]> Raphaël G. Git Repositories - blogbundle/blob - Resources/views/body.html.twig
Add keyword controller with index and view member functions
[blogbundle] / Resources / views / body.html.twig
1 {% extends 'RapsysBlogBundle::base.html.twig' %}
2 {% block body %}
3 <body>
4 {% block header %}
5 <header id="header">
6 {% block header_title %}
7 {% block blog_title %}<h1><a href="{{ path('homepage') }}">{% trans %}Dev log{% endtrans %}</a></h1>{% endblock %}
8 {% block header_nav %}
9 <nav>
10 <h2>{% trans %}Navigation{% endtrans %}</h2>
11 <a href="{{ path('about') }}">{% trans %}About{% endtrans %}</a>
12 <a href="{{ path('contact') }}">{% trans %}Contact{% endtrans %}</a>
13 </nav>
14 {% endblock %}
15 {% block blog_subtitle %}{% endblock %}
16 {% block blog_tagline %}
17 {% if tags is defined and tags %}
18 <ul>
19 {% for id, tag in tags %}
20 <li><h2><a href="#">Tag</a></h2></li>
21 {% endfor %}
22 </ul>
23 {% endif %}
24 {% endblock %}
25 {% endblock %}
26 </header>
27 {% endblock %}
29 {% block sidebar %}<aside id="sidebar"></aside>{% endblock %}
31 {% block content %}<section id="content"></section>{% endblock %}
33 {% block footer %}
34 <footer id="footer">
35 <span>&nbsp;</span>
36 <details><summary>{% trans %}Raphaël Gertz all rights reserved{% endtrans %}</summary><span>{% trans %}Copyright 2016-2018{% endtrans %}.</span></details>
37 {% block footer_nav %}
38 <nav>
39 {% for locale in blog_locales if locale != app.request.locale %}
40 <a href="{{ path(app.request.attributes.get('_route'), app.request.attributes.get('_route_params')|merge(app.request.query.all|merge({'_locale': locale}))) }}">{{ ('Display in ' ~ locale)|trans }}</a>
41 {% endfor %}
42 </nav>
43 {% endblock %}
44 </footer>
45 {% endblock %}
46 </body>
47 {% endblock %}