+ //Get the unique roles list by id
+ return array_unique(array_reduce(
+ //Cast groups as array
+ $this->groups->toArray(),
+ //Reduce to an array of id => group tuples
+ function ($array, $group) {
+ $array[$group->getId()] = $group->getRole();
+ return $array;
+ },
+ //Init with ROLE_USER
+ //XXX: we assume that ROLE_USER has id 1 in database
+ [ 1 => 'ROLE_USER' ]
+ ));
+ }
+ public function getRole() {
+ //Retrieve roles
+ $roles = $this->getRoles();
+ //Return the role with max id
+ //XXX: should be rewriten if it change in your configuration
+ return $roles[array_reduce(
+ array_keys($roles),
+ function($cur, $id) {
+ if ($id > $cur) {
+ return $id;
+ }
+ return $cur;
+ },
+ 0
+ )];