]> Raphaël G. Git Repositories - airlibre/summary
descriptionSymfony flex tree used to handle libre air
ownersystem user for webserver-base
last changeTue, 2 Apr 2024 02:43:06 +0000 (04:43 +0200)
2024-04-02 Raphaël GertzIgnore config secrets master
2024-04-01 Raphaël GertzComment out doctrine orm mappings and controller resolv...
2024-04-01 Raphaël GertzUpdate symfony console
2024-03-08 Raphaël GertzUse google apiclient bundle client and secret env variables 0.1.0
2024-03-08 Raphaël GertzFix pack bundle scheme env variable
2024-03-07 Raphaël GertzRename air bundle alias
2024-03-07 Raphaël GertzRename rapsys user bundle alias
2024-03-07 Raphaël GertzDouble quote strings
2024-03-07 Raphaël GertzUpdate recipe repository
2024-03-01 Raphaël GertzDrop %kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log log
2024-03-01 Raphaël GertzRename rapsys_pack alias in rapsyspack
2024-03-01 Raphaël GertzRevert parsedow to version ^1.0|^2.0
2024-02-29 Raphaël GertzAdd doctrine package
2024-02-29 Raphaël GertzMove to parsedown 2.0
2024-02-29 Raphaël GertzComment user in memory to enable air bundle auth
2024-02-29 Raphaël GertzComment out framwork default keys
12 months ago 0.1.0
13 months ago 0.1
11 months ago master