_url = preplay.get('ccURL')
+        if cc_url:
+            subtitles['en'] = [{
+                'url': cc_url,
+            }]
+        return {
+            '_type': 'url_transparent',
+            'url': uplynk_preplay_url,
+            'id': video_id,
+            'title': title,
+            'description': base.get('body') or base.get('display_body'),
+            'thumbnail': watch_hub_data.get('cover-image') or watch_hub_data.get('thumbnail'),
+            'duration': int_or_none(video_data.get('video_duration')) or parse_duration(watch_hub_data.get('video-duration')),
+            'timestamp': int_or_none(video_data.get('created_at'), 1000),
+            'age_limit': parse_age_limit(video_data.get('video_rating')),
+            'series': video_data.get('show_title') or watch_hub_data.get('show-title'),
+            'episode_number': int_or_none(episode.get('episode_number') or watch_hub_data.get('episode')),
+            'episode_id': str_or_none(episode.get('id') or video_data.get('episode_id')),
+            'season_number': int_or_none(watch_hub_data.get('season')),
+            'season_id': str_or_none(episode.get('season_id')),
+            'uploader': channel.get('base', {}).get('title') or watch_hub_data.get('channel-title'),
+            'uploader_id': str_or_none(channel.get('id')),
+            'subtitles': subtitles,
+            'ie_key': 'UplynkPreplay',
-    ]
+class ViceIE(ViceBaseIE):
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:.+?\.)?vice\.com/(?:[^/]+/)?videos?/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
+    _TESTS = [{
+        'url': 'http://www.vice.com/video/cowboy-capitalists-part-1',
+        'md5': 'e9d77741f9e42ba583e683cd170660f7',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '43cW1mYzpia9IlestBjVpd23Yu3afAfp',
+            'ext': 'flv',
+            'title': 'VICE_COWBOYCAPITALISTS_PART01_v1_VICE_WM_1080p.mov',
+            'duration': 725.983,
+        },
+        'add_ie': ['Ooyala'],
+    }, {
+        'url': 'http://www.vice.com/video/how-to-hack-a-car',
+        'md5': 'a7ecf64ee4fa19b916c16f4b56184ae2',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '3jstaBeXgAs',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'How to Hack a Car: Phreaked Out (Episode 2)',
+            'description': 'md5:ee95453f7ff495db8efe14ae8bf56f30',
+            'uploader_id': 'MotherboardTV',
+            'uploader': 'Motherboard',
+            'upload_date': '20140529',
+        },
+        'add_ie': ['Youtube'],
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://video.vice.com/en_us/video/the-signal-from-tolva/5816510690b70e6c5fd39a56',
+        'md5': '',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '5816510690b70e6c5fd39a56',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'uploader': 'Waypoint',
+            'title': 'The Signal From Tölva',
+            'uploader_id': '57f7d621e05ca860fa9ccaf9',
+            'timestamp': 1477941983938,
+        },
+        'params': {
+            # m3u8 download
+            'skip_download': True,
+        },
+        'add_ie': ['UplynkPreplay'],
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://news.vice.com/video/experimenting-on-animals-inside-the-monkey-lab',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'http://www.vice.com/ru/video/big-night-out-ibiza-clive-martin-229',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://munchies.vice.com/en/videos/watch-the-trailer-for-our-new-series-the-pizza-show',
+        'only_matching': True,
+    }]
+    _PREPLAY_HOST = 'video.vice'
     def _real_extract(self, url):
         video_id = self._match_id(url)
-        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
-        try:
-            embed_code = self._search_regex(
-                r'embedCode=([^&\'"]+)', webpage,
-                'ooyala embed code')
-            ooyala_url = OoyalaIE._url_for_embed_code(embed_code)
-        except ExtractorError:
-            raise ExtractorError('The page doesn\'t contain a video', expected=True)
-        return self.url_result(ooyala_url, ie='Ooyala')
+        webpage, urlh = self._download_webpage_handle(url, video_id)
+        embed_code = self._search_regex(
+            r'embedCode=([^&\'"]+)', webpage,
+            'ooyala embed code', default=None)
+        if embed_code:
+            return self.url_result('ooyala:%s' % embed_code, 'Ooyala')
+        youtube_id = self._search_regex(
+            r'data-youtube-id="([^"]+)"', webpage, 'youtube id', default=None)
+        if youtube_id:
+            return self.url_result(youtube_id, 'Youtube')
+        return self._extract_preplay_video(urlh.geturl(), webpage)
+class ViceShowIE(InfoExtractor):
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:.+?\.)?vice\.com/(?:[^/]+/)?show/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
+    _TEST = {
+        'url': 'https://munchies.vice.com/en/show/fuck-thats-delicious-2',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': 'fuck-thats-delicious-2',
+            'title': "Fuck, That's Delicious",
+            'description': 'Follow the culinary adventures of rapper Action Bronson during his ongoing world tour.',
+        },
+        'playlist_count': 17,
+    }
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        show_id = self._match_id(url)
+        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, show_id)
+        entries = [
+            self.url_result(video_url, ViceIE.ie_key())
+            for video_url, _ in re.findall(
+                r'<h2[^>]+class="article-title"[^>]+data-id="\d+"[^>]*>\s*<a[^>]+href="(%s.*?)"'
+                % ViceIE._VALID_URL, webpage)]
+        title = self._search_regex(
+            r'<title>(.+?)</title>', webpage, 'title', default=None)
+        if title:
+            title = re.sub(r'(.+)\s*\|\s*.+$', r'\1', title).strip()
+        description = self._html_search_meta('description', webpage, 'description')
+        return self.playlist_result(entries, show_id, title, description)