Switch to tableless
[airbundle] / Resources / views /
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzSwitch to tableless
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzSwitch to tableless
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzSwitch to tableless
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzInherit message before notice class
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzInherit message before notice class
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzInherit message before notice class
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzAdd recover class on recover block
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzInherit message before notice class
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzFix error to inherit message class
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzSwitch to tableless
2020-11-29 Raphaël GertzRename flash class in message
2020-10-19 Raphaël GertzRemove locations index
2020-10-19 Raphaël GertzRemove useless rapsys_air_location_view link
2020-10-19 Raphaël GertzAdd granted session display
2020-10-19 Raphaël GertzFix typo in sizes and rel
2020-10-19 Raphaël GertzAdd lang handling
2020-10-19 Raphaël GertzAdd location.view, session.index and user.view twig...
2020-10-14 Raphaël GertzFix title
2020-10-14 Raphaël GertzAdd session view template
2020-10-14 Raphaël GertzAdd common toolbox
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd error controller
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd recover and login form fragments
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzFix root route name
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd recover form directly on login page when it failed
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd recover form directly on login page when it failed
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzAdd form global errors in a header block
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzFix default route
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzRename policy in regulation
2019-12-11 Raphaël GertzRename policy in regulation
2019-11-27 Raphaël GertzSet the policy text
2019-11-27 Raphaël GertzSwitch to droidsans font
2019-11-27 Raphaël GertzAdd new location controller
2019-11-27 Raphaël GertzSwitch to new base body template
2019-11-27 Raphaël GertzRemove useless translation
2019-11-26 Raphaël GertzMakes base template clean
2019-11-26 Raphaël GertzRename page template to default
2019-11-26 Raphaël GertzRemove base template use the common one
2019-11-14 Raphaël GertzAdd security denied template
2019-11-14 Raphaël GertzAdd phone field
2019-11-14 Raphaël GertzAdd mail base template
2019-10-25 Raphaël GertzInitial import