]> Raphaƫl G. Git Repositories - blog/blob - config/packages/doctrine.yaml
Force version doctrine orm to version 2.x
[blog] / config / packages / doctrine.yaml
1 doctrine:
2 dbal:
3 url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
5 # IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version,
6 # either here or in the DATABASE_URL env var (see .env file)
7 #server_version: '16'
9 profiling_collect_backtrace: '%kernel.debug%'
10 orm:
11 auto_generate_proxy_classes: true
12 enable_lazy_ghost_objects: true
13 report_fields_where_declared: true
14 validate_xml_mapping: true
15 naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware
16 auto_mapping: true
18 when@test:
19 doctrine:
20 dbal:
21 # "TEST_TOKEN" is typically set by ParaTest
22 dbname_suffix: '_test%env(default::TEST_TOKEN)%'
24 when@prod:
25 doctrine:
26 orm:
27 auto_generate_proxy_classes: false
28 proxy_dir: '%kernel.build_dir%/doctrine/orm/Proxies'
29 query_cache_driver:
30 type: pool
31 pool: doctrine.system_cache_pool
32 result_cache_driver:
33 type: pool
34 pool: doctrine.result_cache_pool
36 framework:
37 cache:
38 pools:
39 doctrine.result_cache_pool:
40 adapter: cache.app
41 doctrine.system_cache_pool:
42 adapter: cache.system