+ }
+ /**
+ * Find one session by location and user id within last month
+ *
+ * @param $location The location id
+ * @param $user The user id
+ */
+ public function findOneWithinLastMonthByLocationUser($location, $user) {
+ //Get entity manager
+ $em = $this->getEntityManager();
+ //Get quote strategy
+ $qs = $em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy();
+ $dp = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
+ //Get quoted table names
+ //XXX: this allow to make this code table name independent
+ $tables = [
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Session' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Session'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Application' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Application'), $dp),
+ "\t" => '',
+ "\n" => ' '
+ ];
+ //Set the request
+ //XXX: give the gooddelay to guest just in case
+ $req =<<<SQL
+SELECT s.id
+FROM RapsysAirBundle:Session s
+JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application a ON (a.id = s.application_id AND a.user_id = :uid AND (a.canceled IS NULL OR TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, a.canceled, ADDTIME(s.date, s.begin)) < 1))
+WHERE s.location_id = :lid AND s.date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH), INTERVAL :gooddelay DAY)
+ //Replace bundle entity name by table name
+ $req = str_replace(array_keys($tables), array_values($tables), $req);
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+ //Declare all fields
+ //XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+ $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+ ->addIndexByScalar('id');
+ //Return result
+ return $em
+ ->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+ ->setParameter('lid', $location)
+ ->setParameter('uid', $user)
+ ->setParameter('gooddelay', self::SENIOR_DELAY)
+ ->getOneOrNullResult();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch sessions by date period
+ *
+ * @param $period The date period
+ * @param $locale The locale
+ */
+ public function fetchAllByDatePeriod($period, $locale = null) {
+ //Get entity manager
+ $em = $this->getEntityManager();
+ //Get quote strategy
+ $qs = $em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy();
+ $dp = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
+ //Get quoted table names
+ //XXX: this allow to make this code table name independent
+ $tables = [
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Application' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Application'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Location' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Location'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Session' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Session'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Snippet' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Snippet'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:User' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp),
+ ':afterid' => 4,
+ "\t" => '',
+ "\n" => ' '
+ ];
+ //Set the request
+ //TODO: exclude opera and others ?
+ $req = <<<SQL
+ s.id,
+ s.date,
+ s.locked,
+ s.updated,
+ ADDDATE(ADDTIME(s.date, s.begin), INTERVAL IF(s.slot_id = :afterid, 1, 0) DAY) AS start,
+ ADDDATE(ADDTIME(ADDTIME(s.date, s.begin), s.length), INTERVAL IF(s.slot_id = :afterid, 1, 0) DAY) AS stop,
+ s.location_id AS l_id,
+ l.address AS l_address,
+ l.zipcode AS l_zipcode,
+ l.city AS l_city,
+ l.short AS l_short,
+ l.title AS l_title,
+ l.latitude AS l_latitude,
+ l.longitude AS l_longitude,
+ s.application_id AS a_id,
+ a.canceled AS a_canceled,
+ a.user_id AS au_id,
+ au.forename AS au_forename,
+ au.pseudonym AS au_pseudonym,
+ p.id AS p_id,
+ p.description AS p_description,
+ p.class AS p_class,
+ p.short AS p_short,
+ p.rate AS p_rate,
+ p.contact AS p_contact,
+ p.donate AS p_donate,
+ p.link AS p_link,
+ p.profile AS p_profile
+FROM RapsysAirBundle:Session AS s
+JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Location AS l ON (l.id = s.location_id)
+JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS a ON (a.id = s.application_id)
+JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS au ON (au.id = a.user_id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Snippet AS p ON (p.location_id = s.location_id AND p.user_id = a.user_id AND p.locale = :locale)
+WHERE s.date BETWEEN :begin AND :end
+ //Replace bundle entity name by table name
+ $req = str_replace(array_keys($tables), array_values($tables), $req);
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ //XXX: DEBUG: see ../blog.orig/src/Rapsys/BlogBundle/Repository/ArticleRepository.php
+ $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+ //Declare all fields
+ //XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+ //addScalarResult($sqlColName, $resColName, $type = 'string');
+ $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('date', 'date', 'date')
+ ->addScalarResult('locked', 'locked', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('updated', 'updated', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('start', 'start', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('stop', 'stop', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_id', 'l_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_address', 'l_address', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_zipcode', 'l_zipcode', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_city', 'l_city', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_latitude', 'l_latitude', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_longitude', 'l_longitude', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_short', 'l_short', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_title', 'l_title', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('t_id', 't_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('t_title', 't_title', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('a_id', 'a_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('a_canceled', 'a_canceled', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('au_id', 'au_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('au_forename', 'au_forename', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('au_pseudonym', 'au_pseudonym', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_id', 'p_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_description', 'p_description', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_class', 'p_class', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_short', 'p_short', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_rate', 'p_rate', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_contact', 'p_contact', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_donate', 'p_donate', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_link', 'p_link', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_profile', 'p_profile', 'string')
+ ->addIndexByScalar('id');
+ //Fetch result
+ $res = $em
+ ->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+ ->setParameter('begin', $period->getStartDate())
+ ->setParameter('end', $period->getEndDate())
+ ->setParameter('locale', $locale);
+ //Return result
+ return $res->getResult();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch session by id
+ *
+ * @param $id The session id
+ * @param $locale The locale
+ * @return array The session data
+ */
+ public function fetchOneById($id, $locale = null) {
+ //Get entity manager
+ $em = $this->getEntityManager();
+ //Get quote strategy
+ $qs = $em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy();
+ $dp = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
+ //Get quoted table names
+ //XXX: this allow to make this code table name independent
+ $tables = [
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Application' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Application'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Group' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Group'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:GroupUser' => $qs->getJoinTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User')->getAssociationMapping('groups'), $em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Location' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Location'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Session' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Session'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Snippet' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Snippet'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Slot' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Slot'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:User' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp),
+ ':afterid' => 4,
+ "\t" => '',
+ "\n" => ' '
+ ];
+ //Set the request
+ //TODO: compute scores ?
+ //TODO: compute delivery date ? (J-3/J-4 ?)
+ $req =<<<SQL
+ s.id,
+ s.date,
+ s.begin,
+ ADDDATE(ADDTIME(s.date, s.begin), INTERVAL IF(s.slot_id = :afterid, 1, 0) DAY) AS start,
+ s.length,
+ ADDDATE(ADDTIME(ADDTIME(s.date, s.begin), s.length), INTERVAL IF(s.slot_id = :afterid, 1, 0) DAY) AS stop,
+ s.rainfall,
+ s.rainrisk,
+ s.realfeel,
+ s.realfeelmin,
+ s.realfeelmax,
+ s.temperature,
+ s.temperaturemin,
+ s.temperaturemax,
+ s.locked,
+ s.created,
+ s.updated,
+ s.location_id AS l_id,
+ l.short AS l_short,
+ l.title AS l_title,
+ l.address AS l_address,
+ l.zipcode AS l_zipcode,
+ l.city AS l_city,
+ l.latitude AS l_latitude,
+ l.longitude AS l_longitude,
+ l.updated AS l_updated,
+ s.slot_id AS t_id,
+ t.title AS t_title,
+ t.updated AS t_updated,
+ s.application_id AS a_id,
+ a.canceled AS a_canceled,
+ a.user_id AS au_id,
+ au.pseudonym AS au_pseudonym,
+ p.id AS p_id,
+ p.description AS p_description,
+ p.class AS p_class,
+ p.contact AS p_contact,
+ p.donate AS p_donate,
+ p.link AS p_link,
+ p.profile AS p_profile,
+ p.rate AS p_rate,
+ p.hat AS p_hat,
+ p.updated AS p_updated,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(sa.id ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sa_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(IFNULL(sa.score, 'NULL') ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sa_score,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(sa.created ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sa_created,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(sa.updated ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sa_updated,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(IFNULL(sa.canceled, 'NULL') ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sa_canceled,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(sa.user_id ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sau_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(sau.pseudonym ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sau_pseudonym
+FROM RapsysAirBundle:Session AS s
+JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Location AS l ON (l.id = s.location_id)
+JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Slot AS t ON (t.id = s.slot_id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS a ON (a.id = s.application_id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS au ON (au.id = a.user_id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Snippet AS p ON (p.location_id = s.location_id AND p.user_id = a.user_id AND p.locale = :locale)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS sa ON (sa.session_id = s.id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS sau ON (sau.id = sa.user_id)
+WHERE s.id = :sid
+GROUP BY s.id
+ //Replace bundle entity name by table name
+ $req = str_replace(array_keys($tables), array_values($tables), $req);
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ //XXX: DEBUG: see ../blog.orig/src/Rapsys/BlogBundle/Repository/ArticleRepository.php
+ $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+ //Declare all fields
+ //XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+ $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('date', 'date', 'date')
+ ->addScalarResult('begin', 'begin', 'time')
+ ->addScalarResult('start', 'start', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('length', 'length', 'time')
+ ->addScalarResult('stop', 'stop', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('rainfall', 'rainfall', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('rainrisk', 'rainrisk', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('realfeel', 'realfeel', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('realfeelmin', 'realfeelmin', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('realfeelmax', 'realfeelmax', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('temperature', 'temperature', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('temperaturemin', 'temperaturemin', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('temperaturemax', 'temperaturemax', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('locked', 'locked', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('created', 'created', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('updated', 'updated', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_id', 'l_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_short', 'l_short', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_title', 'l_title', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_address', 'l_address', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_zipcode', 'l_zipcode', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_city', 'l_city', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_latitude', 'l_latitude', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_longitude', 'l_longitude', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_updated', 'l_updated', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('t_id', 't_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('t_title', 't_title', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('t_updated', 't_updated', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('a_id', 'a_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('a_canceled', 'a_canceled', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('au_id', 'au_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('au_pseudonym', 'au_pseudonym', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_id', 'p_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_description', 'p_description', 'text')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_class', 'p_class', 'text')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_contact', 'p_contact', 'text')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_donate', 'p_donate', 'text')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_link', 'p_link', 'text')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_profile', 'p_profile', 'text')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_rate', 'p_rate', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_hat', 'p_hat', 'boolean')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_updated', 'p_updated', 'datetime')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sa_id', 'sa_id', 'string')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sa_score', 'sa_score', 'string')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sa_created', 'sa_created', 'string')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sa_updated', 'sa_updated', 'string')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sa_canceled', 'sa_canceled', 'string')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sau_id', 'sau_id', 'string')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sau_pseudonym', 'sau_pseudonym', 'string')
+ ->addIndexByScalar('id');
+ //Return result
+ return $em
+ ->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+ ->setParameter('sid', $id)
+ ->setParameter('locale', $locale)
+ ->getOneOrNullResult();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch sessions calendar with translated location by date period
+ *
+ * @param $translator The TranslatorInterface instance
+ * @param $period The date period
+ * @param $locationId The location id
+ * @param $sessionId The session id
+ * @param $granted The session is granted
+ */
+ public function fetchCalendarByDatePeriod(TranslatorInterface $translator, $period, $locationId = null, $sessionId = null, $granted = false, $locale = null) {
+ //Get entity manager
+ $em = $this->getEntityManager();
+ //Get quote strategy
+ $qs = $em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy();
+ $dp = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
+ //Get quoted table names
+ //XXX: this allow to make this code table name independent
+ $tables = [
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:GroupUser' => $qs->getJoinTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User')->getAssociationMapping('groups'), $em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Session' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Session'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Application' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Application'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Group' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Group'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Location' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Location'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Slot' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Slot'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:Snippet' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:Snippet'), $dp),
+ 'RapsysAirBundle:User' => $qs->getTableName($em->getClassMetadata('RapsysAirBundle:User'), $dp),
+ ':afterid' => 4,
+ "\t" => '',
+ "\n" => ' '
+ ];
+ //Init granted sql
+ $grantSql = '';
+ //When granted is set
+ if (empty($granted)) {
+ //Set application and user as optional
+ $grantSql = 'LEFT ';
+ }
+ //Init location sql
+ $locationSql = '';
+ //When location id is set
+ if (!empty($locationId)) {
+ //Add location id clause
+ $locationSql = "\n\t".'AND s.location_id = :lid';
+ }
+ //Set the request
+ $req = <<<SQL
+ s.id,
+ s.date,
+ s.rainrisk,
+ s.rainfall,
+ s.realfeel,
+ s.temperature,
+ s.locked,
+ ADDDATE(ADDTIME(s.date, s.begin), INTERVAL IF(s.slot_id = :afterid, 1, 0) DAY) AS start,
+ ADDDATE(ADDTIME(ADDTIME(s.date, s.begin), s.length), INTERVAL IF(s.slot_id = :afterid, 1, 0) DAY) AS stop,
+ s.location_id AS l_id,
+ l.short AS l_short,
+ l.title AS l_title,
+ s.slot_id AS t_id,
+ t.title AS t_title,
+ s.application_id AS a_id,
+ a.canceled AS a_canceled,
+ a.user_id AS au_id,
+ au.pseudonym AS au_pseudonym,
+ p.rate AS p_rate,
+ p.hat AS p_hat,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(sa.user_id ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sau_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(sau.pseudonym ORDER BY sa.user_id SEPARATOR "\\n") AS sau_pseudonym
+FROM RapsysAirBundle:Session AS s
+JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Location AS l ON (l.id = s.location_id)
+JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Slot AS t ON (t.id = s.slot_id)
+${grantSql}JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS a ON (a.id = s.application_id)
+${grantSql}JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS au ON (au.id = a.user_id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Application AS sa ON (sa.session_id = s.id)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:Snippet AS p ON (p.location_id = s.location_id AND p.user_id = a.user_id AND p.locale = :locale)
+LEFT JOIN RapsysAirBundle:User AS sau ON (sau.id = sa.user_id)
+WHERE s.date BETWEEN :begin AND :end${locationSql}
+GROUP BY s.id
+ //Replace bundle entity name by table name
+ $req = str_replace(array_keys($tables), array_values($tables), $req);
+ //Get result set mapping instance
+ //XXX: DEBUG: see ../blog.orig/src/Rapsys/BlogBundle/Repository/ArticleRepository.php
+ $rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
+ //Declare all fields
+ //XXX: see vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Types/Types.php
+ //addScalarResult($sqlColName, $resColName, $type = 'string');
+ $rsm->addScalarResult('id', 'id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('date', 'date', 'date')
+ ->addScalarResult('rainrisk', 'rainrisk', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('rainfall', 'rainfall', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('realfeel', 'realfeel', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('temperature', 'temperature', 'float')
+ ->addScalarResult('locked', 'locked', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('start', 'start', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('stop', 'stop', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('t_id', 't_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('t_title', 't_title', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_id', 'l_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_short', 'l_short', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('l_title', 'l_title', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('a_id', 'a_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('a_canceled', 'a_canceled', 'datetime')
+ ->addScalarResult('au_id', 'au_id', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('au_pseudonym', 'au_pseudonym', 'string')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_rate', 'p_rate', 'integer')
+ ->addScalarResult('p_hat', 'p_hat', 'boolean')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sau_id', 'sau_id', 'string')
+ //XXX: is a string because of \n separator
+ ->addScalarResult('sau_pseudonym', 'sau_pseudonym', 'string')
+ ->addIndexByScalar('id');
+ //Fetch result
+ $res = $em
+ ->createNativeQuery($req, $rsm)
+ ->setParameter('begin', $period->getStartDate())
+ ->setParameter('end', $period->getEndDate())
+ ->setParameter('locale', $locale);
+ //Add optional location id
+ if (!empty($locationId)) {
+ $res->setParameter('lid', $locationId);
+ }
+ //Get result
+ $res = $res->getResult();
+ //Init calendar
+ $calendar = [];
+ //Init month
+ $month = null;
+ //Iterate on each day
+ foreach($period as $date) {
+ //Init day in calendar
+ $calendar[$Ymd = $date->format('Ymd')] = [
+ 'title' => $translator->trans($date->format('l')).' '.$date->format('d'),
+ 'class' => [],
+ 'sessions' => []
+ ];
+ //Detect month change
+ if ($month != $date->format('m')) {
+ $month = $date->format('m');
+ //Append month for first day of month
+ //XXX: except if today to avoid double add
+ if ($date->format('U') != strtotime('today')) {
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['title'] .= '/'.$month;
+ }
+ }
+ //Deal with today
+ if ($date->format('U') == ($today = strtotime('today'))) {
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['title'] .= '/'.$month;
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['current'] = true;
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] = 'current';
+ }
+ //Disable passed days
+ if ($date->format('U') < $today) {
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['disabled'] = true;
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] = 'disabled';
+ }
+ //Set next month days
+ if ($date->format('m') > date('m')) {
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['next'] = true;
+ #$calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] = 'next';
+ }
+ //Detect sunday
+ if ($date->format('w') == 0) {
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['class'][] = 'sunday';
+ }
+ //Iterate on each session to find the one of the day
+ foreach($res as $session) {
+ if (($sessionYmd = $session['date']->format('Ymd')) == $Ymd) {
+ //Count number of application
+ $count = count(explode("\n", $session['sau_id']));
+ //Compute classes
+ $class = [];
+ if (!empty($session['a_id'])) {
+ $applications = [ $session['au_id'] => $session['au_pseudonym'] ];
+ if (!empty($session['a_canceled'])) {
+ $class[] = 'canceled';
+ } else {
+ $class[] = 'granted';
+ }
+ } elseif ($count > 1) {
+ $class[] = 'disputed';
+ } elseif (!empty($session['locked'])) {
+ $class[] = 'locked';
+ } else {
+ $class[] = 'pending';
+ }
+ if ($sessionId == $session['id']) {
+ $class[] = 'highlight';
+ }
+ //Set temperature
+ //XXX: realfeel may be null, temperature should not
+ $temperature = $session['realfeel'] !== null ? $session['realfeel'] : $session['temperature'];
+ //Compute weather
+ //XXX: rainfall may be null
+ if ($session['rainrisk'] > 0.50 || $session['rainfall'] > 2) {
+ $weather = self::GLYPHS['Stormy'];
+ } elseif ($session['rainrisk'] > 0.40 || $session['rainfall'] > 1) {
+ $weather = self::GLYPHS['Rainy'];
+ } elseif ($temperature > 24) {
+ $weather = self::GLYPHS['Cleary'];
+ } elseif ($temperature > 17) {
+ $weather = self::GLYPHS['Sunny'];
+ } elseif ($temperature > 10) {
+ $weather = self::GLYPHS['Cloudy'];
+ } elseif ($temperature !== null) {
+ $weather = self::GLYPHS['Winty'];
+ } else {
+ $weather = null;
+ }
+ //Init weathertitle
+ $weathertitle = [];
+ //Check if realfeel is available
+ if ($session['realfeel'] !== null) {
+ $weathertitle[] = $session['realfeel'].'Β°R';
+ }
+ //Check if temperature is available
+ if ($session['temperature'] !== null) {
+ $weathertitle[] = $session['temperature'].'Β°C';
+ }
+ //Check if rainrisk is available
+ if ($session['rainrisk'] !== null) {
+ $weathertitle[] = ($session['rainrisk']*100).'%';
+ }
+ //Check if rainfall is available
+ if ($session['rainfall'] !== null) {
+ $weathertitle[] = $session['rainfall'].'mm';
+ }
+ //Set applications
+ $applications = [
+ 0 => $translator->trans($session['t_title']).' '.$translator->trans('at '.$session['l_title']).$translator->trans(':')
+ ];
+ //Fetch pseudonyms from session applications
+ $applications += array_combine(explode("\n", $session['sau_id']), array_map(function ($v) {return '- '.$v;}, explode("\n", $session['sau_pseudonym'])));
+ //Set pseudonym
+ $pseudonym = null;
+ //Check that session is not granted
+ if (empty($session['a_id'])) {
+ //With location id and unique application
+ if ($count == 1) {
+ //Set unique application pseudonym
+ $pseudonym = $session['sau_pseudonym'];
+ }
+ //Session is granted
+ } else {
+ //Replace granted application
+ $applications[$session['au_id']] = '* '.$session['au_pseudonym'];
+ //Set pseudonym
+ $pseudonym = $session['au_pseudonym'].($count > 1 ? ' ['.$count.']':'');
+ }
+ //Add the session
+ $calendar[$Ymd]['sessions'][$session['t_id'].sprintf('%05d', $session['id'])] = [
+ 'id' => $session['id'],
+ 'start' => $session['start'],
+ 'stop' => $session['stop'],
+ 'location' => $translator->trans($session['l_short']),
+ 'pseudonym' => $pseudonym,
+ 'class' => $class,
+ 'slot' => self::GLYPHS[$session['t_title']],
+ 'slottitle' => $translator->trans($session['t_title']),
+ 'weather' => $weather,
+ 'weathertitle' => implode(' ', $weathertitle),
+ 'applications' => $applications,
+ 'rate' => $session['p_rate'],
+ 'hat' => $session['p_hat']
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ //Sort sessions
+ ksort($calendar[$Ymd]['sessions']);
+ }