X-Git-Url: https://git.rapsys.eu/youtubedl/blobdiff_plain/f4d1aa5e886897099f575b17aa7ab96c198008ae..32569172c58bbc32bcc4fdb64af8615f98c4cccb:/debian/control

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index f46453b..1a170bc 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -1,29 +1,37 @@
 Source: youtube-dl
-Section: web
-Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br>
+Section: web
+Priority: optional
- debhelper (>= 9),
+ bash-completion,
+ debhelper-compat (= 12),
+ dh-exec,
- python-pkg-resources
+ pandoc,
+ python3-pkg-resources,
+ python3-setuptools,
+ zip
- python
-X-Python-Version: >= 2.6
-Standards-Version: 3.9.6
-Homepage: http://rg3.github.com/youtube-dl/
-Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/youtube-dl.git
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/youtube-dl.git
+ python3
+Rules-Requires-Root: no
+Standards-Version: 4.3.0
+Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/youtube-dl
+Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/debian/youtube-dl.git
+Homepage: https://rg3.github.com/youtube-dl/
 Package: youtube-dl
 Architecture: all
- python-pkg-resources,
+ python3-pkg-resources,
- ${python:Depends}
+ ${python3:Depends}
  aria2 | wget | curl,
- libav-tools | ffmpeg,
- mplayer2 | mplayer,
+ ca-certificates,
+ ffmpeg | libav-tools,
+ mpv | mplayer,
+ phantomjs,
+ python3-pyxattr,
 Description: downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites
  youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from
@@ -37,91 +45,1138 @@ Description: downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites
  Currently supported sites (or features of sites) are:
- 1up.com, 220.ro, 24video, 3sat, 4tube, 56.com, 5min, 8tracks, 9gag,
- abc.net.au, Abc7News, AcademicEarth:Course, AddAnime, AdobeTV, AdultSwim,
- Aftonbladet, AlJazeera, Allocine, AlphaPorno, anitube.se, AnySex, Aparat,
- AppleDailyAnimationNews, AppleDailyRealtimeNews, AppleTrailers,
- archive.org, ARD, ARD:mediathek, arte.tv, arte.tv:+7, arte.tv:concert,
- arte.tv:creative, arte.tv:ddc, arte.tv:embed, arte.tv:future, AtresPlayer,
- ATTTechChannel, audiomack, audiomack:album, Azubu, bambuser,
- bambuser:channel, Bandcamp, Bandcamp:album, bbc.co.uk, Beeg, BehindKink,
- Bet, Bild, BiliBili, blinkx, blip.tv:user, BlipTV, Bloomberg, Bpb, BR,
- Break, Brightcove, BuzzFeed, BYUtv, Canal13cl, canalc2.tv, Canalplus, CBS,
- CBSNews, CeskaTelevize, channel9, Chilloutzone, Cinchcast, Cinemassacre,
- clipfish, cliphunter, Clipsyndicate, Cloudy, Clubic, cmt.com, CNET, CNN,
- CNNArticle, CNNBlogs, CollegeHumor, CollegeRama, ComCarCoff, ComedyCentral,
- ComedyCentralShows, CommonMistakes, CondeNast, Cracked, Criterion,
- Crunchyroll, crunchyroll:playlist, CSpan, CtsNews,
- culturebox.francetvinfo.fr, dailymotion, dailymotion:playlist,
- dailymotion:user, daum.net, DBTV, DctpTv, DeezerPlaylist, defense.gouv.fr,
- Discovery, divxstage, Dotsub, DRBonanza, Dropbox, DrTuber, DRTV, Dump,
- dvtv, EbaumsWorld, EchoMsk, eHow, Einthusan, eitb.tv, EllenTV,
- EllenTV:clips, ElPais, EMPFlix, Engadget, Eporner, EroProfile, Escapist,
- EveryonesMixtape, exfm, ExpoTV, ExtremeTube, facebook, faz.net, fc2,
- fernsehkritik.tv, fernsehkritik.tv:postecke, Firedrive, Firstpost, firsttv,
- Flickr, Folketinget, Foxgay, FoxNews, france2.fr:generation-quoi,
- FranceCulture, FranceInter, francetv, francetvinfo.fr, Freesound,
- freespeech.org, FreeVideo, FunnyOrDie, Gamekings, GameOne,
- gameone:playlist, GameSpot, GameStar, Gametrailers, GDCVault, generic,
- GiantBomb, Giga, Glide, Globo, GodTube, GoldenMoustache, Golem, GorillaVid,
- Goshgay, Grooveshark, Groupon, Hark, HearThisAt, Heise, HellPorno,
- Helsinki, HentaiStigma, HistoricFilms, hitbox, hitbox:live, HornBunny,
- HostingBulk, HotNewHipHop, Howcast, HowStuffWorks, HuffPost, Hypem,
- Iconosquare, ign.com, imdb, imdb:list, Ina, InfoQ, Instagram,
- instagram:user, InternetVideoArchive, IPrima, ivi, ivi:compilation,
- Izlesene, JadoreCettePub, JeuxVideo, Jove, jpopsuki.tv, Jukebox, Kankan,
- Karaoketv, keek, KeezMovies, KhanAcademy, KickStarter, kontrtube, KrasView,
- Ku6, la7.tv, Laola1Tv, lifenews, LiveLeak, livestream, livestream:original,
- livestream:shortener, LnkGo, lrt.lt, lynda, lynda:course, m6, macgamestore,
- mailru, Malemotion, MDR, metacafe, Metacritic, Mgoon, Minhateca,
- MinistryGrid, mitele.es, mixcloud, MLB, MoeVideo, Mofosex, Mojvideo,
- Moniker, mooshare, Morningstar, Motherless, Motorsport, MovieClips,
- Moviezine, movshare, MPORA, MTV, mtviggy.com, mtvservices:embedded,
- MuenchenTV, MusicPlayOn, MusicVault, muzu.tv, MySpace, MySpace:album,
- MySpass, myvideo, MyVidster, n-tv.de, Naver, NBA, NBC, NBCNews, ndr, NDTV,
- NerdCubedFeed, Nerdist, Netzkino, Newgrounds, Newstube, NextMedia,
- NextMediaActionNews, nfb, nfl.com, nhl.com, nhl.com:news,
- nhl.com:videocenter, niconico, NiconicoPlaylist, Noco, Normalboots,
- NosVideo, novamov, Nowness, nowvideo, npo.nl, npo.nl:live, NRK, NRKTV,
- ntv.ru, Nuvid, NYTimes, ocw.mit.edu, OktoberfestTV, on.aol.com, Ooyala,
- OpenFilm, orf:fm4, orf:oe1, orf:tvthek, parliamentlive.tv, Patreon, PBS,
- Phoenix, Photobucket, PlanetaPlay, play.fm, played.to, Playvid,
- plus.google, pluzz.francetv.fr, podomatic, PornHd, PornHub, Pornotube,
- PornoXO, PromptFile, prosiebensat1, Pyvideo, QuickVid, radio.de,
- radiobremen, radiofrance, Rai, RBMARadio, RedTube, Restudy, ReverbNation,
- RingTV, RottenTomatoes, Roxwel, RTBF, Rte, RTL2, RTLnow, rtlxl.nl, RTP,
- RTS, rtve.es:alacarta, rtve.es:live, RUHD, rutube, rutube:channel,
- rutube:embed, rutube:movie, rutube:person, RUTV, Sapo, savefrom.net, SBS,
- SciVee, screen.yahoo:search, Screencast, ScreencastOMatic, ScreenwaveMedia,
- ServingSys, Sexu, SexyKarma, Shared, ShareSix, Sina, Slideshare, Slutload,
- smotri, smotri:broadcast, smotri:community, smotri:user, Snotr, Sockshare,
- Sohu, soundcloud, soundcloud:playlist, soundcloud:set, soundcloud:user,
- Soundgasm, southpark.cc.com, southpark.de, Space, Spankwire, Spiegel,
- Spiegel:Article, Spiegeltv, Spike, Sport5, SportBox, SportDeutschland,
- SRMediathek, stanfordoc, Steam, streamcloud.eu, StreamCZ, StreetVoice,
- SunPorno, SWRMediathek, Syfy, SztvHu, Tagesschau, Tapely, Tass,
- teachertube, teachertube:user:collection, TeachingChannel, Teamcoco,
- TeamFour, TechTalks, techtv.mit.edu, TED, tegenlicht.vpro.nl,
- TeleBruxelles, telecinco.es, TeleMB, TeleTask, TenPlay, TestTube, TestURL,
- TF1, TheOnion, ThePlatform, TheSixtyOne, ThisAV, THVideo, THVideoPlaylist,
- tinypic, tlc.com, tlc.de, TMZ, TNAFlix, tou.tv, Toypics, ToypicsUser,
- TrailerAddict (CURRENTLY BROKEN), Trilulilu, TruTube, Tube8, Tudou, Tumblr,
- TuneIn, Turbo, Tutv, tv.dfb.de, tvigle, tvp.pl, tvp.pl:Series, TVPlay,
- Tweakers, twitch:bookmarks, twitch:chapter, twitch:past_broadcasts,
- twitch:profile, twitch:stream, twitch:video, twitch:vod, Ubu, udemy,
- udemy:course, Unistra, Urort, ustream, ustream:channel, Vbox7, VeeHD, Veoh,
- Vesti, Vevo, VGTV, vh1.com, Vice, Viddler, video.google:search,
- video.mit.edu, VideoBam, VideoDetective, videofy.me, videolectures.net,
- VideoMega, VideoPremium, VideoTt, videoweed, Vidme, Vidzi, vier,
- vier:videos, viki, vimeo, vimeo:album, vimeo:channel, vimeo:group,
- vimeo:likes, vimeo:review, vimeo:user, vimeo:watchlater, Vimple, Vine,
- vine:user, vk.com, vk.com:user-videos, Vodlocker, Vporn, VRT, vube, VuClip,
- vulture.com, Walla, WashingtonPost, wat.tv, WayOfTheMaster, WDR,
- wdr:mobile, WDRMaus, WebOfStories, Weibo, Wimp, Wistia, WorldStarHipHop,
- wrzuta.pl, WSJ, XBef, XboxClips, XHamster, XMinus, XNXX, XTube, XTubeUser,
- Xuite, XVideos, XXXYMovies, Yahoo, YesJapan, Ynet, YouJizz, Youku, YouPorn,
- YourUpload, youtube, youtube:channel, youtube:favorites, youtube:history,
- youtube:playlist, youtube:recommended, youtube:search, youtube:search:date,
- youtube:search_url, youtube:show, youtube:subscriptions,
- youtube:truncated_id, youtube:truncated_url, youtube:user,
- youtube:watch_later, ZDF, ZDFChannel, zingmp3:album, zingmp3:song
+ 1tv,
+ 1up.com,
+ 20min,
+ 220.ro,
+ 23video,
+ 24video,
+ 3qsdn,
+ 3sat,
+ 4tube,
+ 56.com,
+ 5min,
+ 6play,
+ 7plus,
+ 8tracks,
+ 91porn,
+ 9c9media,
+ 9gag,
+ 9now.com.au,
+ abc.net.au,
+ abc.net.au:iview,
+ abcnews,
+ abcnews:video,
+ abcotvs,
+ abcotvs:clips,
+ AcademicEarth:Course,
+ acast,
+ acast:channel,
+ AddAnime,
+ ADN,
+ AdobeTV,
+ AdobeTVChannel,
+ AdobeTVShow,
+ AdobeTVVideo,
+ AdultSwim,
+ aenetworks,
+ afreecatv,
+ AirMozilla,
+ AliExpressLive,
+ AlJazeera,
+ Allocine,
+ AlphaPorno,
+ AMCNetworks,
+ AmericasTestKitchen,
+ anderetijden,
+ AnimeOnDemand,
+ anitube.se,
+ Anvato,
+ AnySex,
+ APA,
+ Aparat,
+ AppleConnect,
+ AppleDaily,
+ appletrailers,
+ appletrailers:section,
+ archive.org,
+ ARD,
+ ARD:mediathek,
+ ARDBetaMediathek,
+ Arkena,
+ arte.tv,
+ arte.tv:+7,
+ arte.tv:cinema,
+ arte.tv:concert,
+ arte.tv:creative,
+ arte.tv:ddc,
+ arte.tv:embed,
+ arte.tv:future,
+ arte.tv:info,
+ arte.tv:magazine,
+ arte.tv:playlist,
+ AsianCrush,
+ AsianCrushPlaylist,
+ AtresPlayer,
+ ATTTechChannel,
+ ATVAt,
+ AudiMedia,
+ AudioBoom,
+ audiomack,
+ audiomack:album,
+ auroravid,
+ awaan:live,
+ awaan:season,
+ awaan:video,
+ AZMedien,
+ AZMedienPlaylist,
+ AZMedienShowPlaylist,
+ BaiduVideo,
+ bambuser,
+ bambuser:channel,
+ Bandcamp,
+ Bandcamp:album,
+ Bandcamp:weekly,
+ bangumi.bilibili.com,
+ bbc,
+ bbc.co.uk,
+ bbc.co.uk:article,
+ bbc.co.uk:iplayer:playlist,
+ bbc.co.uk:playlist,
+ Beatport,
+ Beeg,
+ BehindKink,
+ Bellator,
+ BellMedia,
+ Bet,
+ Bigflix,
+ Bild,
+ BiliBili,
+ BioBioChileTV,
+ BitChute,
+ BitChuteChannel,
+ BleacherReport,
+ BleacherReportCMS,
+ blinkx,
+ Bloomberg,
+ BokeCC,
+ BostonGlobe,
+ Bpb,
+ BR,
+ BravoTV,
+ Break,
+ brightcove:legacy,
+ brightcove:new,
+ BRMediathek,
+ bt:article,
+ bt:vestlendingen,
+ BusinessInsider,
+ BuzzFeed,
+ BYUtv,
+ Camdemy,
+ CamdemyFolder,
+ CamModels,
+ CamTube,
+ CamWithHer,
+ canalc2.tv,
+ Canalplus,
+ Canvas,
+ CanvasEen,
+ CarambaTV,
+ CarambaTVPage,
+ CartoonNetwork,
+ cbc.ca,
+ cbc.ca:olympics,
+ cbc.ca:player,
+ cbc.ca:watch,
+ cbc.ca:watch:video,
+ CBS,
+ CBSInteractive,
+ CBSLocal,
+ cbsnews,
+ cbsnews:livevideo,
+ CBSSports,
+ CDA,
+ CeskaTelevize,
+ CeskaTelevizePorady,
+ channel9,
+ CharlieRose,
+ Chaturbate,
+ Chilloutzone,
+ chirbit,
+ chirbit:profile,
+ Cinchcast,
+ cliphunter,
+ Clippit,
+ ClipRs,
+ Clipsyndicate,
+ CloserToTruth,
+ CloudflareStream,
+ cloudtime,
+ Cloudy,
+ Clubic,
+ Clyp,
+ cmt.com,
+ CNN,
+ CNNArticle,
+ CNNBlogs,
+ ComCarCoff,
+ ComedyCentral,
+ ComedyCentralFullEpisodes,
+ ComedyCentralShortname,
+ ComedyCentralTV,
+ CommonMistakes,
+ CondeNast,
+ Corus,
+ Coub,
+ Cracked,
+ Crackle,
+ Criterion,
+ CrooksAndLiars,
+ crunchyroll,
+ crunchyroll:playlist,
+ CSpan,
+ CtsNews,
+ CTVNews,
+ Culturebox,
+ CultureUnplugged,
+ curiositystream,
+ curiositystream:collection,
+ DailyMail,
+ dailymotion,
+ dailymotion:playlist,
+ dailymotion:user,
+ DaisukiMotto,
+ DaisukiMottoPlaylist,
+ daum.net,
+ daum.net:clip,
+ daum.net:playlist,
+ daum.net:user,
+ DctpTv,
+ DeezerPlaylist,
+ defense.gouv.fr,
+ democracynow,
+ DHM,
+ Digg,
+ DigitallySpeaking,
+ Digiteka,
+ Discovery,
+ DiscoveryGo,
+ DiscoveryGoPlaylist,
+ DiscoveryNetworksDe,
+ DiscoveryVR,
+ Disney,
+ Dotsub,
+ DouyuShow,
+ DouyuTV,
+ DPlay,
+ DPlayIt,
+ dramafever,
+ dramafever:series,
+ DRBonanza,
+ Dropbox,
+ DrTuber,
+ drtv,
+ drtv:live,
+ DTube,
+ Dumpert,
+ dvtv,
+ dw,
+ dw:article,
+ EaglePlatform,
+ EbaumsWorld,
+ EchoMsk,
+ egghead:course,
+ egghead:lesson,
+ eHow,
+ Einthusan,
+ eitb.tv,
+ EllenTube,
+ EllenTubePlaylist,
+ EllenTubeVideo,
+ ElPais,
+ Embedly,
+ EMPFlix,
+ Engadget,
+ Eporner,
+ EroProfile,
+ Escapist,
+ ESPNArticle,
+ EsriVideo,
+ Europa,
+ EveryonesMixtape,
+ ExpoTV,
+ Expressen,
+ ExtremeTube,
+ EyedoTV,
+ facebook,
+ FacebookPluginsVideo,
+ faz.net,
+ fc2,
+ fc2:embed,
+ Fczenit,
+ filmon,
+ filmon:channel,
+ Filmweb,
+ FiveThirtyEight,
+ FiveTV,
+ Flickr,
+ Flipagram,
+ Folketinget,
+ FootyRoom,
+ Formula1,
+ FOX,
+ FOX9,
+ Foxgay,
+ foxnews,
+ foxnews:article,
+ FoxSports,
+ france2.fr:generation-what,
+ FranceCulture,
+ FranceInter,
+ FranceTV,
+ FranceTVEmbed,
+ francetvinfo.fr,
+ FranceTVJeunesse,
+ FranceTVSite,
+ Freesound,
+ freespeech.org,
+ FreshLive,
+ FrontendMasters,
+ FrontendMastersCourse,
+ FrontendMastersLesson,
+ Funimation,
+ FunkChannel,
+ FunkMix,
+ FunnyOrDie,
+ Fusion,
+ Fux,
+ FXNetworks,
+ GameInformer,
+ GameOne,
+ gameone:playlist,
+ GameSpot,
+ GameStar,
+ Gaskrank,
+ Gazeta,
+ GDCVault,
+ generic,
+ Gfycat,
+ GiantBomb,
+ Giga,
+ Glide,
+ Globo,
+ GloboArticle,
+ Go,
+ Go90,
+ GodTube,
+ Golem,
+ GoogleDrive,
+ Goshgay,
+ GPUTechConf,
+ Groupon,
+ Hark,
+ hbo,
+ hbo:episode,
+ HearThisAt,
+ Heise,
+ HellPorno,
+ Helsinki,
+ HentaiStigma,
+ hetklokhuis,
+ hgtv.com:show,
+ HiDive,
+ HistoricFilms,
+ history:topic,
+ hitbox,
+ hitbox:live,
+ HitRecord,
+ HornBunny,
+ HotNewHipHop,
+ HotStar,
+ hotstar:playlist,
+ Howcast,
+ HowStuffWorks,
+ HRTi,
+ HRTiPlaylist,
+ Huajiao,
+ HuffPost,
+ Hypem,
+ Iconosquare,
+ ign.com,
+ imdb,
+ imdb:list,
+ Imgur,
+ ImgurAlbum,
+ Ina,
+ Inc,
+ IndavideoEmbed,
+ InfoQ,
+ Instagram,
+ instagram:user,
+ Internazionale,
+ InternetVideoArchive,
+ IPrima,
+ iqiyi,
+ Ir90Tv,
+ ITV,
+ ivi,
+ ivi:compilation,
+ ivideon,
+ Iwara,
+ Izlesene,
+ Jamendo,
+ JamendoAlbum,
+ JeuxVideo,
+ Joj,
+ Jove,
+ jpopsuki.tv,
+ JWPlatform,
+ Kakao,
+ Kaltura,
+ KanalPlay,
+ Kankan,
+ Karaoketv,
+ KarriereVideos,
+ keek,
+ KeezMovies,
+ Ketnet,
+ KhanAcademy,
+ KickStarter,
+ KinoPoisk,
+ KonserthusetPlay,
+ kontrtube,
+ KrasView,
+ Ku6,
+ kuwo:album,
+ kuwo:category,
+ kuwo:chart,
+ kuwo:mv,
+ kuwo:singer,
+ kuwo:song,
+ la7.it,
+ laola1tv,
+ laola1tv:embed,
+ LCI,
+ Lcp,
+ LcpPlay,
+ Le,
+ Learnr,
+ Lecture2Go,
+ Lemonde,
+ Lenta,
+ LePlaylist,
+ LetvCloud,
+ Libsyn,
+ life,
+ life:embed,
+ limelight,
+ limelight:channel,
+ limelight:channel_list,
+ LineTV,
+ LiTV,
+ LiveLeak,
+ LiveLeakEmbed,
+ livestream,
+ livestream:original,
+ livestream:shortener,
+ LnkGo,
+ loc,
+ LocalNews8,
+ LoveHomePorn,
+ lrt.lt,
+ lynda,
+ lynda:course,
+ m6,
+ macgamestore,
+ mailru,
+ mailru:music,
+ mailru:music:search,
+ MakerTV,
+ mangomolo:live,
+ mangomolo:video,
+ ManyVids,
+ Markiza,
+ MarkizaPage,
+ massengeschmack.tv,
+ MatchTV,
+ MDR,
+ media.ccc.de,
+ Medialaan,
+ Mediaset,
+ Mediasite,
+ Medici,
+ megaphone.fm,
+ Meipai,
+ MelonVOD,
+ metacafe,
+ Metacritic,
+ Mgoon,
+ MiaoPai,
+ Minhateca,
+ MinistryGrid,
+ Minoto,
+ miomio.tv,
+ MiTele,
+ mixcloud,
+ mixcloud:playlist,
+ mixcloud:stream,
+ mixcloud:user,
+ Mixer:live,
+ Mixer:vod,
+ MLB,
+ Mms,
+ Mnet,
+ MoeVideo,
+ Mofosex,
+ Mojvideo,
+ Morningstar,
+ Motherless,
+ MotherlessGroup,
+ Motorsport,
+ MovieClips,
+ MovieFap,
+ Moviezine,
+ MovingImage,
+ MSN,
+ mtg,
+ mtv,
+ mtv.de,
+ mtv81,
+ mtv:video,
+ mtvservices:embedded,
+ MuenchenTV,
+ MusicPlayOn,
+ mva,
+ mva:course,
+ Mwave,
+ MwaveMeetGreet,
+ MyChannels,
+ MySpace,
+ MySpace:album,
+ MySpass,
+ Myvi,
+ MyVidster,
+ MyviEmbed,
+ n-tv.de,
+ natgeo,
+ natgeo:episodeguide,
+ natgeo:video,
+ Naver,
+ NBA,
+ NBC,
+ NBCNews,
+ nbcolympics,
+ nbcolympics:stream,
+ NBCSports,
+ NBCSportsStream,
+ NBCSportsVPlayer,
+ ndr,
+ ndr:embed,
+ ndr:embed:base,
+ NerdCubedFeed,
+ netease:album,
+ netease:djradio,
+ netease:mv,
+ netease:playlist,
+ netease:program,
+ netease:singer,
+ netease:song,
+ Netzkino,
+ Newgrounds,
+ NewgroundsPlaylist,
+ Newstube,
+ NextMedia,
+ NextMediaActionNews,
+ NextTV,
+ Nexx,
+ NexxEmbed,
+ nfb,
+ nfl.com,
+ NhkVod,
+ nhl.com,
+ nick.com,
+ nick.de,
+ nickelodeon:br,
+ nickelodeonru,
+ nicknight,
+ niconico,
+ NiconicoPlaylist,
+ Nintendo,
+ njoy,
+ njoy:embed,
+ NJPWWorld,
+ NobelPrize,
+ Noco,
+ NonkTube,
+ Noovo,
+ Normalboots,
+ NosVideo,
+ Nova,
+ NovaEmbed,
+ nowness,
+ nowness:playlist,
+ nowness:series,
+ nowvideo,
+ Noz,
+ npo,
+ npo.nl:live,
+ npo.nl:radio,
+ npo.nl:radio:fragment,
+ Npr,
+ NRK,
+ NRKPlaylist,
+ NRKSkole,
+ NRKTVDirekte,
+ NRKTVEpisode,
+ NRKTVEpisodes,
+ NRKTVSeason,
+ NRKTVSeries,
+ ntv.ru,
+ Nuvid,
+ NYTimes,
+ NYTimesArticle,
+ NZZ,
+ ocw.mit.edu,
+ OdaTV,
+ Odnoklassniki,
+ OktoberfestTV,
+ on.aol.com,
+ OnDemandKorea,
+ onet.pl,
+ onet.tv,
+ onet.tv:channel,
+ OnetMVP,
+ OnionStudios,
+ Ooyala,
+ OoyalaExternal,
+ Openload,
+ OraTV,
+ orf:fm4,
+ orf:fm4:story,
+ orf:iptv,
+ orf:oe1,
+ orf:tvthek,
+ PacktPub,
+ PacktPubCourse,
+ PandaTV,
+ pandora.tv,
+ ParamountNetwork,
+ parliamentlive.tv,
+ Patreon,
+ pbs,
+ pcmag,
+ PearVideo,
+ PeerTube,
+ People,
+ PerformGroup,
+ periscope,
+ periscope:user,
+ PhilharmonieDeParis,
+ phoenix.de,
+ Photobucket,
+ Picarto,
+ PicartoVod,
+ Piksel,
+ Pinkbike,
+ Pladform,
+ play.fm,
+ PlaysTV,
+ Playtvak,
+ Playvid,
+ Playwire,
+ pluralsight,
+ pluralsight:course,
+ plus.google,
+ podomatic,
+ Pokemon,
+ PolskieRadio,
+ PolskieRadioCategory,
+ PopcornTV,
+ PornCom,
+ PornerBros,
+ PornFlip,
+ PornHd,
+ PornHub,
+ PornHubPlaylist,
+ PornHubUserVideos,
+ Pornotube,
+ PornoVoisines,
+ PornoXO,
+ PornTube,
+ PressTV,
+ PrimeShareTV,
+ PromptFile,
+ prosiebensat1,
+ puhutv,
+ puhutv:serie,
+ Puls4,
+ Pyvideo,
+ qqmusic,
+ qqmusic:album,
+ qqmusic:playlist,
+ qqmusic:singer,
+ qqmusic:toplist,
+ Quickline,
+ QuicklineLive,
+ R7,
+ R7Article,
+ radio.de,
+ radiobremen,
+ radiocanada,
+ RadioCanadaAudioVideo,
+ radiofrance,
+ RadioJavan,
+ Rai,
+ RaiPlay,
+ RaiPlayLive,
+ RaiPlayPlaylist,
+ RayWenderlich,
+ RayWenderlichCourse,
+ RBMARadio,
+ RDS,
+ RedBullTV,
+ Reddit,
+ RedditR,
+ RedTube,
+ RegioTV,
+ RENTVArticle,
+ Restudy,
+ Reuters,
+ ReverbNation,
+ revision,
+ revision3:embed,
+ RMCDecouverte,
+ RockstarGames,
+ RoosterTeeth,
+ RottenTomatoes,
+ Roxwel,
+ Rozhlas,
+ rte,
+ rte:radio,
+ rtl.nl,
+ rtl2,
+ rtl2:you,
+ rtl2:you:series,
+ Rtmp,
+ RTP,
+ RTS,
+ rtve.es:alacarta,
+ rtve.es:infantil,
+ rtve.es:live,
+ rtve.es:television,
+ Rudo,
+ RulePorn,
+ rutube,
+ rutube:channel,
+ rutube:embed,
+ rutube:movie,
+ rutube:person,
+ rutube:playlist,
+ Ruutu,
+ Ruv,
+ safari,
+ safari:api,
+ safari:course,
+ Sapo,
+ savefrom.net,
+ SBS,
+ schooltv,
+ screen.yahoo:search,
+ Screencast,
+ ScreencastOMatic,
+ scrippsnetworks:watch,
+ Seeker,
+ SenateISVP,
+ SendtoNews,
+ ServingSys,
+ Servus,
+ Sexu,
+ SeznamZpravy,
+ SeznamZpravyArticle,
+ Shahid,
+ ShahidShow,
+ Shared,
+ ShowRoomLive,
+ Sina,
+ SkylineWebcams,
+ skynewsarabia:article,
+ skynewsarabia:video,
+ SkySports,
+ Slideshare,
+ SlidesLive,
+ Slutload,
+ smotri,
+ smotri:broadcast,
+ smotri:community,
+ smotri:user,
+ Snotr,
+ Sohu,
+ SonyLIV,
+ soundcloud,
+ soundcloud:playlist,
+ soundcloud:search,
+ soundcloud:set,
+ soundcloud:trackstation,
+ soundcloud:user,
+ soundgasm,
+ soundgasm:profile,
+ southpark.cc.com,
+ southpark.cc.com:español,
+ southpark.de,
+ southpark.nl,
+ southparkstudios.dk,
+ SpankBang,
+ Spankwire,
+ Spiegel,
+ Spiegel:Article,
+ Spiegeltv,
+ sport.francetvinfo.fr,
+ Sport5,
+ SportBoxEmbed,
+ SportDeutschland,
+ SpringboardPlatform,
+ Sprout,
+ sr:mediathek,
+ stanfordoc,
+ Steam,
+ Stitcher,
+ Streamable,
+ Streamango,
+ streamcloud.eu,
+ StreamCZ,
+ StreetVoice,
+ StretchInternet,
+ SunPorno,
+ SVT,
+ SVTPage,
+ SVTPlay,
+ SVTSeries,
+ SWRMediathek,
+ Syfy,
+ SztvHu,
+ t-online.de,
+ Tagesschau,
+ tagesschau:player,
+ Tass,
+ TastyTrade,
+ TBS,
+ TDSLifeway,
+ teachertube,
+ teachertube:user:collection,
+ TeachingChannel,
+ Teamcoco,
+ TechTalks,
+ techtv.mit.edu,
+ ted,
+ Tele13,
+ Tele5,
+ TeleBruxelles,
+ Telecinco,
+ Telegraaf,
+ TeleMB,
+ TeleQuebec,
+ TeleQuebecEmission,
+ TeleQuebecLive,
+ TeleTask,
+ Telewebion,
+ TennisTV,
+ TestURL,
+ TF1,
+ TFO,
+ TheIntercept,
+ theoperaplatform,
+ ThePlatform,
+ ThePlatformFeed,
+ TheScene,
+ TheStar,
+ TheSun,
+ TheWeatherChannel,
+ ThisAmericanLife,
+ ThisAV,
+ ThisOldHouse,
+ tinypic,
+ TMZ,
+ TMZArticle,
+ TNAFlix,
+ TNAFlixNetworkEmbed,
+ toggle,
+ ToonGoggles,
+ Tosh,
+ tou.tv,
+ Toypics,
+ ToypicsUser,
+ TrailerAddict (CURRENTLY BROKEN),
+ Trilulilu,
+ TruTV,
+ Tube8,
+ TubiTv,
+ Tumblr,
+ tunein:clip,
+ tunein:program,
+ tunein:shortener,
+ tunein:station,
+ tunein:topic,
+ TunePk,
+ Turbo,
+ Tutv,
+ tv.dfb.de,
+ TV2,
+ tv2.hu,
+ TV2Article,
+ TV3,
+ TV4,
+ TV5MondePlus,
+ TVA,
+ TVANouvelles,
+ TVANouvellesArticle,
+ TVC,
+ TVCArticle,
+ tvigle,
+ tvland.com,
+ TVN24,
+ TVNet,
+ TVNoe,
+ TVNow,
+ TVNowList,
+ TVNowShow,
+ tvp,
+ tvp:embed,
+ tvp:series,
+ TVPlayer,
+ TVPlayHome,
+ Tweakers,
+ twitch:chapter,
+ twitch:clips,
+ twitch:profile,
+ twitch:stream,
+ twitch:video,
+ twitch:videos:all,
+ twitch:videos:highlights,
+ twitch:videos:past-broadcasts,
+ twitch:videos:uploads,
+ twitch:vod,
+ twitter,
+ twitter:amplify,
+ twitter:card,
+ udemy,
+ udemy:course,
+ UDNEmbed,
+ UKTVPlay,
+ umg:de,
+ UnicodeBOM,
+ Unistra,
+ Unity,
+ uol.com.br,
+ uplynk,
+ uplynk:preplay,
+ Upskill,
+ UpskillCourse,
+ Urort,
+ URPlay,
+ USANetwork,
+ USAToday,
+ ustream,
+ ustream:channel,
+ ustudio,
+ ustudio:embed,
+ Varzesh3,
+ Vbox7,
+ VeeHD,
+ Veoh,
+ Vessel,
+ Vesti,
+ Vevo,
+ VevoPlaylist,
+ vh1.com,
+ Viafree,
+ vice,
+ vice:article,
+ vice:show,
+ Vidbit,
+ Viddler,
+ Videa,
+ video.google:search,
+ video.mit.edu,
+ VideoDetective,
+ videofy.me,
+ VideoMega,
+ videomore,
+ videomore:season,
+ videomore:video,
+ VideoPremium,
+ VideoPress,
+ videoweed,
+ Vidio,
+ VidLii,
+ vidme,
+ vidme:user,
+ vidme:user:likes,
+ Vidzi,
+ vier,
+ vier:videos,
+ ViewLift,
+ ViewLiftEmbed,
+ Viewster,
+ Viidea,
+ viki,
+ viki:channel,
+ vimeo,
+ vimeo:album,
+ vimeo:channel,
+ vimeo:group,
+ vimeo:likes,
+ vimeo:ondemand,
+ vimeo:review,
+ vimeo:user,
+ vimeo:watchlater,
+ Vimple,
+ Vine,
+ vine:user,
+ Viqeo,
+ Viu,
+ viu:ott,
+ viu:playlist,
+ Vivo,
+ vk,
+ vk:uservideos,
+ vk:wallpost,
+ vlive,
+ vlive:channel,
+ vlive:playlist,
+ Vodlocker,
+ VODPl,
+ VODPlatform,
+ VoiceRepublic,
+ Voot,
+ VoxMedia,
+ VoxMediaVolume,
+ Vporn,
+ vpro,
+ Vrak,
+ VRT,
+ VrtNU,
+ vrv,
+ vrv:series,
+ VShare,
+ vube,
+ VuClip,
+ VyboryMos,
+ Vzaar,
+ Walla,
+ washingtonpost,
+ washingtonpost:article,
+ wat.tv,
+ WatchBox,
+ WatchIndianPorn,
+ WDR,
+ wdr:mobile,
+ WDRElefant,
+ WDRPage,
+ Webcaster,
+ WebcasterFeed,
+ WebOfStories,
+ WebOfStoriesPlaylist,
+ Weibo,
+ WeiboMobile,
+ WeiqiTV,
+ wholecloud,
+ Wimp,
+ Wistia,
+ wnl,
+ WorldStarHipHop,
+ wrzuta.pl,
+ wrzuta.pl:playlist,
+ WSJ,
+ WSJArticle,
+ XBef,
+ XboxClips,
+ XFileShare,
+ XHamster,
+ XHamsterEmbed,
+ xiami:album,
+ xiami:artist,
+ xiami:collection,
+ xiami:song,
+ ximalaya,
+ ximalaya:album,
+ XMinus,
+ Xstream,
+ XTube,
+ XTubeUser,
+ Xuite,
+ XVideos,
+ XXXYMovies,
+ Yahoo,
+ YandexDisk,
+ yandexmusic:album,
+ yandexmusic:playlist,
+ yandexmusic:track,
+ YapFiles,
+ YesJapan,
+ yinyuetai:video,
+ Ynet,
+ YouJizz,
+ youku,
+ youku:show,
+ YouNowChannel,
+ YouNowLive,
+ YouNowMoment,
+ YouPorn,
+ YourPorn,
+ YourUpload,
+ youtube,
+ youtube:channel,
+ youtube:favorites,
+ youtube:history,
+ youtube:live,
+ youtube:playlist,
+ youtube:playlists,
+ youtube:recommended,
+ youtube:search,
+ youtube:search:date,
+ youtube:search_url,
+ youtube:show,
+ youtube:subscriptions,
+ youtube:truncated_id,
+ youtube:truncated_url,
+ youtube:user,
+ youtube:watchlater,
+ Zapiks,
+ Zaq1,
+ Zattoo,
+ ZattooLive,
+ ZDF,
+ ZDFChannel,
+ zingmp3