- 'site' => [
- 'donate' => 'https://paypal.me/milongaraphael',
- 'icon' => [
- 'ico' => '@RapsysAir/ico/icon.ico',
- 'svg' => '@RapsysAir/svg/icon.svg'
- ],
- 'logo' => [
- 'png' => '@RapsysAir/png/logo.png',
- 'svg' => '@RapsysAir/svg/logo.svg'
- ],
- //The png icon array
- //XXX: see https://www.emergeinteractive.com/insights/detail/the-essentials-of-favicons/
- //XXX: see https://caniuse.com/#feat=link-icon-svg
- 'png' => [
- //Default
- 256 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.256.png',
- //For google
- //Chrome for Android home screen icon
- 196 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.196.png',
- //Google Developer Web App Manifest Recommendation
- 192 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.192.png',
- //Chrome Web Store icon
- 128 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.128.png',
- //Fallback
- 32 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.32.png',
- //For apple
- //XXX: old obsolete format: [57, 72, 76, 114, 120, 144]
- //XXX: see https://webhint.io/docs/user-guide/hints/hint-apple-touch-icons/
- //XXX: see https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/ConfiguringWebApplications/ConfiguringWebApplications.html
- //iPhone Retina
- 180 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.180.png',
- //iPad Retina touch icon
- 167 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.167.png',
- //iPad touch icon
- 152 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.152.png',
- //iOS7
- 120 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.120.png',
- //For windows
- //XXX: see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/dn255024(v=vs.85)
- 310 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.310.png',
- 150 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.150.png',
- 70 => '@RapsysAir/png/icon.70.png'
- ],
- 'title' => 'Libre Air',
- 'url' => 'rapsys_air'
- ],
- 'calendar' => [
- 'calendar' => '%env(string:RAPSYSAIR_CALENDAR)',
- 'prefix' => '%env(string:RAPSYSAIR_PREFIX)',
- 'project' => '%env(string:RAPSYSAIR_PROJECT)',
- 'client' => '%env(string:GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)',
- 'secret' => '%env(string:GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET)'
- ],
- 'copy' => [
- 'by' => 'Rapsys',
- 'link' => 'https://rapsys.eu',
- 'long' => 'All rights reserved',
- 'short' => 'Copyright 2019-2021',
- 'title' => 'Rapsys'
- ],
- 'contact' => [
- 'title' => 'Libre Air',
- 'mail' => 'contact@airlibre.eu'
- ],
- 'facebook' => [
- 'apps' => [3728770287223690],
- 'height' => 630,
- 'width' => 1200
- ],
- 'locale' => '%kernel.default_locale%',
- 'locales' => '%kernel.translator.fallbacks%',
- //XXX: revert to underscore because of that shit:
- //XXX: see https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/config/definition.html#normalization
- //XXX: see https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/7405
- 'languages' => '%rapsys_user.languages%',
- 'path' => is_link(($prefix = is_dir('public') ? './public/' : './').($link = 'bundles/'.str_replace('_', '', $alias))) && is_dir(realpath($prefix.$link)) || is_dir($prefix.$link) ? $link : dirname(__DIR__).'/Resources/public'
- #'public' => [
- # //XXX: get path with bundles/<alias> or full path if not installed
- # //XXX: current working directory may be project dir or public subdir depending on context
- # 'path' => is_link(($prefix = is_dir('public') ? './public/' : './').($link = 'bundles/'.str_replace('_', '', $alias))) && is_dir(realpath($prefix.$link)) || is_dir($prefix.$link) ? $link : dirname(__DIR__).'/Resources/public',
- # 'url' => '/bundles/'.str_replace('_', '', $alias)
- #]