+#! /bin/sh -e
+# Clear config
+cat /dev/null > root.conf
+# Append every config parameters
+for i in `cat config/*.conf | perl -pne 'undef $_ if /^#/; s/=.*$//'`; do
+ echo "$i='$(eval echo \$$i)'" | tee -a root.conf
+# Virtualbox doc
+cat << EOF > root/virtualbox
+# VirtualBox disk creation commands
+VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename '$VBHDDIR/sda.vmdk' -rawdisk '${PWD}/${SDA}'
+VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename '$VBHDDIR/sdb.vmdk' -rawdisk '${PWD}/${SDB}'
+Fix ownership of '${PWD}/${SDA}', '${PWD}/${SDB}', '${VBHDDIR}/sda.vmdk' and '${VBHDDIR}/sdb.vmdk' if you to use these as user
+# VirtualBox configuration
+Go in file/preferences.../network/host-only networks" >> root.virtualbox
+Add a new host-only networkd IPv4=${NETGATEWAY4}/IPv4 Mask=${NETGATEWAY6}/IPv6 Mask=64/DHCP Server=disabled" >> root.virtualbox
+# Virtual Machine Configuration
+Create a new virtual machine : Type=Linux/Version=Mageia(${ARCH})/Do not add a virtual hard disk
+Open the settings of the virtual machine
+Section Storage
+In controller SATA click on add hard disk, select choose existing disk, sda.vmdk, same with sdb.vmdk
+Section Network
+Change 'Attached to' to 'Host-only adapter'
+Under advanced change MAC Address to ${NETMAC}
+# Dhcpd.conf
+cat << EOF > root/dhcpd.conf
+# No ddns update
+ddns-update-style none;
+# Set domain name
+option domain-name "${NETHOSTNAME#*.}";
+# Set server name
+option domain-name-servers ${NETDNS/ /, };
+# Set least timings
+default-lease-time 600;
+max-lease-time 1050;
+# ${NETADDRESS4%.*}.0/${NETADDRESS4#*/} subnet
+subnet ${NETADDRESS4%.*}.0 netmask {
+ # default gateway
+ option routers ${NETGATEWAY4};
+host virtualbox {
+ hardware ethernet ${NETMAC};
+ fixed-address ${NETADDRESS4%/*};
+# Dhcpd6.conf
+cat << EOF > root/dhcpd6.conf
+# No ddns update
+ddns-update-style none;
+# Set least timings
+default-lease-time 600;
+max-lease-time 7200;
+# Enable RFC 5007 support (same than for DHCPv4)
+allow leasequery;
+# vboxnet0 shared network
+shared-network vboxnet0 {
+ # Set domain name
+ option domain-name "${NETHOSTNAME#*.}";
+ # Set server name
+# option dhcp6.name-servers ${NETGATEWAY6};
+ # private ${NETADDRESS6%::*}::/${NETADDRESS6#*/} subnet
+ subnet6 ${NETADDRESS6%::*}::/${NETADDRESS6#*/} {
+ # Default range
+ range6 ${NETADDRESS6%::*}::2 ${NETADDRESS6%::*}::ffff:ffff;
+ }
+ # shared fe80::/64 subnet
+ subnet6 fe80::/64 {
+ }
+host virtualbox {
+ # Client DUID
+ #XXX: only work for ipv4 : hardware ethernet ${NETMAC};
+ #XXX: see journalctl -u dhcpd6.service to get virtualbox machine DUID
+ host-identifier option dhcp6.client-id 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00;
+ # Set address
+ fixed-address6 ${NETADDRESS6%/*};
+# Radvd.conf
+cat << EOF > root/radvd.conf
+# Radvd configuration
+interface vboxnet0
+ # Announce at regular interval
+ AdvSendAdvert on;
+ # Start service even if vboxnet0 is missing
+ IgnoreIfMissing on;
+ # Force the configuration of client through dhcpv6
+ AdvManagedFlag on;
+ AdvOtherConfigFlag on;
+ prefix ${NETADDRESS6%::*}::/${NETADDRESS6#*/} {
+ # Announce that all address prefix are on-link
+ AdvOnLink on;
+ # Announce that the prefix can be used for autonomous address configuration
+ #XXX: off require a dhcpd6 configuration
+ AdvAutonomous off;
+ # Announce that the interface address is sent instead of network prefix
+ AdvRouterAddr off;
+ };
+ prefix ${NETGATEWAY6}/128 {
+ AdvOnLink on;
+ AdvAutonomous off;
+ AdvRouterAddr on;
+ };