]> Raphaƫl G. Git Repositories - airbundle/blob - Resources/views/session/edit.html.twig
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[airbundle] / Resources / views / session / edit.html.twig
1 {% extends '@RapsysAir/body.html.twig' %}
2 {% block content %}
3 <section id="form">
4 <header>
5 <h2>
6 <a href="{{ path('rapsys_air_session_view', {'id': session.id}) }}">{{ session.title }}</a>
7 <a href="{{ path('rapsys_air_location_view', {'id': session.location.id}) }}">{{ session.location.at }}</a>
8 </h2>
9 <p>{{ description }}</p>
10 </header>
11 {% if form.modify is defined or form.move is defined or form.cancel is defined or form.raincancel is defined or form.forcecancel is defined or is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
12 {{ form_start(form) }}
13 {% if form.modify is defined %}
14 <div>
15 {{ form_row(form.begin) }}
17 {{ form_row(form.length) }}
19 {{ form_row(form.modify) }}
20 </div>
21 {% endif %}
22 {% if form.move is defined %}
23 <div class="dangerous">
24 {{ form_row(form.location) }}
26 {{ form_row(form.move) }}
27 </div>
28 {% endif %}
29 {% if form.cancel is defined or form.raincancel is defined or form.forcecancel is defined or is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
30 <div class="mortal">
31 {% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
32 {{ form_row(form.user) }}
33 {% endif %}
35 {% if form.cancel is defined %}
36 {{ form_row(form.cancel) }}
37 {% endif %}
39 {% if form.raincancel is defined %}
40 {{ form_row(form.raincancel) }}
41 {% endif %}
43 {% if form.forcecancel is defined %}
44 {{ form_row(form.forcecancel) }}
45 {% endif %}
47 {% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') %}
48 {% if form.attribute is defined %}
49 {{ form_row(form.attribute) }}
51 {{ form_row(form.autoattribute) }}
52 {% endif %}
54 {{ form_row(form.lock) }}
55 {% endif %}
56 </div>
57 {% endif %}
58 {# render csrf token etc .#}
59 <footer style="display:none">{{ form_rest(form) }}</footer>
60 {{ form_end(form) }}
61 {% endif %}
62 </section>
63 {% endblock %}