use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Registry;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
+use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\UniqueConstraintViolationException;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Mime\TemplatedEmail;
-use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
-use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormError;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Address;
-use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException;
-use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
-use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
-use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\UserPasswordEncoderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\AuthenticationUtils;
-use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface;
use Rapsys\PackBundle\Util\SluggerUtil;
-use Rapsys\UserBundle\RapsysUserBundle;
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
class DefaultController extends AbstractController {
- //Config array
- protected $config;
- //Translator instance
- protected $translator;
- /**
- * Constructor
- *
- * @TODO: move all canonical and other view related stuff in an user AbstractController like in RapsysAir render feature !!!!
- *
- * @param ContainerInterface $container The containter instance
- * @param RouterInterface $router The router instance
- * @param TranslatorInterface $translator The translator instance
- */
- public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, RouterInterface $router, TranslatorInterface $translator) {
- //Retrieve config
- $this->config = $container->getParameter(self::getAlias());
- //Set the translator
- $this->translator = $translator;
- //Get request stack
- $stack = $container->get('request_stack');
- //Get current request
- $request = $stack->getCurrentRequest();
- //Get current locale
- $currentLocale = $request->getLocale();
- //Set locale
- $this->config['context']['locale'] = str_replace('_', '-', $currentLocale);
- //Set translate array
- $translates = [];
- //Look for keys to translate
- if (!empty($this->config['translate'])) {
- //Iterate on keys to translate
- foreach($this->config['translate'] as $translate) {
- //Set tmp
- $tmp = null;
- //Iterate on keys
- foreach(array_reverse(explode('.', $translate)) as $curkey) {
- $tmp = array_combine([$curkey], [$tmp]);
- }
- //Append tree
- $translates = array_replace_recursive($translates, $tmp);
- }
- }
- //Inject every requested route in view and mail context
- foreach($this->config as $tag => $current) {
- //Look for entry with title subkey
- if (!empty($current['title'])) {
- //Translate title value
- $this->config[$tag]['title'] = $translator->trans($current['title']);
- }
- //Look for entry with route subkey
- if (!empty($current['route'])) {
- //Generate url for both view and mail
- foreach(['view', 'mail'] as $view) {
- //Check that context key is usable
- if (isset($current[$view]['context']) && is_array($current[$view]['context'])) {
- //Merge with global context
- $this->config[$tag][$view]['context'] = array_replace_recursive($this->config['context'], $this->config[$tag][$view]['context']);
- //Process every routes
- foreach($current['route'] as $route => $key) {
- //With confirm route
- if ($route == 'confirm') {
- //Skip route as it requires some parameters
- continue;
- }
- //Set value
- $value = $router->generate(
- $this->config['route'][$route]['name'],
- $this->config['route'][$route]['context'],
- //Generate absolute url for mails
- $view=='mail'?UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL:UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH
- );
- //Multi level key
- if (strpos($key, '.') !== false) {
- //Set tmp
- $tmp = $value;
- //Iterate on key
- foreach(array_reverse(explode('.', $key)) as $curkey) {
- $tmp = array_combine([$curkey], [$tmp]);
- }
- //Set value
- $this->config[$tag][$view]['context'] = array_replace_recursive($this->config[$tag][$view]['context'], $tmp);
- //Single level key
- } else {
- //Set value
- $this->config[$tag][$view]['context'][$key] = $value;
- }
- }
- //Look for successful intersections
- if (!empty(array_intersect_key($translates, $this->config[$tag][$view]['context']))) {
- //Iterate on keys to translate
- foreach($this->config['translate'] as $translate) {
- //Set keys
- $keys = explode('.', $translate);
- //Set tmp
- $tmp = $this->config[$tag][$view]['context'];
- //Iterate on keys
- foreach($keys as $curkey) {
- //Without child key
- if (!isset($tmp[$curkey])) {
- //Skip to next key
- continue(2);
- }
- //Get child key
- $tmp = $tmp[$curkey];
- }
- //Translate tmp value
- $tmp = $translator->trans($tmp);
- //Iterate on keys
- foreach(array_reverse($keys) as $curkey) {
- //Set parent key
- $tmp = array_combine([$curkey], [$tmp]);
- }
- //Set value
- $this->config[$tag][$view]['context'] = array_replace_recursive($this->config[$tag][$view]['context'], $tmp);
- }
- }
- //With view context
- if ($view == 'view') {
- //Get context path
- $pathInfo = $router->getContext()->getPathInfo();
- //Iterate on locales excluding current one
- foreach($this->config['locales'] as $locale) {
- //Set titles
- $titles = [];
- //Iterate on other locales
- foreach(array_diff($this->config['locales'], [$locale]) as $other) {
- $titles[$other] = $translator->trans($this->config['languages'][$locale], [], null, $other);
- }
- //Retrieve route matching path
- $route = $router->match($pathInfo);
- //Get route name
- $name = $route['_route'];
- //Unset route name
- unset($route['_route']);
- //With current locale
- if ($locale == $currentLocale) {
- //Set locale locales context
- $this->config[$tag][$view]['context']['canonical'] = $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
- } else {
- //Set locale locales context
- $this->config[$tag][$view]['context']['alternates'][$locale] = [
- 'absolute' => $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
- 'relative' => $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route),
- 'title' => implode('/', $titles),
- 'translated' => $translator->trans($this->config['languages'][$locale], [], null, $locale)
- ];
- }
- //Add shorter locale
- if (empty($this->config[$tag][$view]['context']['alternates'][$slocale = substr($locale, 0, 2)])) {
- //Add shorter locale
- $this->config[$tag][$view]['context']['alternates'][$slocale] = [
- 'absolute' => $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),
- 'relative' => $router->generate($name, ['_locale' => $locale]+$route),
- 'title' => implode('/', $titles),
- 'translated' => $translator->trans($this->config['languages'][$locale], [], null, $locale)
- ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
* Confirm account from mail link
//Set active
- //Set updated
- $user->setUpdated(new \DateTime('now'));
//Persist user
throw $this->createAccessDeniedException($this->translator->trans('Unable to access user: %mail%', ['%mail%' => $smail]));
- //Create the RegisterType form and give the proper parameters
- $editForm = $this->createForm($this->config['register']['view']['form'], $user, [
- //Set action to register route name and context
- 'action' => $this->generateUrl($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail, 'hash' => $slugger->hash($smail)]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']),
- //Set civility class
- 'civility_class' => $this->config['class']['civility'],
- //Set civility default
- 'civility_default' => $doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['civility'])->findOneByTitle($this->config['default']['civility']),
- //Disable mail
- 'mail' => $this->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN'),
- //Disable password
- 'password' => false,
- //Set method
- 'method' => 'POST'
- ]);
//Create the RegisterType form and give the proper parameters
$edit = $this->createForm($this->config['edit']['view']['edit'], $user, [
//Set action to register route name and context
'password' => false,
//Set method
'method' => 'POST'
- ]);
+ ]+$this->config['edit']['field']);
//With admin role
if ($this->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
//Set password
$data->setPassword($encoder->encodePassword($data, $data->getPassword()));
- //Set updated
- $data->setUpdated(new \DateTime('now'));
//Queue snippet save
$this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% password updated', ['%mail%' => $mail = $data->getMail()]));
//Redirect to cleanup the form
- //TODO: extract referer ??? or useless ???
return $this->redirectToRoute($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail = $slugger->short($mail), 'hash' => $slugger->hash($smail)]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']);
//Set data
$data = $edit->getData();
- //Set updated
- $data->setUpdated(new \DateTime('now'));
//Queue snippet save
- //Flush to get the ids
- $manager->flush();
+ //Try saving in database
+ try {
+ //Flush to get the ids
+ $manager->flush();
- //Add notice
- $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% updated', ['%mail%' => $mail = $data->getMail()]));
+ //Add notice
+ $this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% updated', ['%mail%' => $mail = $data->getMail()]));
- //Redirect to cleanup the form
- //TODO: extract referer ??? or useless ???
- return $this->redirectToRoute($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail = $slugger->short($mail), 'hash' => $slugger->hash($smail)]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']);
+ //Redirect to cleanup the form
+ return $this->redirectToRoute($this->config['route']['edit']['name'], ['mail' => $smail = $slugger->short($mail), 'hash' => $slugger->hash($smail)]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']);
+ //Catch double slug or mail
+ } catch (UniqueConstraintViolationException $e) {
+ //Add error message mail already exists
+ $this->addFlash('error', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% or with slug %slug% already exists', ['%mail%' => $data->getMail(), '%slug%' => $slug]));
+ }
$context['recover'] = $recover->createView();
} else {
//Add notice
- //TODO: drop it if referer route is recover ?
$this->addFlash('notice', $this->translator->trans('To change your password login with your mail and any password then follow the procedure'));
//Set user password
- //Set updated
- $user->setUpdated(new \DateTime('now'));
//Persist user
* @return Response The response
public function register(Request $request, Registry $doctrine, UserPasswordEncoderInterface $encoder, EntityManagerInterface $manager, SluggerUtil $slugger, MailerInterface $mailer, LoggerInterface $logger, $mail, $field, $hash): Response {
- //Init reflection
- $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->config['class']['user']);
- //Create new user
- $user = $reflection->newInstance();
+ //With mail
+ if (!empty($_POST['register']['mail'])) {
+ //Log new user infos
+ $logger->emergency(
+ $this->translator->trans(
+ 'register: mail=%mail% locale=%locale% confirm=%confirm%',
+ [
+ '%mail%' => $postMail = $_POST['register']['mail'],
+ '%locale%' => $request->getLocale(),
+ '%confirm%' => $this->get('router')->generate(
+ $this->config['route']['confirm']['name'],
+ //Prepend subscribe context with tag
+ [
+ 'mail' => $postSmail = $slugger->short($postMail),
+ 'hash' => $slugger->hash($postSmail)
+ ]+$this->config['route']['confirm']['context'],
+ UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ );
+ }
//With mail and field
if (!empty($field) && !empty($hash)) {
throw new BadRequestHttpException($this->translator->trans('Invalid %field% field: %value%', ['%field%' => 'mail', '%value%' => $smail]));
- //Set mail
- $user->setMail($mail);
+ //With existing registrant
+ if ($existing = $doctrine->getRepository($this->config['class']['user'])->findOneByMail($mail)) {
+ //With disabled existing
+ if ($existing->isDisabled()) {
+ //Render view
+ $response = $this->render(
+ //Template
+ $this->config['register']['view']['name'],
+ //Context
+ ['title' => $this->translator->trans('Access denied'), 'disabled' => 1]+$this->config['register']['view']['context']
+ );
+ //Set 403
+ $response->setStatusCode(403);
+ //Return response
+ return $response;
+ //With unactivated existing
+ } elseif (!$existing->isActivated()) {
+ //Set mail shortcut
+ $activateMail =& $this->config['register']['mail'];
+ //Generate each route route
+ foreach($this->config['register']['route'] as $route => $tag) {
+ //Only process defined routes
+ if (!empty($this->config['route'][$route])) {
+ //Process for confirm url
+ if ($route == 'confirm') {
+ //Set the url in context
+ $activateMail['context'][$tag] = $this->get('router')->generate(
+ $this->config['route'][$route]['name'],
+ //Prepend subscribe context with tag
+ [
+ 'mail' => $smail = $slugger->short($existing->getMail()),
+ 'hash' => $slugger->hash($smail)
+ ]+$this->config['route'][$route]['context'],
+ UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Set recipient_name
+ $activateMail['context']['recipient_mail'] = $existing->getMail();
+ //Set recipient name
+ $activateMail['context']['recipient_name'] = implode(' ', [$existing->getForename(), $existing->getSurname(), $existing->getPseudonym()?'('.$existing->getPseudonym().')':'']);
+ //Init subject context
+ $subjectContext = $slugger->flatten(array_replace_recursive($this->config['register']['view']['context'], $activateMail['context']), null, '.', '%', '%');
+ //Translate subject
+ $activateMail['subject'] = ucfirst($this->translator->trans($activateMail['subject'], $subjectContext));
+ //Create message
+ $message = (new TemplatedEmail())
+ //Set sender
+ ->from(new Address($this->config['contact']['mail'], $this->config['contact']['title']))
+ //Set recipient
+ //XXX: remove the debug set in vendor/symfony/mime/Address.php +46
+ ->to(new Address($activateMail['context']['recipient_mail'], $activateMail['context']['recipient_name']))
+ //Set subject
+ ->subject($activateMail['subject'])
+ //Set path to twig templates
+ ->htmlTemplate($activateMail['html'])
+ ->textTemplate($activateMail['text'])
+ //Set context
+ ->context(['subject' => $activateMail['subject']]+$activateMail['context']);
+ //Try sending message
+ //XXX: mail delivery may silently fail
+ try {
+ //Send message
+ $mailer->send($message);
+ //Catch obvious transport exception
+ } catch(TransportExceptionInterface $e) {
+ //Add error message mail unreachable
+ $this->addFlash('error', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% tried activate but unable to contact', ['%mail%' => $existing->getMail()]));
+ }
+ //Get route params
+ $routeParams = $request->get('_route_params');
+ //Remove mail, field and hash from route params
+ unset($routeParams['mail'], $routeParams['field'], $routeParams['hash']);
+ //Redirect on the same route with sent=1 to cleanup form
+ return $this->redirectToRoute($request->get('_route'), ['sent' => 1]+$routeParams);
+ }
+ //Add error message mail already exists
+ $this->addFlash('warning', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% already exists', ['%mail%' => $existing->getMail()]));
+ //Redirect to user view
+ return $this->redirectToRoute(
+ $this->config['route']['edit']['name'],
+ [
+ 'mail' => $smail = $slugger->short($existing->getMail()),
+ 'hash' => $slugger->hash($smail)
+ ]+$this->config['route']['edit']['context']
+ );
+ }
//Without mail
} else {
//Set smail
$smail = $mail;
//Set smail
- $sfield = $sfield;
+ $sfield = $field;
//Reset field
$field = [];
+ //Init reflection
+ $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->config['class']['user']);
+ //Create new user
+ $user = $reflection->newInstance(strval($mail));
//Create the RegisterType form and give the proper parameters
$form = $this->createForm($this->config['register']['view']['form'], $user, $field+[
//Set action to register route name and context
'mail' => true,
//Set method
'method' => 'POST'
- ]);
+ ]+$this->config['register']['field']);
if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
//Refill the fields in case the form is not valid.
//Set mail shortcut
$registerMail =& $this->config['register']['mail'];
- //Extract names and pseudonym from mail
- $names = explode(' ', $pseudonym = ucwords(trim(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]+/', ' ', current(explode('@', $data->getMail()))))));
- //Set pseudonym
- $user->setPseudonym($user->getPseudonym()??$pseudonym);
- //Set forename
- $user->setForename($user->getForename()??$names[0]);
- //Set surname
- $user->setSurname($user->getSurname()??$names[1]??$names[0]);
//Set password
$user->setPassword($encoder->encodePassword($user, $user->getPassword()??$data->getMail()));
//XXX: DEBUG: remove me
- //Log new user infos
- //XXX: useless ???
- $logger->emergency(
- $this->translator->trans(
- 'newuser:mail=%mail%|locale=%locale%|confirm=%confirm%',
- [
- '%mail%' => $data->getMail(),
- '%locale%' => $request->getLocale(),
- '%confirm%' => $registerMail['context'][$this->config['register']['route']['confirm']]
- ]
- )
- );
//Set recipient_name
$registerMail['context']['recipient_mail'] = $data->getMail();
$form->get('mail')->addError(new FormError($this->translator->trans('Account %mail% tried subscribe but unable to contact', ['%mail%' => $data->getMail()])));
//Catch double subscription
- } catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\UniqueConstraintViolationException $e) {
+ } catch (UniqueConstraintViolationException $e) {
//Add error message mail already exists
$this->addFlash('error', $this->translator->trans('Account %mail% already exists', ['%mail%' => $mail]));
['form' => $form->createView(), 'sent' => $request->query->get('sent', 0)]+$this->config['register']['view']['context']
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- public function getAlias(): string {
- return RapsysUserBundle::getAlias();
- }