X-Git-Url: https://git.rapsys.eu/youtubedl/blobdiff_plain/cb80b21bcb31049702a24f5ca2587d4f5bccc4b1..d4ff594119bc679aa175947eb59a97bee8f966f4:/debian/control?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index eef605c..32a0187 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -2,18 +2,94 @@ Source: youtube-dl
 Section: web
 Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5)
-Standards-Version: 3.8.3
-Homepage: http://bitbucket.org/rg3/youtube-dl/
+ debhelper (>= 9),
+ python-pkg-resources
+ python
+X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
+Standards-Version: 3.9.6
+Homepage: http://rg3.github.com/youtube-dl/
+Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/youtube-dl.git
+Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/youtube-dl.git
 Package: youtube-dl
 Architecture: all
-Depends: python (>= 2.4)
-Description: download videos from youtube.com
+ python-pkg-resources,
+ ${misc:Depends},
+ ${python:Depends}
+ libav-tools | ffmpeg,
+ libav-tools | ffmpeg (>= 4:0.6) | ffprobe,
+ mplayer2 | mplayer,
+ rtmpdump
+Description: downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites
  youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from
  YouTube.com and other sites that don't provide direct links to the
  videos served.
- youtube-dl allows the user, among other things, to choose a specific
- video quality to download (if available) or let the program
- automatically determine the best quality video to grab.
+ youtube-dl allows the user, among other things, to choose a specific video
+ quality to download (if available) or let the program automatically
+ determine the best (or worst) quality video to grab. It supports
+ downloading entire playlists and all videos from a given user.
+ .
+ Currently supported sites (or features of sites) are:
+ .
+ 1up.com, 220.ro, 3sat, 4tube, 56.com, 8tracks, 9gag, AcademicEarth:Course,
+ AddAnime, anitube.se, Aparat, AppleTrailers, archive.org videos, ARD,
+ arte.tv, arte.tv:+7, arte.tv:creative, arte.tv:ddc, arte.tv:future,
+ AUEngine, bambuser, bambuser:channel, Bandcamp, Bandcamp:album, BBC iPlayer,
+ blinkx, blip.tv:user, BlipTV, Bloomberg, Break, Brightcove, canalc2.tv,
+ canalplus.fr, CBS, Channel 9, Chilloutzone, Cinemassacre, clipfish,
+ cliphunter, Clipsyndicate, cmt.com, CNN, CNNBlogs, CollegeHumor,
+ ComedyCentral, The Daily Show / Colbert Report, Condé Nast media group: GQ,
+ Glamour, Vanity Fair, Vogue, W Magazine, WIRED, Criterion, Crunchyroll,
+ C-SPAN, culturebox.francetvinfo.fr, d8.tv, dailymotion,
+ dailymotion:playlist, dailymotion:user, daum.net, defense.gouv.fr,
+ DepositFiles, Discovery, Dotsub, Dropbox, EbaumsWorld, eHow, eitb.tv, El
+ País, Escapist, EveryonesMixtape, ex.fm, ExtremeTube, facebook, faz.net,
+ fernsehkritik.tv, fernsehkritik.tv:postecke, Firstpost.com, Видеоархив -
+ Первый канал, Flickr, france2.fr:generation-quoi, FranceInter, France 2, 3,
+ 4, 5 and Ô, francetvinfo.fr, Freesound, freespeech.org, FunnyOrDie,
+ Gamekings, GameSpot, Gametrailers, Generic downloader that works on some
+ sites, Hark, helsinki.fi, HotNewHipHop, Howcast, Huffington Post, Hypem,
+ ign.com, Internet Movie Database trailers, Internet Movie Database lists,
+ Ina, InfoQ, Instagram, InternetVideoArchive, IPrima, ivi.ru, ivi.ru
+ compilations, JadoreCettePub, JeuxVideo, jpopsuki.tv, Jukebox, justin.tv,
+ Kankan, keek, KeezMovies, KhanAcademy, KickStarter, KontrTube.ru - Труба
+ зовёт, la7.tv, LIFE | NEWS, LiveLeak, livestream, livestream:original,
+ lynda.com videos, lynda.com online courses, m6, MacGameStore trailers,
+ Malemotion, MDR, metacafe, Metacritic, mixcloud, Mofosex, Mooshare.biz,
+ MPORA, MTV, mtviggy.com, muzu.tv, MySpace, MySpass, myvideo, Naver, NBA,
+ NBCNews, NDR.de - Mediathek, NDTV, Newgrounds, National Film Board of
+ Canada, nhl.com, NHL videocenter category, ニコニコ動画, Normalboots,
+ Novamov, Nowness, NowVideo, Ooyala, ORF, PBS, photobucket, Google Plus,
+ pluzz.francetv.fr, podomatic, PornHd, PornHub, Pornotube, Pyvideo,
+ radiofrance, RBMARadio, RedTube, RingTV, RottenTomatoes, Roxwel, RTLnow,
+ Rutube videos, Rutube channels, Rutube movies, Rutube person videos, Yahoo
+ screen search (Example: "yvsearchall:purple fish" ), ServingSys, Sina,
+ Slashdot, Slideshare, Smotri.com, Smotri.com broadcasts, Smotri.com
+ community videos, Smotri.com user videos, Sohu, soundcloud, soundcloud:set,
+ soundcloud:user, southpark.de, southparkstudios.com, Space, Spankwire,
+ Spiegel, Spike, Stanford Open ClassRoom, Statigram, Steam, streamcloud.eu,
+ StreamCZ, Syfy, SztvHu, Teamcoco, TechTalks, techtv.mit.edu, TED, TF1,
+ ThePlatform, ThisAV, tinypic.com videos, tou.tv, Trilulilu, Tube8, Tudou,
+ Tumblr, Tutv, tvp.pl, Unistra, ustream, ustream:channel, Vbox7, VeeHD, Veoh,
+ Вести.Ru, Vevo, Vice, Viddler, Google Video search (Example:
+ "gvsearch5:falling cat" ), video.mit.edu, VideoDetective, videofy.me,
+ VideoPremium, viki, vimeo, vimeo:album, vimeo:channel, vimeo:group, Review
+ pages on vimeo, vimeo:user, Vine, vk.com, Vube.com, wat.tv, Weibo, Wimp,
+ Wistia, WorldStarHipHop, XHamster, XNXX, XTube, XVideos, Yahoo screen, Yahoo
+ screen, YouJizz, Youku, YouPorn, YouTube.com, YouTube.com channels,
+ YouTube.com favourite videos, "ytfav" keyword (requires authentication),
+ Youtube watch history, "ythistory" keyword (requires authentication),
+ YouTube.com playlists, YouTube.com recommended videos, "ytrec" keyword
+ (requires authentication), YouTube.com searches (Example:
+ "ytsearch10:running tortoise" ), YouTube.com searches, newest videos first
+ (Example: "ytsearchdateall:falling cat" ), YouTube.com (multi-season) shows,
+ YouTube.com subscriptions feed, "ytsubs" keyword(requires authentication),
+ YouTube.com top lists, "yttoplist:{channel}:{list title}" (Example:
+ "yttoplist:music:Top Tracks"), YouTube.com user videos (URL or "ytuser"
+ keyword), Youtube watch later list, "ytwatchlater" keyword (requires
+ authentication), ZDF.