* Construct slugger util
- * TODO: use a recipe to generate in .env.local an env variable RAPSYSPACK_SECRET="ayl[...]z9w"
+ * Run "bin/console rapsyspack:range" to generate RAPSYSPACK_RANGE="ayl[...]z9w" range in .env.local
- * @todo Add a command to generate alpha array or generate it on first run with cache storage ?
- * @todo Use Cache like in calendar controller through FilesystemAdapter
+ * @todo Use Cache like in calendar controller through FilesystemAdapter ?
* @param string $secret The secret string
public function __construct(protected string $secret) {
+ //Without range
+ if (empty($range = $_ENV['RAPSYSPACK_RANGE']) || $range === 'Ch4ng3m3!') {
+ //Protect member variable setup
+ return;
+ }
- * Pseudo-random alphabet
- * @xxx use array flip and keys to workaround php "smart" that cast range('0', '9') as int instead of string
- * @xxx The key count mismatch, count(alpha)>count(rev), resulted in a data corruption due to duplicate numeric values
- * @todosee required range by json_encode result and short input (0->255 ???)
+ * Get pseuto-random alphabet by splitting range string
+ * TODO: see required range by json_encode result and short input (0->255 ???)
+ * XXX: The key count mismatch, count(alpha)>count(rev), resulted in a data corruption due to duplicate numeric values
- $this->alpha = array_keys(array_flip(array_merge(
- range('^', '[', -1),
- range('V', 'Z'),
- range('9', '7', -1),
- range('L', 'O'),
- range('f', 'a', -1),
- range('_', '`'),
- range('3', '0', -1),
- range('E', 'H'),
- range('v', 'r', -1),
- range('+', '/'),
- range('K', 'I', -1),
- range('g', 'j'),
- range('=', ':', -1),
- range('>', '@'),
- range('m', 'k', -1),
- range('4', '6'),
- range('*', '%', -1),
- range('n', 'q'),
- range('U', 'P', -1),
- range(' ', '$'),
- range('D', 'A', -1),
- range('w', 'z'),
- range('~', '!', -1)
- )));
+ $this->alpha = str_split($range);
//Init rev array
$this->count = count($rev = $this->rev = array_flip($this->alpha));
$split = str_split($this->secret);
//Set offset
+ //TODO: protect undefined index ?
$this->offset = array_reduce($split, function ($res, $a) use ($rev) { return $res += $rev[$a]; }, count($split)) % $this->count;
//Send result
- return str_replace(['+','/'], ['-','_'], base64_encode($ret));
+ return str_replace(['+','/','='], ['-','_',''], base64_encode($ret));