use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormError;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Address;
///Router instance
protected $router;
- ///Slugger instance
- protected $slugger;
///Translator instance
protected $translator;
* @param ContainerInterface $container The container instance
* @param RouterInterface $router The router instance
- * @param Slugger $slugger The slugger instance
* @param TranslatorInterface $translator The translator instance
- public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, RouterInterface $router, Slugger $slugger, TranslatorInterface $translator) {
+ public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, RouterInterface $router, RequestStack $requestStack, TranslatorInterface $translator) {
//Retrieve config
$this->config = $container->getParameter($this->getAlias());
//Set the router
$this->router = $router;
- //Set the slugger
- $this->slugger = $slugger;
//Set the translator
$this->translator = $translator;
//Set the context
$this->context = [
- 'copy_long' => $translator->trans($this->config['copy']['long']),
- 'copy_short' => $translator->trans($this->config['copy']['short']),
- 'site_ico' => $this->config['site']['ico'],
- 'site_logo' => $this->config['site']['logo'],
- 'site_png' => $this->config['site']['png'],
- 'site_svg' => $this->config['site']['svg'],
- 'site_title' => $translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']),
- 'site_url' => $router->generate($this->config['site']['url'])
+ 'copy' => [
+ 'long' => $translator->trans($this->config['copy']['long']),
+ 'short' => $translator->trans($this->config['copy']['short'])
+ ],
+ 'site' => [
+ 'ico' => $this->config['site']['ico'],
+ 'logo' => $this->config['site']['logo'],
+ 'png' => $this->config['site']['png'],
+ 'svg' => $this->config['site']['svg'],
+ 'title' => $translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']),
+ 'url' => $router->generate($this->config['site']['url']),
+ ],
+ 'canonical' => null,
+ 'alternates' => []
+ //Get current locale
+ #$currentLocale = $router->getContext()->getParameters()['_locale'];
+ $currentLocale = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->getLocale();
+ //Set translator locale
+ //XXX: allow LocaleSubscriber on the fly locale change for first page
+ $this->translator->setLocale($currentLocale);
+ //Iterate on locales excluding current one
+ foreach($this->config['locales'] as $locale) {
+ //Set titles
+ $titles = [];
+ //Iterate on other locales
+ foreach(array_diff($this->config['locales'], [$locale]) as $other) {
+ $titles[$other] = $translator->trans($this->config['languages'][$locale], [], null, $other);
+ }
+ //Get context path
+ $path = $router->getContext()->getPathInfo();
+ //Retrieve route matching path
+ $route = $router->match($path);
+ //Get route name
+ $name = $route['_route'];
+ //Unset route name
+ unset($route['_route']);
+ //With current locale
+ if ($locale == $currentLocale) {
+ //Set locale locales context
+ $this->context['canonical'] = $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
+ } else {
+ //Set locale locales context
+ $this->context['alternates'][] = [
+ 'lang' => $locale,
+ 'absolute' => $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
+ 'relative' => $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route),
+ 'title' => implode('/', $titles),
+ 'translated' => $translator->trans($this->config['languages'][$locale], [], null, $locale)
+ ];
+ }
+ }
//Set section
$section = $this->translator->trans('Contact');
+ //Set description
+ $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Contact Libre Air');
+ //Set keywords
+ $this->context['keywords'] = [
+ $this->translator->trans('contact'),
+ $this->translator->trans('Libre Air'),
+ $this->translator->trans('outdoor'),
+ $this->translator->trans('Argentine Tango'),
+ $this->translator->trans('calendar')
+ ];
//Set title
- $title = $section.' - '.$this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']);
+ $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section;
//Create the form according to the FormType created previously.
//And give the proper parameters
* @return Response The rendered view
- public function index(Request $request = null) {
+ public function index(Request $request) {
//Fetch doctrine
$doctrine = $this->getDoctrine();
//Set section
- $section = $this->translator->trans('Index');
+ $section = $this->translator->trans('Argentine Tango in Paris');
+ //Set description
+ $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Outdoor Argentine Tango session calendar in Paris');
+ //Set keywords
+ $this->context['keywords'] = [
+ $this->translator->trans('Argentine Tango'),
+ $this->translator->trans('Paris'),
+ $this->translator->trans('outdoor'),
+ $this->translator->trans('calendar'),
+ $this->translator->trans('Libre Air')
+ ];
//Set title
- $title = $section.' - '.$this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']);
+ $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section;
//Init context
$context = [];
//Fetch locations
//XXX: we want to display all active locations anyway
- $locations = $doctrine->getRepository(Location::class)->fetchTranslatedLocationByDatePeriod($this->translator, $period/*, !$this->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')*/);
+ $locations = $doctrine->getRepository(Location::class)->findTranslatedSortedByPeriod($this->translator, $period/*, !$this->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')*/);
//Render the view
return $this->render('@RapsysAir/default/index.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section, 'calendar' => $calendar, 'locations' => $locations]+$context+$this->context);
+ /**
+ * The organizer regulation page
+ *
+ * @desc Display the organizer regulation policy
+ *
+ * @return Response The rendered view
+ */
+ public function organizerRegulation() {
+ //Set section
+ $section = $this->translator->trans('Organizer regulation');
+ //Set description
+ $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Libre Air organizer regulation');
+ //Set keywords
+ $this->context['keywords'] = [
+ $this->translator->trans('organizer regulation'),
+ $this->translator->trans('Libre Air')
+ ];
+ //Set title
+ $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section;
+ //Render template
+ return $this->render('@RapsysAir/default/organizer_regulation.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section]+$this->context);
+ }
- * The regulation page
+ * The terms of service page
- * @desc Display the regulation policy
+ * @desc Display the terms of service policy
* @return Response The rendered view
- public function regulation() {
+ public function termsOfService() {
//Set section
- $section = $this->translator->trans('Regulation');
+ $section = $this->translator->trans('Terms of service');
+ //Set description
+ $this->context['description'] = $this->translator->trans('Libre Air terms of service');
+ //Set keywords
+ $this->context['keywords'] = [
+ $this->translator->trans('terms of service'),
+ $this->translator->trans('Libre Air')
+ ];
//Set title
- $title = $section.' - '.$this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']);
+ $title = $this->translator->trans($this->config['site']['title']).' - '.$section;
//Render template
- return $this->render('@RapsysAir/default/regulation.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section]+$this->context);
+ return $this->render('@RapsysAir/default/terms_of_service.html.twig', ['title' => $title, 'section' => $section]+$this->context);